+++ description = "How to extend image effects" options = ["imageEffects"] title = "Image Effects" weight = 3 +++ This page shows you, how to configure custom [image effects](content/markdown#image-effects) on top of existing ones. For a detailed usage example, see [this page](content/imageeffects). If you don't configure anything in your `hugo.toml`, the image effects default to {{< multiconfig >}} [imageEffects] border = false lazy = true lightbox = true shadow = false {{< /multiconfig >}} {{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} You can change these settings in your `hugo.toml` {{< multiconfig file=hugo >}} [params] [params.imageEffects] border = true lazy = false {{< /multiconfig >}} This would result in {{< multiconfig >}} [imageEffects] border = true lazy = false lightbox = true shadow = false {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Adding Custom Effects You can add new effects with boolean values {{< multiconfig file=hugo >}} [params] [params.imageEffects] bg-white = true {{< /multiconfig >}} Result: {{< multiconfig >}} [imageEffects] bg-white = true border = true lazy = false lightbox = true shadow = false {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Styling Custom Effects If the effective image effect value is - `true`: add a class with the effect's name - `false`: add a class with the effect's name and a "no" prefix ### Example ````markdown {title="Markdown"} ![Minion](https://octodex.github.com/images/minion.png) ```` ### Result ````html {title="HTML"} Minion ```` Styles for default image effets are contained in the theme. Add custom styles for your extension image effects to `layouts/partials/content-header.html`. In the above example you could add styles for both cases: ````html {title="layouts/partials/content-header.html"} ````