Basics on Documentation for Hugo Relearn Theme content in Basics on Documentation for Hugo Relearn ThemeHugo -- gohugo.ioenWhat's new, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 document shows you what’s new in the latest release. For a detailed list of changes, see the history page. Breaking: A change that requires action by you after upgrading to assure the site is still functional. Change: A change in default behavior. This may requires action by you / may or may not be revertable by configuration. New: Marks new behavior you might find interesting or comes configurable. 2.Requirements, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 to the simplicity of Hugo, this page is as empty as this theme needs requirements. Just download latest version of Hugo binary for your OS (Windows, Linux, Mac) : it’s that simple.Installation, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you learn more about it by following this great documentation for beginners. Create your project Hugo provides a new command to create a new website. hugo new site <new_project> Install the theme Install the Relearn theme by following this documentation This theme’s repository is: Alternatively, you can download the theme as .Configuration, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 site parameters On top of Hugo global configuration, the Relearn theme lets you define the following parameters in your config.toml (here, values are default). Note that some of these parameters are explained in details in other sections of this documentation. [params] # This controls whether submenus will be expanded (true), or collapsed (false) in the # menu; if no setting is given, the first menu level is set to false, all others to true; # this can be overridden in the pages frontmatter alwaysopen = true # Prefix URL to edit current page.Customization, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 Relearn theme has been built to be as configurable as possible by defining multiple partials In themes/hugo-theme-relearn/layouts/partials/, you will find all the partials defined for this theme. If you need to overwrite something, don’t change the code directly. Instead follow this page. You’d create a new partial in the layouts/partials folder of your local project. This partial will have the priority. This theme defines the following partials : content: the content page itself.History, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 2.8.1 (2021-11-04) Fixes [bug] search: don’t break JS in multilang setup if search is disabled #140 2.8.0 (2021-11-03) Enhancements [feature] toc: make disableTOC globally available via config.toml #133 [feature] mermaid: only load javascript if necessary #95 [feature] theme: switch font #83 [feature] theme: make favicon configurable #2 Fixes [bug] mermaid: assert that window.mermaid is actually mermaid #136 [bug] menu: remove usage of Hugos UniqueID #131 [bug] theme: reduce margin for children shortcode #130 [bug] theme: left-align h3 in chapters #129 [bug] theme: align copy link to clipboard #128 2.