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} }, /** * If the click event's target was an anchor, fix the scroll position. */ delegateAnchors: function (e) { var elem = e.target; if (this.scrollIfAnchor(elem.getAttribute('href'), true)) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; $(document).ready($.proxy(anchorScrolls, 'init')); })(window.document, window.history, window.location); }); jQuery(window).on('load', function() { function adjustForScrollbar() { if ((parseInt(jQuery('#body-inner').height()) + 83) >= jQuery('#body').height()) { jQuery('.nav.nav-next').css({ 'margin-right': getScrollBarWidth() }); } else { jQuery('.nav.nav-next').css({ 'margin-right': 0 }); } } // adjust sidebar for scrollbar adjustForScrollbar(); jQuery(window).smartresize(function() { adjustForScrollbar(); }); // store this page in session sessionStorage.setItem(jQuery('body').data('url'), 1); // loop through the sessionStorage and see if something should be marked as visited for (var url in sessionStorage) { if (sessionStorage.getItem(url) == 1) jQuery('[data-nav-id="' + url + '"]').addClass('visited'); 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