
Ye can use a tab shortcode t' display a single tab.

This be especially useful if ye want t' flag yer code example wit' an explicit language.

If ye want multiple tabs grouped together ye can wrap yer tabs into th' tabs shortcode.

printf("Hello World!");


While th' examples be us'n shorrrtcodes wit' named parameter ye be free t' also call this shortcode from yer own partials.

{{% tab name="c" %}}
printf("Hello World!");
{{% /tab %}}
{{ partial "shortcodes/tab.html" (dict
  "context" .
  "name" "c"
  "content" ("```c\nprintf(\"Hello World!\")\n```" | markdownify)


Name Default Notes
name <empty> Arbitrary text fer th' name o' th' tab.
<content> <empty> Arbitrary text t' be displayed 'n th' tab.


Code wit' collapsed margins

printf("Hello World!");

Mixed rrrambl'n

A tab can not only contain code but arbitrary text. In this case text an' code will get a margin.

printf("Hello World!");