window.relearn = window.relearn || {}; window.relearn.runInitialSearch = function(){ if( window.relearn.isSearchInit && window.relearn.isLunrInit ){ var input = document.querySelector('#R-search-by-detail'); if( !input ){ return; } var value = input.value; searchDetail( value ); } } var lunrIndex, pagesIndex; function initLunrIndex( index ){ pagesIndex = index; // Set up Lunr by declaring the fields we use // Also provide their boost level for the ranking lunrIndex = lunr(function() { this.use(lunr.multiLanguage.apply(null, contentLangs)); this.ref('index'); this.field('title', { boost: 15 }); this.field('tags', { boost: 10 }); this.field('content', { boost: 5 }); this.pipeline.remove(lunr.stemmer); this.searchPipeline.remove(lunr.stemmer); // Feed Lunr with each file and let LUnr actually index them pagesIndex.forEach(function(page, idx) { page.index = idx; this.add(page); }, this); }); window.relearn.isLunrInit = true; window.relearn.runInitialSearch(); } function triggerSearch(){ var input = document.querySelector('#R-search-by-detail'); if( !input ){ return; } var value = input.value; searchDetail( value ); // add a new entry to the history after the user // changed the term; this does not reload the page // but will add to the history and update the address bar URL var url = new URL( window.location ); var oldValue = url.searchParams.get( 'search-by' ); if( value != oldValue ){ var state = window.history.state || {}; state = Object.assign( {}, ( typeof state === 'object' ) ? state : {} ); url.searchParams.set( 'search-by', value ); = url.toString(); // with normal pages, this is handled by the 'pagehide' event, but this // doesn't fire in case of pushState, so we have to do the same thing // here, too state.contentScrollTop = +elc.scrollTop; window.history.pushState( state, '', url ); } } window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function ( event ){ // restart search if browsed thru history if( event.state ){ var state = window.history.state || {}; state = Object.assign( {}, ( typeof state === 'object' ) ? state : {} ); if( ) { var url = new URL( ); if( url.searchParams.has('search-by') ){ var search = url.searchParams.get( 'search-by' ); // we have to insert the old search term into the inputs var inputs = document.querySelectorAll( '' ); inputs.forEach( function( e ){ e.value = search; var event = document.createEvent( 'Event' ); event.initEvent( 'input', false, false ); e.dispatchEvent( event ); }); // recreate the last search results and eventually // restore the previous scrolling position searchDetail( search ); } } } }); var input = document.querySelector('#R-search-by-detail'); if( input ){ input.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(event) { // if we are pressing ESC in the searchdetail our focus will // be stolen by the other event handlers, so we have to refocus // here after a short while if (event.key == "Escape") { setTimeout( function(){ input.focus(); }, 0 ); } }); } function initLunrJson() { // old way to load the search index via XHR; // this does not work if pages are served via // file:// protocol; this is only left for // backward compatiblity if the user did not // define the `search` output format for the homepage if( window.index_json_url && !window.index_js_url ){ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if( xhr.readyState == 4 ){ if( xhr.status == 200 ){ initLunrIndex( JSON.parse( xhr.responseText ) ); } else{ var err = xhr.status; console.error( 'Error getting Hugo index file: ', err ); } } } 'GET', index_json_url ); xhr.send(); } } function initLunrJs() { // new way to load our search index if( window.index_js_url ){ var js = document.createElement("script"); js.src = index_js_url; js.setAttribute("async", ""); js.onload = function(){ initLunrIndex(relearn_search_index); }; js.onerror = function(e){ console.error('Error getting Hugo index file'); }; document.head.appendChild(js); } } /** * Trigger a search in Lunr and transform the result * * @param {String} term * @return {Array} results */ function search(term) { // Find the item in our index corresponding to the Lunr one to have more info // Remove Lunr special search characters: term = term.replace( /[*:^~+-]/g, ' ' ); var searchTerm = lunr.tokenizer( term ).reduce( function(a,token){return a.concat(searchPatterns(token.str))}, []).join(' '); return !searchTerm || !lunrIndex ? [] : { return { index: result.ref, matches: Object.keys(result.matchData.metadata) } }); } function searchPatterns(word) { // for short words high amounts of typos doesn't make sense // for long words we allow less typos because this largly increases search time var typos = [ { len: -1, typos: 1 }, { len: 60, typos: 2 }, { len: 40, typos: 3 }, { len: 20, typos: 4 }, { len: 16, typos: 3 }, { len: 12, typos: 2 }, { len: 8, typos: 1 }, { len: 4, typos: 0 }, ]; return [ word + '^100', word + '*^10', '*' + word + '^10', word + '~' + typos.reduce( function( a, c, i ){ return word.length < c.len ? c : a; } ).typos + '^1' ]; } function resolvePlaceholders( s, args ) { var args = args || []; // use replace to iterate over the string // select the match and check if the related argument is present // if yes, replace the match with the argument return s.replace(/{([0-9]+)}/g, function (match, index) { // check if the argument is present return typeof args[index] == 'undefined' ? match : args[index]; }); }; function searchDetail( value ) { var results = document.querySelector('#R-searchresults'); var hint = document.querySelector('.searchhint'); hint.innerText = ''; results.textContent = ''; var a = search( value ); if( a.length ){ hint.innerText = resolvePlaceholders( window.T_N_results_found, [ value, a.length ] ); a.forEach( function(item){ var page = pagesIndex[item.index]; var numContextWords = 10; var contextPattern = '(?:\\S+ +){0,' + numContextWords + '}\\S*\\b(?:' + function(match){return match.replace(/\W/g, '\\$&')} ).join('|') + ')\\b\\S*(?: +\\S+){0,' + numContextWords + '}'; var context = page.content.match(new RegExp(contextPattern, 'i')); var divsuggestion = document.createElement('a'); divsuggestion.className = 'autocomplete-suggestion'; divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-term', value); divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-title', page.title); divsuggestion.setAttribute('href', window.relearn.relBaseUri + page.uri); divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-context', context); var divtitle = document.createElement('div'); divtitle.className = 'title'; divtitle.innerText = '» ' + page.title; divsuggestion.appendChild( divtitle ); var divbreadcrumb = document.createElement('div'); divbreadcrumb.className = 'breadcrumbs'; divbreadcrumb.innerText = (page.breadcrumb || ''); divsuggestion.appendChild( divbreadcrumb ); if( context ){ var divcontext = document.createElement('div'); divcontext.className = 'context'; divcontext.innerText = (context || ''); divsuggestion.appendChild( divcontext ); } results.appendChild( divsuggestion ); }); window.relearn.markSearch(); } else if( value.length ) { hint.innerText = resolvePlaceholders( window.T_No_results_found, [ value ] ); } input.focus(); setTimeout( adjustContentWidth, 0 ); // if we are initiating search because of a browser history // operation, we have to restore the scrolling postion the // user previously has used; if this search isn't initiated // by a browser history operation, it simply does nothing var state = window.history.state || {}; state = Object.assign( {}, ( typeof state === 'object' ) ? state : {} ); if( state.hasOwnProperty( 'contentScrollTop' ) ){ window.setTimeout( function(){ elc.scrollTop = +state.contentScrollTop; }, 10 ); return; } } initLunrJson(); initLunrJs(); function startSearch(){ var input = document.querySelector('#R-search-by-detail'); if( input ){ var state = window.history.state || {}; state = Object.assign( {}, ( typeof state === 'object' ) ? state : {} ); = window.location.toString(); window.history.replaceState( state, '', window.location ); } var searchList = new autoComplete({ /* selector for the search box element */ selectorToInsert: 'search:has(.searchbox)', selector: '#R-search-by', /* source is the callback to perform the search */ source: function(term, response) { response(search(term)); }, /* renderItem displays individual search results */ renderItem: function(item, term) { var page = pagesIndex[item.index]; var numContextWords = 2; var contextPattern = '(?:\\S+ +){0,' + numContextWords + '}\\S*\\b(?:' + function(match){return match.replace(/\W/g, '\\$&')} ).join('|') + ')\\b\\S*(?: +\\S+){0,' + numContextWords + '}'; var context = page.content.match(new RegExp(contextPattern, 'i')); var divsuggestion = document.createElement('div'); divsuggestion.className = 'autocomplete-suggestion'; divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-term', term); divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-title', page.title); divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-uri', window.relearn.relBaseUri + page.uri); divsuggestion.setAttribute('data-context', context); var divtitle = document.createElement('div'); divtitle.className = 'title'; divtitle.innerText = '» ' + page.title; divsuggestion.appendChild( divtitle ); if( context ){ var divcontext = document.createElement('div'); divcontext.className = 'context'; divcontext.innerText = (context || ''); divsuggestion.appendChild( divcontext ); } return divsuggestion.outerHTML; }, /* onSelect callback fires when a search suggestion is chosen */ onSelect: function(e, term, item) { location.href = item.getAttribute('data-uri'); e.preventDefault(); } }); }; ready( startSearch );