--- date: 2016-04-09T16:58:30+02:00 title: Contributing disableToc: true pre: "<b>3. </b>" weight: 15 --- To help the world be a better place, you could : - Contribute to this doc by using *Edit this page* link. - Contribute to [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/), the static website generator which this theme is for - Contribute to [Grav](https://getgrav.org/), the flat file CMS of which this theme is from (Thanks to MIT license) - Contribute to the [Hugo-theme-learn](https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn) theme itself ## Contributors Thanks to them <i class="fa fa-heart"></i> {{% ghcontributors "https://api.github.com/repos/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn/contributors?per_page=100" %}} ## TODO - Handling videos - Add optional button to create doc issue (like github)