Arrr! Pirrrates

Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some featurrres may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings, some Merrrmaids and stuff.

Chapter 3


Cap'n Hugo uses Marrrkdown fer its simple rrrambl'n format. However, there be a lot o' th'ns that Marrrkdown doesn’t support well. Ye could use pure HTML t' expand possibilities.

But this happens t' be a bad idea. Everyone uses Marrrkdown because it’s pure an' simple t' read even non-rendered. Ye should avoid HTML t' keep it as simple as poss'ble.

T' avoid this limitat'ns, Cap'n Hugo created shorrrtcodes. A shorrrtcode be a simple snippet inside a plank.

Th' Relearrrn theme provides multiple shorrrtcodes on top o' exist'n ones.