	"frontMatter.content.snippets": {
		"Attachments": {
			"body": [
				"{{< attachments title=\"[[&title]]\" pattern=\"[[&pattern]]\" sort=\"[[&sort]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" color=\"[[&color]]\" icon=\"[[&icon]]\" />}}"
			"description": "Displays a list of files attached to the page",
			"fields": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "title",
					"title": "Title",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "pattern",
					"title": "Regex for filtering file names",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "sort",
					"title": "Sorting order",
					"type": "choice"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Style scheme",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color",
					"title": "CSS color value",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon",
					"type": "string"
		"Badge": {
			"body": [
				"{{< badge title=\"[[&title]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" color=\"[[&color]]\" icon=\"[[&icon]]\" >}}[[&content]]{{< /badge >}}"
			"description": "Displays a little marker in the text",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Text",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "title",
					"title": "Title",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Style scheme",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color",
					"title": "CSS color value",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon",
					"type": "string"
		"Button": {
			"body": [
				"{{< button href=\"[[&href]]\" target=\"[[&target]]\" type=\"[[&type]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" color=\"[[&color]]\" icon=\"[[&icon]]\" iconposition=\"[[&iconposition]]\" >}}[[&content]]{{< /button >}}"
			"description": "Displays a clickable button",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Text",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "href",
					"title": "Destination URL",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "target",
					"title": "HTML a[target] like eg. `_self` or `_blank`",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "type",
					"title": "HTML button[type] like eg. `button` or `submit`",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Style scheme",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color",
					"title": "CSS color value",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "iconposition",
					"title": "Position of the icon",
					"type": "choice"
		"Children": {
			"body": [
				"{{< children description=\"[[&description]]\" depth=\"[[&depth]]\" sort=\"[[&sort]]\" showhidden=\"[[&showhidden]]\" containerstyle=\"[[&containerstyle]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" >}}"
			"description": "Displays a list of child pages for the page",
			"fields": [
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "description",
					"title": "Show child page description",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "depth",
					"title": "Depth of child page level to display",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "sort",
					"title": "Sort predicate",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "showhidden",
					"title": "Show hidden child pages",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "containerstyle",
					"title": "Container HTML element",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Container child HTML element",
					"type": "string"
		"Expand": {
			"body": [
				"{{% expand title=\"[[&title]]\" open=\"[[&open]]\" %}}[[&content]]{{% /expand %}}"
			"description": "Displays an expandable/collapsable section of text",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Text",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "title",
					"title": "Title",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "open",
					"title": "Initially expand section",
					"type": "choice"
		"Icon": {
			"body": [
				"{{< icon [[&icon]] >}}"
			"description": "Displays a Font Awesome icon",
			"fields": [
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon",
					"type": "string"
		"Include": {
			"body": [
				"{{< include file=\"[[&file]]\" hidefirstheading=\"[[&hidefirstheading]]\" >}}"
			"description": "Displays the content of another file",
			"fields": [
					"name": "file",
					"title": "File path",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "hidefirstheading",
					"title": "Hide first heading",
					"type": "choice"
		"Math": {
			"body": [
				"````math align=\"[[&align]]\"",
			"description": "Displays a math or chemical formulae using MathJax",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Formulae",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "align",
					"title": "Horizontal alignment",
					"type": "choice"
		"Mermaid": {
			"body": [
				"````mermaid align=\"[[&align]]\" zoom=\"[[&zoom]]\"",
			"description": "Displays a Mermaid diagram or flowchart",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Diagram",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "align",
					"title": "Horizontal alignment",
					"type": "choice"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "zoom",
					"title": "Diagram is pan- and zoomable",
					"type": "choice"
		"Notice": {
			"body": [
				"{{% notice title=\"[[&title]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" color=\"[[&color]]\" icon=\"[[&icon]]\" %}}[[&content]]{{% /notice %}}"
			"description": "Displays a configurable box of text",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Text",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "title",
					"title": "Title",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Style scheme",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color",
					"title": "CSS color value",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon",
					"type": "string"
		"Site Param": {
			"body": [
				"{{< siteparam [[&name]] >}}"
			"description": "Displays the value of a site parameter",
			"fields": [
					"name": "name",
					"title": "The name of the site parameter",
					"type": "string"
		"OpenAPI": {
			"body": [
				"{{< openapi src=\"[[&src]]\" >}}"
			"description": "Displays a OpenAPI / Swagger specification",
			"fields": [
					"name": "src",
					"title": "URL to the OpenAPI specification",
					"type": "string"
		"Tab": {
			"body": [
				"{{% tab title=\"[[&title]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" color=\"[[&color]]\" icon=\"[[&icon]]\" %}}",
				"{{% /tab %}}"
			"description": "Display a single tab",
			"fields": [
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content",
					"title": "Text",
					"type": "string"
					"name": "title",
					"title": "Titel",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Style scheme",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color",
					"title": "CSS color value",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon",
					"type": "string"
		"Tabs": {
			"body": [
				"{{< tabs title=\"[[&title]]\" style=\"[[&style]]\" color=\"[[&color]]\" icon=\"[[&icon]]\" groupid=\"[[&groupid]]\" >}}",
				"{{% tab title=\"[[&title1]]\" style=\"[[&style1]]\" color=\"[[&color1]]\" icon=\"[[&icon1]]\" %}}",
				"{{% /tab %}}",
				"{{% tab title=\"[[&title2]]\" style=\"[[&style2]]\" color=\"[[&color2]]\" icon=\"[[&icon2]]\" %}}",
				"{{% /tab %}}",
				"{{< /tabs >}}"
			"description": "Display a set of tabs in a tab view",
			"fields": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "title",
					"title": "Title of the tab view",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style",
					"title": "Default style scheme of all tabs",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color",
					"title": "Default CSS color value of all tabs",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon of the tab view",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "groupid",
					"title": "ID to synchronize the tab selection of multiple Tab snippets",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "FM_SELECTED_TEXT",
					"name": "content1",
					"title": "Text of the first tab",
					"type": "string"
					"name": "title1",
					"title": "Title of the first tab",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style1",
					"title": "Style scheme of the first tab",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color1",
					"title": "CSS color value of the first tab",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon1",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon of the first tab",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "content2",
					"title": "Text of the second tab",
					"type": "string"
					"name": "title2",
					"title": "Title of the second tab",
					"type": "string"
					"choices": [
					"default": "",
					"name": "style2",
					"title": "Style scheme of the second tab",
					"type": "choice"
					"default": "",
					"name": "color2",
					"title": "CSS color value of the second tab",
					"type": "string"
					"default": "",
					"name": "icon2",
					"title": "Font Awesome icon of the second tab",
					"type": "string"