Ship param

Arrr! Pirrrates

Fello' pirrrates, wrrrit'n are not fer us as yer can see! Also be awarrre some stuff may not work in this trrranslat'n. Like see'n Merrrmaids, do'n math or chemistrrry and stuff.

Th' siteparam shortcode prints values o' ship params.


While th' examples be us'n shorrrtcodes wit' named parameter ye be free t' use positional aswell or call this shortcode from yer own partials.

{{% siteparam name="editURL" %}}
{{% siteparam "editURL" %}}
{{ partial "shortcodes/siteparam.html" (dict
  "context" .
  "name" "editURL"


Name Posit'n Default Notes
name 1 <empty> Th' name o' th' ship param t' be displayed.


editURL from config.toml

`editURL` value: {{% siteparam name="editURL" %}}

editURL value: