{{- $currentNode := . }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsSelfFound" }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnPrevPage" }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnNextPage" }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsHiddenNode" }}{{/* the node itself is flagged as hidden */}} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsHiddenStem" }}{{/* the node or one of its parents is flagged as hidden */}} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsHiddenFrom" }}{{/* the node is hidden from the current page */}} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete (printf "%sWantsMathJax" (partial "output-format.hugo" $currentNode)) }} {{- $wantsMathjax := or (and (ne $currentNode.Params.disableMathjax nil) (not $currentNode.Params.disableMathjax)) (and (ne .Site.Params.disableMathjax nil) (not .Site.Params.disableMathjax)) }} {{- if $wantsMathjax }} {{- $currentNode.Store.Set "hasMathJax" true }} {{- end }} {{- $wantsMermaid := or (and (ne $currentNode.Params.disableMermaid nil) (not $currentNode.Params.disableMermaid)) (and (ne .Site.Params.disableMermaid nil) (not .Site.Params.disableMermaid)) }} {{- if $wantsMermaid }} {{- $currentNode.Store.Set "hasMermaid" true }} {{- end }} {{- $wantsSwagger := or (and (ne $currentNode.Params.disableSwagger nil) (not $currentNode.Params.disableSwagger)) (and (ne .Site.Params.disableSwagger nil) (not .Site.Params.disableSwagger)) }} {{- if $wantsSwagger }} {{- $currentNode.Store.Set "hasSwagger" true }} {{- end }} {{- template "relearn-structure" dict "node" .Site.Home "currentnode" $currentNode "hiddenstem" false "hiddencurrent" false "defaultOrdersectionsby" (.Site.Params.ordersectionsby | default "weight") }} {{- define "relearn-structure" }} {{- $currentNode := .currentnode }} {{- $isSelf := eq $currentNode.RelPermalink .node.RelPermalink }} {{- $isDescendant := and (not $isSelf) (.node.IsDescendant $currentNode) }} {{- $isAncestor := and (not $isSelf) (.node.IsAncestor $currentNode) }} {{- $isOther := and (not $isDescendant) (not $isSelf) (not $isAncestor) }} {{- $isChildren := and (.node.Parent) (eq $currentNode.RelPermalink .node.Parent.RelPermalink) }} {{- if $isSelf }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnIsSelfFound" true }} {{- end}} {{- $isSelfFound := eq ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnIsSelfFound") true }} {{- $isPreSelf := and (not $isSelfFound) (not $isSelf) }} {{- $isPostSelf := and ($isSelfFound) (not $isSelf) }} {{- $hidden_node := or (.node.Params.hidden) (eq .node.Title "") }} {{- $hidden_stem:= or $hidden_node .hiddenstem }} {{- $hidden_current_stem:= or $hidden_node .hiddencurrent }} {{- $hidden_from_current := or (and $hidden_node (not $isAncestor) (not $isSelf) ) (and .hiddencurrent (or $isPreSelf $isPostSelf $isDescendant) ) }} {{- if $isSelf }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnIsHiddenNode" $hidden_node }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnIsHiddenStem" $hidden_stem }} {{- end}} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.SetInMap "relearnIsHiddenFrom" .node.RelPermalink $hidden_current_stem }} {{- if not $hidden_from_current }} {{- if $isPreSelf }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnPrevPage" .node }} {{- else if and $isPostSelf (eq ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnNextPage") nil) }} {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnNextPage" .node }} {{- end}} {{- end }} {{- $pages := .node.Pages }} {{- if .node.IsHome }} {{- $pages = .node.Sections }} {{- else if .node.Sections }} {{- $pages = (.node.Pages | union .node.Sections) }} {{- end }} {{- $defaultOrdersectionsby := .defaultOrdersectionsby }} {{- $currentOrdersectionsby := .node.Params.ordersectionsby | default $defaultOrdersectionsby }} {{- if eq $currentOrdersectionsby "title"}} {{- $pages = $pages.ByTitle }} {{- else}} {{- $pages = $pages.ByWeight }} {{- end }} {{- range $pages }} {{- template "relearn-structure" dict "node" . "currentnode" $currentNode "hiddenstem" $hidden_stem "hiddencurrent" $hidden_from_current "defaultOrdersectionsby" $defaultOrdersectionsby }} {{- end}} {{- end }}