

Special thanks t' everyone who has contributed t' this project.

Many thanks t' @matcornic fer his work on th' Learrrn theme.

Packages an' libraries

  • Merrrmaid - generat'n o' diagram an' flowchart from text 'n a similar manner as Marrrkdown
  • font awesome - th' iconic font an' CSS framework
  • jQuery - Th' Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library
  • jquery-svg-zoom-pan - en'ble pan an' zoom 'n Merrrmaid graphs
  • lunr - Lunr enables ye t' provide a great search experience without th' need fer external, server-side, search services…
  • clipboard.js - copy text t' clipboard
  • modernizr - A JavaScript toolkit that allows web developers t' use new CSS3 an' HTML5 features while maintain'n a fine level o' control over browsers that don’t support


  • gren - Releasenotes generator
  • Cap'n Hugo - Static ship generator
  • Netlify - Continuous deployement an' host'n o' this documentat'n
  • Wercker - Continous test'n