Version 7.3

See the changelog of this version for a detailed list of changes.

7.3.0 (2025-01-02)


  • New Support fer Hugo’s built-in details shortcode by mapp'n it t' th' theme’s expand shortcode.

  • New Th' topbar button fer th' print format can now be hidden if th' print output format be active by sett'n disablePrintButton=true 'n yer hugo.toml or Front Matter.

  • New Th' theme supports th' new markdown output format which behaves similar 'n configurat'n as th' print output format but allows th' original Marrrkdown source o' a plank t' be viewed.

    Ye can see this 'n act'n on th' above linked plank, access'ble by clikck'n th' topbar button.

  • New Keyboard support fer code blocks was improved so th' copy t' clipboard button be now reach'ble by TAB if disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard=false was set 'n th' hugo.toml.

  • New Futher accessibility impovements were made fer th' anchor, copy t' clipboard an' mermaid reset functionality by us'n a HTML button instead o' a span.