
This plank be about how t' configure th' topbar us'n configurat'n opt'ns. If ye want t' add further buttons or functionality, see this section.

Yer topbar contains th' follow'n elements. Some o' them be configuar'ble:

T'ble o' Contents

Opt'n Front Matter Set disableToc=true t' hide th' TOC button on all planks. If th' button be hidden, also th' keyboard shortcut be disabled. This can be overridden 'n a page’s front matter.

disableToc = true
disableToc: true
   "disableToc": true

Opt'n Front Matter Set disableBreadcrumb=true t' hide th' breadcrumb 'n th' topbar.

Further breadcrumbs sett'ns can be found 'n th' rrrambl'n configurat'n section.

disableBreadcrumb = true
disableBreadcrumb: true
   "disableBreadcrumb": true

Edit Button

Opt'n Front Matter If editURL be set t' a URL, an edit button will be shown 'n th' topbar. If th' button be hidden, also th' keyboard shortcut be disabled.

Th' value can contain th' macro ${FilePath} which will be replaced by th' file path o' yer displayed plank. If no ${FilePath} be given 'n th' value, th' value be treated as if th' ${FilePath} was appended at th' end o' th' value. This can be overridden 'n th' planks front matter.

editURL = '${FilePath}'
   "editURL": "${FilePath}"

Marrrkdown Button

Opt'n Front Matter Ye can hide th' Marrrkdown button if th' Marrrkdown output format be active by sett'n disableMarkdownButton=true.

disableMarkdownButton = true
disableMarkdownButton: true
   "disableMarkdownButton": true

Source Button

Opt'n Front Matter Ye can hide th' Source button if th' Source output format be active by sett'n disableSourceButton=true.

disableSourceButton = true
disableSourceButton: true
   "disableSourceButton": true

Opt'n Front Matter Ye can hide th' print button if th' print output format be active by sett'n disablePrintButton=true.

disablePrintButton = true
disablePrintButton: true
   "disablePrintButton": true

Arrow Navigat'n

Opt'n Front Matter Ye can hide th' previous/next buttons by sett'n disableNextPrev=true. If th' buttons be hidden, also th' keyboard shortcuts be disabled.

disableNextPrev = true
disableNextPrev: true
   "disableNextPrev": true