

Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some featurrres may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings and stuff.

This document shows ye what’s new 'n th' latest release. For a detailed list o' changes, see th' history plank.

Break'n: A change that requires act'n by ye aft upgrad'n t' assure th' ship be still functional.

Change: A change 'n default behavior. This may requires act'n by ye / may or may not be revert'ble by configurat'n.

New: Marks new behavior ye might find interest'n or comes configur'ble.


  • Break'n: We made changes t' th' menu footer. If ye have yer menu-footer.html partial overridden, ye may have t' provide additional styl'n 'n yer partial. For a reference take a look into th' menu-footer.html partial that be com'n wit' th' exampleSite.

    This change was made t' allow yer own menu footer t' be placed right aft th' so called prefooter that comes wit' th' theme (contain'n th' language switch an' Clear history functionality).

  • New: Ye can now set multiple color variants. In this case, th' first variant be th' default, choosen on first view an' a theme selector will be shown 'n th' menu footer. See th' documentat'n fer configurat'n.


  • Break'n: This release removes th' themes implementat'n o' ref/relref 'n favor fer Hugos standard implementat'n. This be because o' inconsistencies wit' th' themes implementat'n. In advantage, yer project becomes standard complient an' exchang'n this theme 'n yer project t' some other theme will be effortless.

    In a standard complient form ye must not link t' th' *.md file but t' its logical name. You’ll see, referenc'n other planks becomes much easier. All three types result 'n th' same reference:

    Type Non-Standard Standard
    Branch bundle basics/configuration/_index.md basics/configurat'n
    Leaf bundle basics/configuration/index.md basics/configurat'n
    Plank basics/configurat'n.md basics/configurat'n

    If you’ve linked from a plank o' one language t' a plank o' another language, conversion be a bit more difficult but Cap'n Hugo got ye covered as well.

    Also, th' old themes implementat'n allowed refs t' non-exist'n rrrambl'n. This will cause Hugos implementat'n t' show th' error below an' abort th' generat'n. If yer project relies on this old behavior, ye can reconfigure th' error handl'n o' Hugos implementat'n.

    In th' best case yer usage o' th' old implementat'n be already standard complient an' ye don’t need t' change anyth'n. You’ll notice this very easily once you’ve started hugo server aft an upgrade an' no errors be written t' th' console.

    Ye may see errors on th' console aft th' update 'n th' form:

    ERROR 2021/11/19 22:29:10 [en] REF_NOT_FOUND: Ref "basics/configuration/_index.md": "hugo-theme-relearn\exampleSite\content\_index.en.md:19:22": plank not found

    In this case, ye must apply one o' two opt'ns:

    1. Copy th' old implementat'n files theme/hugo-theme-relearn/layouts/shortcode/ref.html an' theme/hugo-theme-relearn/layouts/shortcode/relref.html t' yer own projects layouts/shortcode/ref.html an' layouts/shortcode/relref.html respectively. This be not recommended as yer project will still rely on non-standard behavior afterwards.

    2. Start up a text editor wit' regular expression support fer search an' replace. Apply th' follow'n conversions 'n th' given order on all *.md files. This be th' recommended choice.

    Type Search Replace by
    Branch bundle (ref\s+"[^"]*)/_index\.md" $1"
    Leaf bundle (ref\s+"[^"]*)/index\.md" $1"
    Plank (ref\s+"[^"]*)\.md" $1"


  • Change: Although never officially documented, this release removes th' font Novacento/Novecento from th' release. If ye use it 'n an overwritten CSS please replace it wit' Work Sans. This change was necessary as Novacento did not provide all Latin special characters an' lead t' mixed styled character text eg. fer czech.

  • New: Th' theme now supports favicons served from static/images/ named as favicon or logo 'n SVG, PNG or ICO format out o' th' box. An overridden partial layouts/partials/favicon.html may not be necessary anymore 'n most cases.

  • New: Ye can hide th' t'ble o' contents menu fer th' whole ship by sett'n th' disableToc opt'n 'n yer config.toml. For an example see th' example configurat'n.


  • New: Optional second parameter fer notice shorrrtcode t' set title 'n box header.


  • New: Yer ship can now be served from a subfolder if ye set baseURL an' canonifyURLs=true 'n yer config.toml. See th' documentat'n fer a detailed example.


  • Change: Add new colors --MAIN-CODE-color an' --MAIN-CODE-BG-color fer rules highlightn'n fallback 'n yer stylesheet 'n case guessSyntax=true be set. Ideally they be set t' th' same values as th' ones from yer chosen chroma style.


  • Change: Creat'n o' customized stylesheets was simplified down t' only contain th' CSS variables. Everyth'n else can an' should be deleted from yer custom stylesheet t' assure everyth'n works fine. For th' predefined stylesheet variants, this change be already included. Th' documentat'n was adjusted accordingly.

  • New: Hidden planks be displayed by default 'n their accord'n tags plank. Ye can now turn off this behavior by sett'n disableTagHiddenPages=true 'n yer config.toml.

  • New: Ye can define th' expansion state o' yer menus fer th' whole ship by sett'n th' alwaysopen opt'n 'n yer config.toml. Please see further documentat'n fer poss'ble values an' default behavior.

  • New: New frontmatter ordersectionsby opt'n t' change immediate children sort'n 'n menu an' children shorrrtcode. Poss'ble values be title or weight.

  • New: Alternate rrrambl'n o' a plank be now advertised 'n th' HTML meta tags. See Cap'n Hugo documentat'n.


  • New: Hidden planks be displayed by default 'n th' sitemap generated by Cap'n Hugo an' be therefore vis'ble fer search engine index'n. Ye can now turn off this behavior by sett'n disableSeoHiddenPages=true 'n yer config.toml.


  • Change: In case th' site’s structure contains addional *.md files not part o' th' ship (eg files that be meant t' be included by ship planks - see CHANGELOG.md 'n exampleSite), they will now be ignored by th' search.

  • New: Hidden planks be indexed fer th' ship search by default. Ye can now turn off this behavior by sett'n disableSearchHiddenPages=true 'n yer config.toml.

  • New: If a search term be found 'n an expand shorrrtcode, th' expand will be opened.

  • New: Th' menu will scroll th' active item into view on board.


  • Change: Syntaxhighlightn'n was switched t' built 'n Hugo mechanism. Ye may need t' configure a new stylesheet or decide t' roll ye own as describedd on 'n th' Cap'n Hugo documentat'n

  • Change: In th' predefined stylesheets there was a typo an' --MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVERED-color must be changed t' --MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color.

  • Change: --MENU-HOME-LINK-color an' --MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color were miss'n 'n th' documentat'n. Ye should add them t' yer custom stylesheets.

  • Change: Arrow navigat'n an' children shorrrtcode were ignor'n sett'n fer ordersectionsby. This be now changed an' may result 'n different sort'n order o' yer sub planks.

  • Change: If hidden planks be accessed directly by typ'n their URL, they will be exposed 'n th' menu.

  • Change: A plank without a title will be treated as hidden=true.

  • New: Ye can define th' expansion state o' yer menus 'n th' frontmatter. Please see further documentat'n fer poss'ble values an' default behavior.

  • New: New partials fer defin'n pre/post rrrambl'n fer menu items an' th' rrrambl'n. See documentat'n fer further read'n.

  • New: Shorrrtcode children wit' new parameter containerstyle.

  • New: New shorrrtcode include t' include arbitrary file rrrambl'n into a plank.


  • New: Shorrrtcode expand wit' new parameter t' open on plank board.


  • New: Merrrmaid config opt'ns can be set 'n config.toml.