{{- /* based on Hugo 0.125.5 render-link.html */}} {{- $page := .page }} {{- if and (not $page) .context }} {{- $page = .context }} {{- warnf "%q: DEPRECATED parameter 'context' for shortcode 'link' found, use 'page' instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/introduction/releasenotes/5/#5-18-0" $page.File.Filename }} {{- end }} {{- if strings.HasPrefix .url "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE" }} {{- warnf "%q: WARNING you must call the ref / relref shortcode with '%% %%' instead of '< >' to work correctly for the anchor target attribute" $page.File.Filename }} {{- end }} {{- $attributes := dict }} {{- $title := .title | default "" }} {{- $title = trim $title " " }} {{- $attributes = $attributes | merge (dict "title" ($title | transform.HTMLEscape)) }} {{- $content := .content }} {{- $target := .target | default "" }} {{- $u := urls.Parse .url }} {{- $href := $u.String }} {{- if $u.IsAbs }} {{- partialCached "_relearn/urlExists.gotmpl" (dict "url" .url "page" $page "type" "link") $u.String }} {{- $attributes = merge $attributes (dict "rel" "external") }} {{- $target = "_blank" }} {{- if isset $page.Site.Params "externallinktarget" }} {{- $target = $page.Site.Params.externalLinkTarget }} {{- end }} {{- $attributes = $attributes | merge (dict "target" $target) }} {{- else }} {{- $linkPage := "" }} {{- $path := strings.TrimPrefix "./" $u.Path }} {{- if $path }} {{- with or ($page.Page.GetPage $path) ($page.Page.GetPage (strings.TrimRight "/" $path)) ($page.Page.Resources.Get $path) (resources.Get $path) }} {{- $linkPage = . }} {{- else }} {{- /* is it a link into another translation? */}} {{- if strings.HasPrefix $path "/" }} {{- range $page.AllTranslations }} {{- $lang := .Language.Lang }} {{- $prefix := printf "/%s" $lang }} {{- $suffix := strings.TrimPrefix $prefix $path | default "/" }} {{- /* with the second check we check if the prefix was finished; eg. /pir/index.html vs. /pirate/index.html, were the latter is an external address outside of this site */}} {{- if and (strings.HasPrefix $path $prefix) (strings.HasPrefix $suffix "/") }} {{- with or (.GetPage $suffix) (.GetPage (strings.TrimRight "/" $suffix)) (.Resources.Get $suffix) (resources.Get $suffix) }} {{- $linkPage = . }} {{- break }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- else }} {{- $linkPage = $page.Page }} {{- end }} {{- $errorlevel := or $page.Params.link.errorlevel $page.Site.Params.link.errorlevel }} {{- with $linkPage }} {{- $href = partial "permalink.gotmpl" (dict "to" .) }} {{- with $u.RawQuery }} {{- $href = printf "%s?%s" $href . }} {{- end }} {{- with $u.Fragment }} {{- $ctx := dict "contentPath" $page.File.Filename "errorLevel" $errorlevel "page" $linkPage "parsedURL" $u "renderHookName" "link" }} {{- partial "inline/h-rh-l/validate-fragment.html" $ctx }} {{- $href = printf "%s#%s" $href . }} {{- end }} {{- else }} {{- $msg := printf "%q: link '%s' is not a page or a resource" $page.File.Filename .url }} {{- if eq $errorlevel "warning" }} {{- warnf $msg }} {{- else if eq $errorlevel "error" }} {{- errorf $msg }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- $attributes = $attributes | merge (dict "href" $href) -}} {{ $content | safeHTML }} {{- define "partials/inline/h-rh-l/validate-fragment.html" }} {{- /* Validates the fragment portion of a link destination. @context {string} contentPath The page containing the link. @context {string} errorLevel The error level when unable to resolve destination; ignore (default), warning, or error. @context {page} page The page corresponding to the link destination @context {struct} parsedURL The link destination parsed by urls.Parse. @context {string} renderHookName The name of the render hook. */}} {{- /* Initialize. */}} {{- $contentPath := .contentPath }} {{- $errorLevel := .errorLevel }} {{- $p := .page }} {{- $u := .parsedURL }} {{- $renderHookName := .renderHookName }} {{- /* Validate. */}} {{- with $u.Fragment }} {{- if $p.Fragments.Identifiers.Contains . }} {{- if gt ($p.Fragments.Identifiers.Count .) 1 }} {{- $msg := printf "%q: duplicate heading ID %q found" $contentPath . }} {{- if eq $errorLevel "warning" }} {{- warnf $msg }} {{- else if eq $errorLevel "error" }} {{- errorf $msg }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- else }} {{- /* Determine target path for warning and error message. */}} {{- $targetPath := "" }} {{- with $p.File }} {{- $targetPath = .Path }} {{- else }} {{- $targetPath = .Path }} {{- end }} {{- $msg := printf "%q: heading ID %q not found in %q" $contentPath . $targetPath }} {{- if eq $targetPath $contentPath }} {{- $msg := printf "%q: heading ID %q not found" $contentPath . }} {{- end }} {{- if eq $errorLevel "warning" }} {{- warnf $msg }} {{- else if eq $errorLevel "error" }} {{- errorf $msg }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}