{{- $page := .page }}
{{- if and (not $page) .context }}
  {{- $page = .context }}
  {{- warnf "%q: DEPRECATED parameter 'context' for shortcode 'expand' found, use 'page' instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/introduction/releasenotes/5/#5-18-0" $page.File.Filename }}
{{- end }}
{{- $content := trim .content "\n\r\t " }}
{{- $hasContent := ne (strings.TrimLeft "<p>" $content) "" }}
{{- if not (hasPrefix $content "<") }}
  {{- $content = printf "<p>\n%s" $content }}
{{- end }}
{{- $title := .title | default (T "Expand-title") }}
{{- $title = trim $title " " }}
{{- $expanded := .expanded | default false }}
{{- if and (isset . "open") (or (ne (printf "%T" .open) "string") (ne (trim .open " " ) "")) }}
  {{- warnf "%q: DEPRECATED parameter 'open' for shortcode 'expand' found, use 'expanded' instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/introduction/releasenotes/6/#6-3-0" $page.File.Filename }}
  {{- $expanded = .open }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (printf "%T" $expanded) "string" }}
	{{- $expanded = (eq $expanded "true") }}
{{- end }}
{{- $id := cond (or (eq .id nil) (eq .id "")) (partial "_relearn/makeRandomMd5.gotmpl" $page) .id }}
{{- with $page }}
  {{- if $hasContent -}}
<div class="expand">
  <input type="checkbox" id="R-expand-{{ $id }}" aria-controls="R-expandcontent-{{ $id }}"{{ if $expanded }} checked{{ end }}>
  <label class="expand-label" for="R-expand-{{ $id }}">
    <i class="expander-icon fa-fw fas fa-chevron-down"></i>
    <i class="expander-icon fa-fw fas fa-chevron-right"></i> {{ $title | .RenderString }}
  <div id="R-expandcontent-{{ $id }}" class="expand-content">
{{ $content | safeHTML }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}