{{- $context := .context }} {{- $url := .url }} {{- $title := .title }} {{- $alt := .alt }} {{- $classes := "" }} {{- $featherlight := true }} {{- $height := "auto" }} {{- $width := "auto" }} {{- $dest_url := urls.Parse $url }} {{- $dest_path := path.Clean $dest_url.Path }} {{- $image := "" }} {{- if ($dest_url.IsAbs) }} {{/* this image does not belong to the site, get it from external */}} {{- $image = resources.GetRemote $url }} {{- else }} {{- /* Get local page resource image. */}} {{- $image = $context.Resources.Get $dest_path }} {{- if not $image }} {{- /* Get local image from assets directory. */}} {{- $dest_path := path.Clean $dest_url.Path }} {{- $image = resources.Get $dest_path }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $image }} {{- $url = $image.RelPermalink }} {{- if $dest_url.RawQuery }} {{- $url = printf "%s?%s" $url $dest_url.RawQuery }} {{- end }} {{- if ne $image.MediaType.SubType "svg" }} {{- $height = printf "%dpx" $image.Height }} {{- $width = printf "%dpx" $image.Width }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $dest_url.RawQuery }} {{- $classes = delimit (split ($dest_url.Query.Get "classes") ",") " " }} {{- $featherlight = (ne ($dest_url.Query.Get "featherlight") "false") }} {{- if or ($dest_url.Query.Get "height") ($dest_url.Query.Get "width") }} {{- $height = "auto" }} {{- $width = "auto" }} {{- end }} {{- with $dest_url.Query.Get "height" }} {{ $height = . }} {{- end }} {{- with $dest_url.Query.Get "width" }} {{ $width = . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $featherlight }} <a href="{{ $url | safeURL }}" data-featherlight="image"> {{- end }} <img src="{{ $url | safeURL }}" alt="{{ $alt }}"{{ with $title }} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ with $classes }} class="{{ . }}"{{ end }} style="height: {{ $height }}; width: {{ $width }};" loading="lazy"> {{- if $featherlight }} </a> {{- end }}