+++ categories = ["howto", "reference"] description = "Displays content from other files" frontmatter = ["include.errorlevel"] options = ["include.errorlevel"] title = "Include" +++ The `include` shortcode includes other pages, resources or files from your project. ## Usage {{< tabs groupid="shortcode-parameter">}} {{% tab title="shortcode" %}} ````go {{%/* include file="shortcodes/include/INCLUDE_ME.md" */%}} ```` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab title="shortcode (positional)" %}} ````go {{%/* include "shortcodes/include/INCLUDE_ME.md" */%}} ```` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab title="partial" %}} ````go {{ partial "shortcodes/include .html" (dict "page" . "file" "shortcodes/include/INCLUDE_ME.md" )}} ```` {{% /tab %}} {{< /tabs >}} The included files can even contain Markdown and will be taken into account when generating the table of contents. ### Parameter | Name | Position | Default | Notes | |----------------------|----------|------------------|-------------| | **file** | 1 | _<empty>_ | The path to the page, resource or file to be included. Page and resource paths adhere to [Hugo's logical path](https://gohugo.io/methods/page/path/). If not found by logical path it falls back to [Hugo's build-in `readFile` function](https://gohugo.io/functions/readfile/) | | **hidefirstheading** | 2 | `false` | When `true` and the included file contains headings, the first heading will be hidden. This comes in handy, eg. if you include otherwise standalone Markdown files. | ## Settings ### Enabling Link Warnings {{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="green" icon="fa-fw fab fa-markdown" title=" " %}}Front Matter{{% /badge %}} You can use `include.errorlevel` to control what should happen if a local link can not be resolved to a resource. If not set or empty, any unresolved link is written as given into the resulting output. If set to `warning` the same happens and an additional warning is printed in the built console. If set to `error` an error message is printed and the build is aborted. Please note that this can not resolve files inside of your `static` directory. The file must be a resource of the page or the site. Link warnings are also available for [images & links](authoring/frontmatter/linking#enabling-link-and-image-link-warnings) and the [openapi](shortcodes/openapi#enabling-link-warnings) shortcode. {{< multiconfig fm=true >}} include.errorlevel = 'warning' {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Examples ### Arbitrary Content ````go {{%/* include "shortcodes/include/INCLUDE_ME.md" */%}} ```` {{% include "shortcodes/include/INCLUDE_ME.md" %}}