+++ categories = ["howto"] description = "What site-wide meta information can be set" frontmatter = ["description"] options = ["author.email", "author.name"] title = "Meta Information" weight = 3 +++ ## Site Author Information {{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} The theme uses author details in various parts of your site, like RSS feeds and meta tags. {{< multiconfig file=hugo >}} [params] [params.author] name = 'Santa Claus' email = 'santa@example.com' {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Site Title The `title` will be used in meta information of your HTML. {{< multiconfig file=hugo >}} title = 'Hugo Relearn Theme' {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Site Description {{% badge style="green" icon="fa-fw fab fa-markdown" title=" " %}}Front Matter{{% /badge %}} The theme shows a site description in various places, such as RSS feeds and meta tags. For this, it uses the `description` field from your home page's front matter. ## Social Media Images When your page is shared on social media, you can set a site-wide image to display with the link {{< multiconfig file=hugo >}} images = [ 'images/hero.png' ] {{< /multiconfig >}} ## More Social Media Options The theme adheres to Hugo's official documentation for [Open Graph](https://gohugo.io/templates/embedded/#configure-open-graph) and [Twitter Cards](https://gohugo.io/templates/embedded/#configure-x-twitter-cards) configuration.