
Th' children shortcode lists th' child planks o' th' current plank an' its descendants.


{{% children sort="title" %}}
{{ partial "shortcodes/children.html" (dict
  "page" .
  "sort" "title"


Name Default Notes
containerstyle ul Choose th' style used t' group all children. It could be any HTML tag name.
style li Choose th' style used t' display each descendant. It could be any HTML tag name.
showhidden false When true, child planks hidden from th' menu will be displayed as well.
descript'n false When true shows a short text under each plank 'n th' list. When no descript'n or summary exists fer th' plank, th' first 70 words o' th' rrrambl'n be taken - read more info about summaries on
depth 1 Th' depth o' descendants t' display. For example, if th' value be 2, th' shortcode will display two levels o' child planks. T' get all descendants, set this value t' a high number eg. 999.
sort auto Th' sort criteria o' th' displayed list.

- auto defaults t' ordersectionsby o' th' page’s Front Matter
    or t' ordersectionsby o' th' configurat'n Opt'n
    or t' weight
- weight
- title
- modifieddate
- expirydate
- publishdate
- date
- length
- default adher'n t' Hugo’s default sort criteria


All Default

{{% children %}}

Wit' Descript'n

{{% children descript'n="true" %}}
  • plank X

    This be a plain plank test, an' th' beginn'n o' a YAML multiline descript'n...

  • plank 1

    This be a demo child plank

  • plank 2

    This be a demo child plank wit' no descript'n.

    So its rrrambl'n be used as descript'n.

  • plank 3

    This be a demo child plank

Infinite Depth an' Hidden Planks

{{% children depth="999" showhidden="true" %}}

Head'n Styles fer Container an' Elements

{{% children containerstyle="div" style="h2" depth="3" descript'n="true" %}}

plank X

This be a plain plank test, an' th' beginn'n o' a YAML multiline descript'n...

plank 1

This be a demo child plank

plank 1-1

This be a demo child plank

plank 1-1-2 (headless)

This be a demo child plank

plank 1-1-3

This be a demo child plank

plank 2

This be a demo child plank wit' no descript'n.

So its rrrambl'n be used as descript'n.

plank 3

This be a demo child plank

plank 3-1

This be a plain plank test nested 'n a parent

Divs fer Group an' Element Styles

{{% children containerstyle="div" style="div" depth="3" %}}
.LinkTitle .LinkTitle .LinkTitle
plank 1-1-2 (headless)
.LinkTitle .LinkTitle .LinkTitle .LinkTitle .LinkTitle