mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 17:50:06 +00:00
theme: simplify refLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo #380
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 20 additions and 21 deletions
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<p>{{ T "message-404" }}</p>
<p><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" . "to" .Site.Home) }}">{{ T "Go-to-homepage" }}</a></p>
<p><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .Site.Home) }}">{{ T "Go-to-homepage" }}</a></p>
<p><img src="{{ "images/gopher-404.jpg" | relURL }}" style="width:50%" alt="Page not found!"></p>
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $len }}
<li><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" .Page) }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a> ({{ $len }})</li>
<li><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .Page) }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a> ({{ $len }})</li>
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
{{- range sort .Pages "Title" }}
{{- if and .Title (or (ne (.Scratch.Get "relearnIsHiddenStem") true) (ne .Site.Params.disableTagHiddenPages true) ) }}
<li><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
{{- if eq .Rel "canonical" }}
{{ (printf $link .Permalink .Rel .MediaType.Type ($title | htmlEscape)) | safeHTML }}
{{- else if and (ne .Name "JSON") (ne .Name "SEARCH") }}
{{ (printf $link (partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" .)) .Rel .MediaType.Type ($title | htmlEscape)) | safeHTML }}
{{ (printf $link (partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .)) .Rel .MediaType.Type ($title | htmlEscape)) | safeHTML }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<div class="navigation">
{{- if and $ispublished ($.Scratch.Get "relearnNextPage") }}
{{- with ($.Scratch.Get "relearnNextPage") }}
<a class="nav nav-next" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" .) }}" title="{{.Title}} (🡒)"><i class="fas fa-chevron-right fa-fw"></i></a>
<a class="nav nav-next" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}" title="{{.Title}} (🡒)"><i class="fas fa-chevron-right fa-fw"></i></a>
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
<span class="nav nav-next"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right fa-fw"></i></span>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
<div class="navigation">
{{- if and $ispublished ($.Scratch.Get "relearnPrevPage") }}
{{- with ($.Scratch.Get "relearnPrevPage") }}
<a class="nav nav-prev" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" .) }}" title="{{.Title}} (🡐)"><i class="fas fa-chevron-left fa-fw"></i></a>
<a class="nav nav-prev" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}" title="{{.Title}} (🡐)"><i class="fas fa-chevron-left fa-fw"></i></a>
{{- end}}
{{- else }}
<span class="nav nav-prev"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left fa-fw"></i></span>
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
{{- $remaining = sub $remaining 1 }}
{{- if $ispublished }}
{{- $depth = add $depth 1 }}
<li itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem" itemprop="itemListElement">{{ if $remaining }}<a itemprop="item" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" $to) }}">{{end}}<span itemprop="name">{{ if $to.Title }}{{ $to.Title }}{{ else }}{{ $to.Site.Title }}{{ end }}</span>{{ if $remaining }}</a>{{ end }}<meta itemprop="position" content="{{ $depth }}">{{ if $remaining }} > {{ end }}</li>
<li itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem" itemprop="itemListElement">{{ if $remaining }}<a itemprop="item" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" $to) }}">{{end}}<span itemprop="name">{{ if $to.Title }}{{ $to.Title }}{{ else }}{{ $to.Site.Title }}{{ end }}</span>{{ if $remaining }}</a>{{ end }}<meta itemprop="position" content="{{ $depth }}">{{ if $remaining }} > {{ end }}</li>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<a id="logo" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" . "to" .Site.Home) }}">
<a id="logo" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .Site.Home) }}">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 64.044 64.044">
<path d="M46.103 136.34c-.642-.394-1.222-2.242-1.98-2.358-.76-.117-1.353.506-1.618 1.519-.266 1.012-.446 4.188.173 5.538.213.435.482.787 1.03.845.547.057.967-.504 1.45-1.027.482-.523.437-.9 1.142-.612.705.289 1.051.4 1.586 1.229.535.828 1.085 4.043.868 5.598-.241 1.458-.531 2.8-.59 2.68.724 5.373 1.037 7.873.02.001-.028.01-.105.008-.11-.048-.165-.18-.41-.36-.698-.18-.29-.414-.645-.586-1.114a3.212 3.212 0 0 1-.125-1.735c.056-.21.153-.342.249-.475 1.237-1.193 2.932-1.373 4.244-1.384.557-.004 1.389.016 1.706.724 2.068 1.843.187.578.114 1.17-.043 1.623-.153.438-.369.783-.545 1.091-.178.31-.329.6-.401.821-.007.02-.003.071-.005.094 2.256 1.008 4.716.91 7.189.398.55-.114 1.11-.247 1.673-.377.344-1.085.678-2.145.852-3.208.124-.752.158-2.311-.078-3.538-.118-.613-.306-1.15-.52-1.489-.221-.349-.413-.501-.747-.538-.243-.027-.51.013-.796.098-.67.223-1.33.606-1.966.76l-.008.002-.109.032c-.556.152-1.233.158-1.797-.36-.556-.51-.89-1.367-1.117-2.596-.283-1.528-.075-3.279.89-4.518l.071-.09h.07c.65-.71 1.485-.802 2.16-.599.706.213 1.333.629 1.772.84.736.354 1.185.319 1.475.171.291-.148.5-.439.668-.955.332-1.017.301-2.819.022-4.106-.148-.684-.13-1.292-.13-1.883-1.558-.463-3.067-.982-4.574-1.208-1.128-.169-2.263-.173-3.298.164-.13.046-.256.095-.38.15-.373.164-.633.342-.805.52-.077.098-.081.105-.087.21-. 1.063.431 1.618a2.12 2.12 0 0 1-.499 1.309 1.757 1.757 0 0 1-.62.51h-.002c-.515.291-1.107.404-1.723.464-.86.083-1.787.026-2.598-.097-.806-.123-1.47-.28-1.948-.555-.444-.256-.79-.547-1.037-.925a2.273 2.273 0 0 1-.356-1.301c.029-.837.403-1.437.625-1.897.111-.23.191-.433.236-.583.045-.15.044-.25.046-.24-.005-.029-.127-.355-1.015-.741-1.138-.495-2.322-.673-3.533-.668h-.015a9.711 9.711 0 0 0-.521.016h-.002c-1.163.057-2.35.308-3.541.569.383 1.531.79 2.753.818 4.502-.096 1.297.158 2.114-1.03 2.935-.85.588-1.508.729-2.15.335" style="fill:#282828;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1.03763;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" transform="translate(-40.698 -95.175)"/>
<path d="M61.472 101.34v.002c-.3-.003-.603.01-.894.04-.544.055-1.39.165-1.778.306-1.238.364.13 2.344.41 2.913.28.569.285 2.03.14 2.134-.144.103-.375.261-.934.345-.56.084.03-.037-1.589.086-1.62.122-5.506.29-8.265.248-.022.26-.036.521-.097.808-.309 1.442-.63 3.163-.494 1.62-.004.834-.227 1.3-.442 1.887-.456.595-.016 1.555.472 1.965.717.411.245-.03-.008.002 0s. 3.256.002 4.68-.46.913-1.01 1.49-1.64 1.711-.63.22-1.229.067-1.734-.135-.881-.353-1.584-.7-2.205-.647-1.199 1.94-1.186 4.17-.6 6.602.097.397.212.814.327 1.23 2.68-.556 5.542-1.016 8.337.132 1.064.437 1.73 1.015 1.902 1.857.169.831-.193 1.508-.438 1.986-.122.238-.23.46-.307.642-.07.164-.096.28-.104.324.069.429.309.723.686.945.385.227.89.355 1.35.423.723.104 1.567.152 1.032-.338 1.241-.544a2.447 2.447 0 0 0 .303-.437.175.175 0 0 0 .013-.035c-.004-.066-.037-.246-.195-.527-.46-.816-.87-1.595-.817-2.51.028-.476.218-.938.529-1.288.304-.343.698-.586 1.186-.79 1.442-.606 2.96-.609 4.372-.409 1.525.216 2.963.679 4.378 1.083.226-2.09.784-3.9.592-5.77-.058-.565-.287-1.333-.598-1.827-.32-.508-.59-.717-1.036-.642-.648.11-1.472.935-2.707 1.078-.791.092-1.494-.267-1.95-.86-.45-.583-.678-1.335-.78-2.101-.202-1.525.031-3.229.89-4.27.615-.747 1.45-.887 2.15-.74.687.145 1.307.492 1.857.745v-.002c.546.252 1.033.388 1.281.344a.547.547 0 0 0 .353-.188c.113-.124.242-.35.384-.75.604-1.712.206-3.68-.303-5.654-.667.145-1.336.293-2.018.413-1.341.236-2.73.392-4.136.273-.656-.055-1.695-.085-2.58-.476-.442-.195-.903-.514-1.157-1.093-.259-.591-.205-1.313.08-2.014.223-.64 1.082-2.178.692-2.585-.391-.407-1.651-.56-2.554-.571z" style="fill:#282828;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:.992837;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" transform="translate(-40.698 -95.175)"/>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<div id="homelinks" class="default-animation">
<a class="padding" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" . "to" .Site.Home) }}">{{ .Site.Params.landingPageName | default `<i class="fas fa-home"></i> Home` | safeHTML }}</a>
<a class="padding" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .Site.Home) }}">{{ .Site.Params.landingPageName | default `<i class="fas fa-home"></i> Home` | safeHTML }}</a>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
{{- $shortcut := . }}
{{- with $page.Site.GetPage (printf "%s" $shortcut.URL ) }}
{{- $to := . }}
<li>{{ $shortcut.Pre }}<a class="padding" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" $to) }}">{{ safeHTML $shortcut.Name }}</a>{{ $shortcut.Post }}</li>
<li>{{ $shortcut.Pre }}<a class="padding" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" $to) }}">{{ safeHTML $shortcut.Name }}</a>{{ $shortcut.Post }}</li>
{{- else }}
<li>{{ $shortcut.Pre }}<a class="padding" href="{{ $shortcut.URL | relLangURL }}">{{ safeHTML $shortcut.Name }}</a>{{ $shortcut.Post }}</li>
{{- end }}
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
{{- range $siteLanguages }}
{{- if eq $translation.Lang .Lang }}
{{- if eq $pageLang .Lang }}
<option lang="{{ $translation.Lang }}" id="{{ $translation.Lang }}" value="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" $translation) }}" selected>{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
<option lang="{{ $translation.Lang }}" id="{{ $translation.Lang }}" value="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" $translation) }}" selected>{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
{{- else }}
<option lang="{{ $translation.Lang }}" id="{{ $translation.Lang }}" value="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" $translation) }}">{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
<option lang="{{ $translation.Lang }}" id="{{ $translation.Lang }}" value="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" $translation) }}">{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
{{- $currentAlwaysopen := .Params.alwaysopen | default $alwaysopen }}
{{- $pageHash := md5 .Page }}
{{- $isOpen := or $currentAlwaysopen $isSelf $isAncestor }}
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="dd-item{{if $isActive }} active{{end}}{{if (or $isSelf $isAncestor) }} parent{{end}}{{if $currentAlwaysopen}} alwaysopen{{end}}">{{ if .Site.Params.collapsibleMenu }}<input type="checkbox" id="section-{{ $pageHash }}" aria-controls="subsections-{{ $pageHash }}" class="toggle"{{ if $isOpen }} checked{{ end }}><label class="a11y-only toggle" for="section-{{ $pageHash }}" >{{ T "Submenu" ( or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title ) }}</label>{{ end }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" .Page "to" .) }}">
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="dd-item{{if $isActive }} active{{end}}{{if (or $isSelf $isAncestor) }} parent{{end}}{{if $currentAlwaysopen}} alwaysopen{{end}}">{{ if .Site.Params.collapsibleMenu }}<input type="checkbox" id="section-{{ $pageHash }}" aria-controls="subsections-{{ $pageHash }}" class="toggle"{{ if $isOpen }} checked{{ end }}><label class="a11y-only toggle" for="section-{{ $pageHash }}" >{{ T "Submenu" ( or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title ) }}</label>{{ end }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">
{{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
{{- if $showvisitedlinks }}<i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>{{ end }}</a><ul id="subsections-{{ $pageHash }}">
{{- $defaultAlwaysopen := .Site.Params.alwaysopen | default true }}
@ -168,12 +168,12 @@
{{- end }}
{{- end }}</ul></li>
{{- else }}
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="dd-item{{if $isActive }} active{{end}}"><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" .Page "to" .) }}">
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="dd-item{{if $isActive }} active{{end}}"><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">
{{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
{{- if $showvisitedlinks }}<i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>{{ end }}</a></li>
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="dd-item{{if $isActive }} active{{end}}"><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" .Page "to" .) }}">
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="dd-item{{if $isActive }} active{{end}}"><a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">
{{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
{{- if $showvisitedlinks }}<i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>{{ end }}</a></li>
{{- end }}
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{{- $page := .page }}
{{- $to := .to }}
{{- $link := $to.RelPermalink }}
{{- if and (ne $page.Site.Params.disableExplicitIndexURLs true) (eq (substr $link -1) "/") }}
{{- if and (ne .Site.Params.disableExplicitIndexURLs true) (eq (substr $link -1) "/") }}
{{- $link = printf "%sindex.html" $link }}
{{- end }}
{{- $link }}
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
{{- if hasPrefix $.style "h" }}
{{- $num := sub ( int (trim $.style "h") ) 1 }}
{{- $numn := add $num $.count }}
{{ (printf "<h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $context "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a>{{ (printf "</h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML }}
{{ (printf "<h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a>{{ (printf "</h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML }}
{{- if $.description }}
{{- if .Description -}}
<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
{{- end }}
{{- else if eq $.style "li" }}
{{ (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $context "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
{{ (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
{{- if $.description }}
{{- if .Description -}}
<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
{{ (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $context "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a>{{ (printf "</%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}
{{ (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" .) }}">{{ .Title }}</a>{{ (printf "</%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}
{{- if $.description }}
{{- if .Description -}}
<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{{- $tag := . }}
{{- with $page.Site.GetPage (printf "%s%s" ("/tags/" | relURL ) $tag ) }}
{{- $to := . }}
<a class="tag-link" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "page" $page "to" $to) }}">{{ $tag }}</a>
<a class="tag-link" href="{{ partial "relLangPrettyUglyURL.hugo" (dict "to" $to) }}">{{ $tag }}</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
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