Support yaml front matter in mermaid blocks

Mermaid diagrams can start with yaml front matter, e.g.
title: Example Diagram
graph LR
  A --> B

Relearn injects an init directive
`%%{init: {"theme":"default"}}%%` at the top of a mermaid block to
support theming the mermaid diagram. However this will cause a syntax
parser error in mermaid if the init directive comes before the yaml
front matter.

%%{init: {"theme":"default"}}%%
graph LR
    A --> B
%%{init: {"theme":"default"}}%%
title: Example
graph LR
    A --> B

To support yaml front matter, we detect if front matter is used, and
inject the init directive after the front matter.

title: Example
%%{init: {"theme":"default"}}%%
graph LR
    A --> B
This commit is contained in:
Tom Cammann 2023-06-09 11:52:23 +01:00
parent 228ab819b9
commit cb9cec76e3

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@ -167,9 +167,22 @@ function initMermaid( update, attrs ) {
var serializeGraph = function( graph ){
// See
// for reference on the regex originally taken from jekyll
const frontMatterRegex = /^-{3}\s*[\n\r](.*?)[\n\r]-{3}\s*[\n\r]+/s;
const matches = graph.content.match(frontMatterRegex);
// if we find front matter, we need to put this before the `%%{init` directive.
if (matches) {
const ymlFrontMatter = graph.content.substring(0, matches[0].length);
const graphContent = graph.content.slice(matches[0].length);
var s = ymlFrontMatter + '\n%%{init: ' + JSON.stringify( graph.dir ) + '}%%\n';
s += graphContent;
return s;
} else {
var s = '%%{init: ' + JSON.stringify( graph.dir ) + '}%%\n';
s += graph.content;
return s;
var init_func = function( attrs ){