docs: comprehensivly document config.toml #721

This commit is contained in:
Sören Weber 2023-11-16 00:21:08 +01:00
parent b91fb6e9e7
commit 2e07b80460
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: BEC6D55545451B6D
3 changed files with 384 additions and 122 deletions

View file

@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ title = "Hugo Relearn Theme"
source = 'i18n'
target = 'i18n'
# just for this documentation to expose the GitHub hero image in the docs
source = '../images'
target = 'static/images'
@ -203,36 +204,13 @@ title = "Hugo Relearn Theme"
source = 'static'
target = 'static'
# just for this documentation to expose our config in the docs
source = 'config'
target = 'static/config'
# settings specific to this theme's features; choose to your likings and
# consult this documentation for explaination
images = ["images/hero.png"]
editURL = ""
description = "Documentation for Hugo Relearn Theme" = "Sören Weber"
showVisitedLinks = true
collapsibleMenu = true
disableBreadcrumb = false
disableRootBreadcrumb = true
disableInlineCopyToClipBoard = true
disableNextPrev = false
disableLandingPageButton = true
breadcrumbSeparator = ">"
titleSeparator = "::"
themeVariant = [ "auto", "relearn-bright", "relearn-light", "relearn-dark", "zen-light", "zen-dark", "neon", "learn", "blue", "green", "red" ]
themeVariantAuto = [ "relearn-light", "relearn-dark" ]
disableSeoHiddenPages = true
# this is to index search for your native language in other languages, too (eg.
# pir in this showcase)
additionalContentLanguage = [ "en" ]
# this is for the stylesheet generator to allow for interactivity in Mermaid
# graphs; you usually will not need it and you should remove this for
# security reasons
mermaidInitialize = "{ \"securityLevel\": \"loose\" }"
mermaidZoom = true
text = "A **nested** parameter <b>with</b> formatting"
bg-white = true # extension, not supported by the theme
border = true
# Demo setting for displaying the siteparam shortcode the docs.
siteparam.test.text = "A **nested** option <b>with</b> formatting"
# Extension to the image effects only for the docs. = true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# This is the file `config/_default/params.toml`.
# You can also store the below options directly in your `hugo.toml` but then
# need to contain them within the `params` key. See Hugo's documentation how
# to do this.
# If an option value is said to be not set, you can achieve the same behavior
# by given it an empty string value.
# Hugo
# These options usually apply to other themes aswell.
# The author of your site.
# Default: not set
# This will be used in HTML meta tags, the opengraph protocol and twitter
# cards.
# You can also set `` if you want to publish this information. = "Sören Weber"
# The social media image of your site.
# Default: not set
# This is used for generating social media meta information for the opengraph
# protocol and twitter cards.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
images = ["images/hero.png"]
# The description of your site.
# Default: not set
# This is used for generating HTML meta tags, social media meta information
# for the opengraph protocol and twitter cards.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
description = "Documentation for Hugo Relearn Theme"
# Relearn Theme
# These options are specific to the Relearn theme.
# Variants
# These options set your color variant.
# Used color variants.
# Default: "auto"
# This sets one or more color variants, available to your readers to choose
# from. You can either set a single value eg. "zen-light" or an array like
# [ "neon", "learn" ]. If the array has more than one entry, a variant selector
# is shown in the lower part of the menu. The first entry in the array is the
# default variant, used for first time visitors.
# The theme ships with the following variants: "auto", "relearn-bright",
# "relearn-light", "relearn-dark", "zen-light", "zen-dark", "neon", "learn",
# "blue", "green", "red". The auto variant is somewhat special. See the
# option for themeVariantAuto below.
# You can also define your own variants. See the docs how this works. Also,
# the docs provide an interactive theme generator to help you with this task.
themeVariant = [ "auto", "relearn-bright", "relearn-light", "relearn-dark", "zen-light", "zen-dark", "neon", "learn", "blue", "green", "red" ]
# The color variants used for auto mode.
# Default: [ "relearn-light", "relearn-dark" ], overwritten by the first
# two non-auto options from themeVariant if existant.
# The auto variant defines how your site adjusts to your selected OS settings
# for light/dark mode. The first array element is the variant for light mode,
# the second for dark mode.
themeVariantAuto = [ "relearn-light", "relearn-dark" ]
# General
# These options are defining general, non visual behavior.
# Avoid new asset URLs on build.
# Default: false
# By default JavaScript-files and CSS-files get a unique ID on each rebuild.
# This makes sure, the user always has the latest version and not some stale
# copy of his browser cache. Anyways, it can be desireable to turn this
# off in certain circumstances. For example if you have Hugo's dev server
# running. Also some proxies dislike this optimization.
disableAssetsBusting = false
# Avoid generator meta tags.
# Default: false
# Set this to true if you want to disable generation for generator meta tags
# of Hugo and the theme in your HTML head. In tihs case also don't forget to
# set Hugo's disableHugoGeneratorInject=true. Otherwise Hugo will generate a
# meta tag into your home page anyways.
disableGeneratorVersion = false
# Generate link URLs the Hugo way.
# Default: false
# If set to true, the theme behaves like a standard Hugo installation and
# appends no index.html to prettyURLs. As a trade off, your build project will
# not be servable from the file system.
disableExplicitIndexURLs = false
# Multilanguage content.
# Default: not set
# If your pages contain further languages besides the main one used, add all
# those auxiliary languages here. This will create a search index with
# support for all used languages of your site.
# This is handy for example if you are writing in Spanish but have lots of
# source code on your page which typically uses English terminology.
additionalContentLanguage = [ "en" ]
# Topbar
# These options modify the topbar appearance.
# Hide the table of contents button.
# Default: false
# If the TOC button is hidden, also the keyboard shortcut is disabled.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
disableToc = false
# Hide the breadcrumbs.
# Default: false
# If the breadcrumbs are hidden, the title of the displayed page will still be
# shown in the topbar.
disableBreadcrumb = false
# Hide Next and Previous navigation buttons.
# Default: false
# If the navigation buttons are hidden, also the keyboard shortcuts are
# disabled.
disableNextPrev = false
# The URL prefix to edit a page.
# Default: not set
# If set, an edit button will be shown in the topbar. If the button is hidden,
# also the keyboard shortcuts are disabled. The given URL is prepended to the
# relative file path of a the displayed page. The URL must end with a `/`.
# This is useful if you wnat to give the opportunity for people to create merge
# request for your content.
editURL = ""
# Menu
# These options modify the menu apperance.
# Hide the search box.
# Default: false
# If the searc box is sisabled, the search functionality is disabled too.
# This will also cause the keyboard shortcut to be disabled and the dedicated
# search page is not linked although it mighty be configured.
disableSearch = false
# Hide the Home entry.
# Default: false
# If shown, a Home button will appear below the search bar and the main menu.
# It links to your the home page of the current language.
disableLandingPageButton = true
# The order of main menu submenus.
# Default: "weight"
# Submenus can be ordered by "weight", "title", "linktitle", "modifieddate",
# "expirydate", "publishdate", "date", "length" or "default" (adhering to
# Hugo's default sort order). This can be overridden in the pages frontmatter.
ordersectionsby = "weight"
# The initial expand state of submenus.
# Default: not set
# This controls whether submenus will be expanded (true), or collapsed (false)
# in the menu. If not set, the first menu level is set to false, all others
# levels are set to true. This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
# If the displayed page has submenus, they will always been displayed expanded
# regardless of this option.
alwaysopen = "" # this has the effect as if not set at all
# Shows expander for submenus.
# Default: false
# If set to true, a submenu in the sidebar will be displayed in a collapsible
# tree view and a clickable expander is set in front of the entry.
collapsibleMenu = true
# Shows checkmarks for visited pages of the main menu.
# Default: false
# This also causes the display of the `Clear History` entry in the lower part
# of the menu to remove all checkmarks. The checkmarks will also been removed
# if you regenerate your site as the ids are not stable.
showVisitedLinks = true
# Hide heading above the shortcut menu.
# Default: false
# The title for the heading can be overwritten in your i18n files. See Hugo's
# documentation how to do this.
disableShortcutsTitle = false
# Hide the language switcher.
# Default: false
# If you have more than one language configured, a language switcher is
# displayed in the lower part of the menu. This opition lets you explicitly
# turn this behavior off.
disableLanguageSwitchingButton = false
# Hidden pages
# These options configure how hidden pages are treated.
# A page flagged as hidden, is only removed from the main menu but behaves
# like any other page for all other functionality in Hugo.
# Hide hidden pages from search.
# Default: false
# Hides hidden pages from the suggestions of the search box and the dedicated
# search page.
disableSearchHiddenPages = false
# Hide hidden pages for web crawlers.
# Default: false
# Avoids hidden pages from showing up in the sitemap and on Google (et all),
# otherwise they may be indexed by search engines
disableSeoHiddenPages = true
# Hide hidden pages for taxonomies.
# Default: false
# Hides hidden pages from showing up on the taxonomy and terms pages. If this
# reduces term counters to zero, an empty but not linked term page will be
# created anyhow.
disableTagHiddenPages = false
# Content
# These options modify how your content is displayed.
# Title separator.
# Default: "::"
# Changes the title separator used when concatenating the page title with the
# site title. This is consistently used throughout the theme.
titleSeparator = "::"
# Breadcrumb separator.
# Default: ">"
# Changes the breadcrumb separator used in the topbars breadcrumb area and for
# search results and term pages.
breadcrumbSeparator = ">"
# Hide the root breadcrumb.
# Default: false
# The root breadcrumb is usually the home page of your site. Because this is
# always accessible by clicking on the logo, you may want to reduce clutter
# by removing this from your breadcrumb.
disableRootBreadcrumb = true
# Hide breadcrumbs term pages.
# Default: false
# If you have lots of taxonomy terms, the term pages may seem cluttered with
# breadcrumbs to you, so this is the option to turn off breadcrumbs on term
# pages. Only the page title will then be shown on the term pages.
disableTermBreadcrumbs = false
# Hide copy-to-clipboard for inline code.
# Default: false
# This removes the copy-to-clipboard button from your inline code.
disableInlineCopyToClipBoard = true
# Always show copy-to-clipboard for block code.
# Default: false
# The theme only shows the copy-to-clipboard button if you hover over the code
# block. Set this to true to disable the hover effect and always show the
# button.
disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard = false
# Links
# These options configure how links are displayed.
# How to open external links.
# Default: "_blank"
# For external links you can define how they are opened in your browser. All
# values for the HTML `target` attribute of the `a` element are allowed. The
# default value opens external links in a separate browser tab. If you want
# to open those links in the same tab, use "_self".
externalLinkTarget = "_blank"
# Images
# These options configure how images are displayed.
# Image effects.
# See the documentation for how you can even add your own arbitrary effects to
# the list.
# All effects can be overridden in the page's frontmatter or thru URL parameter
# given to the image. See the documentation for details.
# Default: false
imageEffects.border = true
# Default: true
imageEffects.lightbox = true
# Default: false
imageEffects.shadow = false
# Mermaid
# These options configure how Mermaid graphs are displayed.
# Make graphs panable and zoomable
# Default: false
# For huge graphs it can be helpful to make them zoomable. Zoomable graphs come
# with a reset button for the zoom.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter or given as a parameter to
# individual graphs.
mermaidZoom = true
# Initialization options for Mermaid.
# Default: not set
# A JSON value. See the Mermaid documentation for possible parameter.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
mermaidInitialize = "{ \"securityLevel\": \"loose\" }"
# Only load Mermaid if needed.
# Default: true
# If a Mermaid shortcode or codefence is found, the option will be ignored and
# Mermaid will be loaded regardlessly. The option is still useful in case you
# are using scripting to set up your graph. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence is involved and the library is not loaded by default. In this case
# you can set `disableMermaid=false` in your frontmatter to force the library to
# be loaded.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
disableMermaid = true
# URL for external Mermaid library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies the remote location of the Mermaid library. By default the shipped
# version will be used.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
customMermaidURL = "" # ""
# MathJax
# These options configure how math formulae are displayed.
# Initialization options for MathJax.
# Default: not set
# A JSON value. See the MathJaxdocumentation for possible parameter.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
mathJaxInitialize = "{}"
# Only load MathJax if needed.
# Default: true
# If a Math shortcode is found, the option will be ignored and
# MathJax will be loaded regardlessly. The option is still useful in case you
# are using scripting to set up your graph. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence is involved and the library is not loaded by default. In this case
# you can set `disableMathJax=false` in your frontmatter to force the library to
# be loaded.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
disableMathJax = true
# URL for external MathJax library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies the remote location of the MathJax library. By default the shipped
# version will be used.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
customMathJaxURL = "" # ""
# OpenApi
# These options configure how OpenAPI specifications are displayed.
# Only load OpenAPI if needed.
# Default: true
# If a OpenAPI shortcode is found, the option will be ignored and
# OpenAPI will be loaded regardlessly. The option is still useful in case you
# are using scripting to set up your graph. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence is involved and the library is not loaded by default. In this case
# you can set `disableOpenapi=false` in your frontmatter to force the library to
# be loaded.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
disableOpenapi = true
# URL for external OpenAPI library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies the remote location of the OpenAPI library. By default the shipped
# version will be used.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
customOpenapiURL = "" # ""

View file

@ -10,97 +10,9 @@ On top of [Hugo global configuration](
Note that some of these parameters are explained in details in other sections of this documentation.
# This controls whether submenus will be expanded (true), or collapsed (false) in the
# menu; if no setting is given, the first menu level is set to false, all others to true;
# this can be overridden in the pages frontmatter
alwaysopen = true
# Prefix URL to edit current page. Will display an "Edit" button on top right hand corner of every page.
# Useful to give opportunity to people to create merge request for your doc.
# See the config.toml file from this documentation site to have an example.
editURL = ""
# Author of the site, will be used in meta information = ""
# Description of the site, will be used in meta information
description = ""
# Shows a checkmark for visited pages on the menu
showVisitedLinks = false
# Disable search function. It will hide search bar
disableSearch = false
# Disable search in hidden pages, otherwise they will be shown in search box
disableSearchHiddenPages = false
# Disables hidden pages from showing up in the sitemap and on Google (et all), otherwise they may be indexed by search engines
disableSeoHiddenPages = false
# Disables hidden pages from showing up on the tags page although the tag term will be displayed even if all pages are hidden
disableTagHiddenPages = false
# Javascript and CSS cache are automatically busted when new version of site is generated.
# Set this to true to disable this behavior (some proxies don't handle well this optimization)
disableAssetsBusting = false
# Set this to true if you want to disable generation for generator version meta tags of hugo and the theme;
# don't forget to also set Hugo's disableHugoGeneratorInject=true, otherwise it will generate a meta tag into your home page
disableGeneratorVersion = false
# Set this to true to disable copy-to-clipboard button for inline code.
disableInlineCopyToClipBoard = false
# Set this to true to disable the hover effect for copy-to-clipboard buttons for block code.
disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard = false
# A title for shortcuts in menu is set by default. Set this to true to disable it.
disableShortcutsTitle = false
# If set to false, a Home button will appear below the search bar on the menu.
# It is redirecting to the landing page of the current language if specified. (Default is "/")
disableLandingPageButton = true
# When using mulitlingual website, disable the switch language button.
disableLanguageSwitchingButton = false
# Hide breadcrumbs in the header and only show the current page title
disableBreadcrumb = true
# Hide breadcrumbs in the term pages and only show the current page title
disableTermBreadcrumbs = true
# Hide the root (first) breadcrumb in the header
disableRootBreadcrumb = true
# If set to true, hide table of contents menu in the header of all pages
disableToc = false
# If set to false, load the MathJax module on every page regardless if a MathJax shortcode is present
disableMathJax = false
# Specifies the remote location of the MathJax js
customMathJaxURL = ""
# Initialization parameter for MathJax, see MathJax documentation
mathJaxInitialize = "{}"
# If set to false, load the Mermaid module on every page regardless if a Mermaid shortcode or Mermaid codefence is present
disableMermaid = false
# Specifies the remote location of the Mermaid js
customMermaidURL = ""
# Initialization parameter for Mermaid, see Mermaid documentation
mermaidInitialize = "{ \"theme\": \"default\" }"
# If set to false, load the OpenAPI module on every page regardless if a OpenAPI shortcode is present
disableOpenapi = false
# Specifies the remote location of the swagger-ui js
customOpenapiURL = ""
# Hide Next and Previous page buttons displayed in topbar
disableNextPrev = true
# Order menu sections by "weight", "title", "linktitle", "modifieddate", "expirydate", "publishdate", "date", "length" or "default" (adhering to Hugo's default sort order). Default to "weight";
# this can be overridden in the pages frontmatter
ordersectionsby = "weight"
# Change default color scheme with a variant one. Eg. can be "auto", "red", "blue", "green" or an array like [ "blue", "green" ].
themeVariant = "auto"
# Change the breadcrumb separator. Default to ">".
breadcrumbSeparator = "|"
# Change the title separator. Default to "::".
titleSeparator = "-"
# If set to true, the menu in the sidebar will be displayed in a collapsible tree view. Although the functionality works with old browsers (IE11), the display of the expander icons is limited to modern browsers
collapsibleMenu = false
# If a single page can contain content in multiple languages, add those here
additionalContentLanguage = [ "en" ]
# If set to true, no index.html will be appended to prettyURLs; this will cause pages not
# to be servable from the file system
disableExplicitIndexURLs = false
# For external links you can define how they are opened in your browser; this setting will only be applied to the content area but not the shortcut menu
externalLinkTarget = "_blank"
# Override default values for image effects, you can even add your own arbitrary effects to the list
border = false
lightbox = true
shadow = false
````toml {title="params.toml"}
{{% include "config/_default/params.toml" %}}
## Serving your page from a subfolder