diff --git a/docs/config/_default/hugo.toml b/docs/config/_default/hugo.toml
index 4e474fe3d4..1910bd9dd3 100644
--- a/docs/config/_default/hugo.toml
+++ b/docs/config/_default/hugo.toml
@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@
# set it like 'https://example.com/mysite/'
baseURL = 'https://example.com/'
-# required value to serve this page from a webserver AND the file system;
+# required to be set to `true` to serve this page from a webserver AND the file system;
# if you set this value to `true`, `baseURL` must not contain a subdirectory;
# if you don't want to serve your page from the file system, you can also set this value
-# to false
+# to `false`
relativeURLs = true # true -> rewrite all site-relative URLs (those with a leading slash) to be relative to the current content
-# if you set uglyURLs to false, this theme will append 'index.html' to any page bundle link
+# if you set uglyURLs to `false`, this theme will append 'index.html' to any page bundle link
# so your site can be also served from the file system; if you don't want that,
-# set disableExplicitIndexURLs=true in the [params] section
+# set `disableExplicitIndexURLs=true` in the [params] section,
+# if st to `true`, adjusting the link is not necessary, so `disableExplicitIndexURLs` has
+# no effect
uglyURLs = false # true -> basic/index.html -> basic.html
# the directory where Hugo reads the themes from; this is specific to your
@@ -26,303 +29,27 @@ defaultContentLanguage = 'en'
# if you want to get rrrid o' ourrr pirrrates nonsense uncomment th' next line
# disableLanguages = ['pir']
-# the site's title of this showcase; you should change this ;-)
-title = 'Hugo Relearn Theme'
-# Don't use any auto-generated summaries
+# don't use any auto-generated summaries
summaryLength = 10
+# add showcase-specific output formats
- # add `print` to home, section and page to activate the feature to print whole
- # chapters
+ # `print` - activate the themes feature to print whole chapters or leaf pages
home = ['html', 'rss', 'print']
section = ['html', 'rss', 'print']
page = ['html', 'rss', 'print']
- [markup.highlight]
- # line numbers in a table layout will shift if code is wrapping, so better
- # not use it; visually both layouts have the same look and behavior
- lineNumbersInTable = false
- # the shipped variants come with their own modified chroma syntax highlighting
- # stylesheets which are linked in your generated HTML pages; you can use Hugo to generate
- # own stylesheets to your liking and use them in your variant;
- # if you want to use Hugo's internal styles instead of the shipped stylesheets:
- # - remove `noClasses` or set `noClasses = true`
- # - set `style` to a predefined style name
- # note: with using the internal styles, the `--CODE-theme` setting in your variant
- # stylesheet will be ignored and the internal style is used for all variants and
- # even print
- noClasses = false
- # style = 'tango'
- [markup.goldmark]
- # this is required for the themes docs to make the piratify shortcode work
- duplicateResourceFiles = true
- # activated for this showcase to use HTML and JavaScript; decide on your own needs;
- # if in doubt, remove this line
- renderer.unsafe = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions]
- strikethrough = false
- # use Markdown extensions for this showcase
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras]
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.delete]
- enable = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.insert]
- enable = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.mark]
- enable = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.subscript]
- enable = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.superscript]
- enable = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.passthrough]
- enable = true
- [markup.goldmark.extensions.passthrough.delimiters]
- # the settings chosen here match the default initialization
- # of the MathJax library chosen by the theme;
- # if you want to adjust to different values you also need
- # to set them in `[params] mathJaxInitialize`
- inline = [['\(', '\)'], ['$', '$']]
- block = [['\[', '\]'], ['$$', '$$']]
-# showcase of the menu shortcuts; you can use relative URLs linking
-# to your content or use fully-qualified URLs to link outside of
-# your project
- [languages.en]
- title = 'Hugo Relearn Theme'
- weight = 1
- languageCode = 'en'
- languageName = 'English'
- # Language dependent settings:
- # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory
- #contentDir = 'content/en'
- [languages.en.params]
- landingPageName = ' Home'
- [[languages.en.menu.shortcuts]]
- pre = ' '
- name = 'GitHub Repo'
- url = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn'
- weight = 10
- [[languages.en.menu.shortcuts]]
- name = 'Showcases'
- pageRef = '/showcase'
- weight = 20
- [[languages.en.menu.shortcuts]]
- name = 'Credits'
- pageRef = '/more/credits'
- weight = 30
- [[languages.en.menu.shortcuts]]
- pre = ' '
- name = 'Tags'
- pageRef = '/tags'
- weight = 40
- [[languages.en.menu.shortcuts]]
- pre = ' '
- name = 'Categories'
- pageRef = '/categories'
- weight = 50
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- identifier = 'devshortcuts'
- name = 'Dev Shortcuts'
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'devshortcuts'
- pre = ' '
- name = 'Hugo'
- url = 'https://gohugo.io/documentation/'
- weight = 1
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'devshortcuts'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'theme'
- name = 'Theme'
- weight = 2
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts.params]]
- alwaysopen = true
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'configoptions'
- pageRef = 'configuration/reference'
- weight = 1
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'frontmatter'
- title = 'Front Matter Reference'
- pageRef = 'authoring/frontmatter/reference#annotated-front-matter'
- weight = 2
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'screenshotframe'
- title = 'Screenshot Frame'
- pageRef = 'images/hero.zip'
- weight = 3
- [[languages.en.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- title = 'Maaagic Download'
- pageRef = 'images/magic.gif?download'
- weight = 4
- # this is ourrr way t' showcase th' multilang settings by
- # doing autotrrranlat'n of th' english content; we are
- # lazy and don't supporrt furrrther trrranslations; arrr,
- # don't take it t' serrrious, fello'; it's prrretty hacky and:
- [languages.pir]
- title = "Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme"
- weight = 2
- # It would be more standard compliant to have the language key also
- # named art-x-pir but that would require to rename all files
- languageCode = 'art-x-pir'
- languageDirection = 'rtl'
- languageName = 'Arrr! ☠ Pirrratish ☠'
- # Language dependent settings:
- # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory
- #contentDir = 'content/pir'
- [languages.pir.params]
- landingPageName = ' Arrr! Home'
- errorignore = ['.*']
- [[languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]]
- pre = ' '
- name = 'GitHub Repo'
- url = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn'
- weight = 10
- [[languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]]
- pre = ' '
- name = 'Showcases'
- pageRef = '/showcase'
- weight = 20
- [[languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]]
- name = 'Crrredits'
- pageRef = '/more/credits'
- weight = 30
- [[languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]]
- name = 'Arrr! Tags'
- pageRef = '/tags'
- weight = 40
- [[languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]]
- pre = ' '
- name = 'Categorrries'
- pageRef = '/categories'
- weight = 50
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- identifier = 'devshortcuts'
- name = 'Dev Shortcuts'
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'devshortcuts'
- pre = ' '
- name = "Cap'n Hugo"
- url = 'https://gohugo.io/documentation/'
- weight = 1
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'devshortcuts'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'theme'
- name = "Th' Theme"
- weight = 2
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts.params]]
- alwaysopen = true
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'configoptions'
- pageRef = 'configuration/reference'
- weight = 1
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'frontmatter'
- title = 'Front Matter Reference'
- pageRef = 'authoring/frontmatter/reference#annotated-front-matter'
- weight = 2
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- identifier = 'screenshotframe'
- title = 'Screenshot Frame'
- pageRef = 'images/hero.zip'
- weight = 3
- [[languages.pir.menu.devshortcuts]]
- parent = 'theme'
- pre = ' '
- title = 'Maaagic Download'
- pageRef = 'images/magic.gif?download'
- weight = 4
-# mounts are only needed in this showcase to access the publicly available screenshots and CHANGELOG;
-# remove this section if you don't need further mounts
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'archetypes'
- target = 'archetypes'
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'assets'
- target = 'assets'
- # Language dependent settings:
- # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-filename
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'content'
- target = 'content'
- # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory
- #[[module.mounts]]
- # lang = 'en'
- # source = 'content/en'
- # target = 'content'
- #[[module.mounts]]
- # lang = 'pir'
- # source = 'content/pir'
- # target = 'content'
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'data'
- target = 'data'
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'i18n'
- target = 'i18n'
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'layouts'
- target = 'layouts'
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'static'
- target = 'static'
- # just for this documentation to expose our config in the docs
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = 'config'
- target = 'assets/config'
- # just for this documentation to expose the GitHub hero image in the docs
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = '../images'
- target = 'assets/images'
- # just for this documentation to expose the CHANGELOG.md in the docs
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = '../CHANGELOG.md'
- target = 'assets/CHANGELOG.md'
- # just for this documentation to expose the README.md in the docs
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = '../README.md'
- target = 'assets/README.md'
+# add two showcase specific taxonomies for the parameter documentation;
+# the standard taxonomies must be repeated if they should be available
+# in such a case
category = 'categories'
tag = 'tags'
frontmatter = 'frontmatter'
option = 'options'
+# Showcase-specific non-standard theme parameter that should be not
+# contained in the defauzlt params.toml; delete it!
# Demo setting for displaying the siteparam shortcode the docs.
siteparam.test.text = 'A **nested** option with formatting'
@@ -331,7 +58,8 @@ summaryLength = 10
# This is for support of the variantgenerator in the docs, you don't need this!
variantgenerator.force = true
- # This is for support of the variantgenerator in the docs, you don't need this!
- [params.relearn.dependencies.variantgenerator]
- name = 'VariantGenerator'
+ [params.relearn]
+ [params.relearn.dependencies]
+ # This is for support of the variantgenerator in the docs, you don't need this!
+ [params.relearn.dependencies.variantgenerator]
+ name = 'VariantGenerator'
diff --git a/docs/config/_default/languages.toml b/docs/config/_default/languages.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241affa2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/_default/languages.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# showcase of the menu shortcuts; you can use relative URLs linking
+# to your content or use fully-qualified URLs to link outside of
+# your project
+ title = 'Hugo Relearn Theme'
+ weight = 1
+ languageCode = 'en'
+ languageName = 'English'
+ # Language dependent settings:
+ # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory
+ #contentDir = 'content/en'
+ [en.params]
+ landingPageName = ' Home'
+ errorignore = ['exampleSite']
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Example Site'
+ url = 'exampleSite/index.html'
+ weight = 1
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'GitHub Repo'
+ url = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn'
+ weight = 10
+ name = 'Showcases'
+ pageRef = '/showcase'
+ weight = 20
+ name = 'Credits'
+ pageRef = '/more/credits'
+ weight = 30
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Tags'
+ pageRef = '/tags'
+ weight = 40
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Categories'
+ pageRef = '/categories'
+ weight = 50
+ identifier = 'devshortcuts'
+ name = 'Dev Shortcuts'
+ parent = 'devshortcuts'
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Hugo'
+ url = 'https://gohugo.io/documentation/'
+ weight = 1
+ parent = 'devshortcuts'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'theme'
+ name = 'Theme'
+ weight = 2
+ [[en.menu.devshortcuts.params]]
+ alwaysopen = true
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'configoptions'
+ pageRef = 'configuration/reference'
+ weight = 1
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'frontmatter'
+ title = 'Front Matter Reference'
+ pageRef = 'authoring/frontmatter/reference#annotated-front-matter'
+ weight = 2
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'screenshotframe'
+ title = 'Screenshot Frame'
+ pageRef = 'images/hero.zip'
+ weight = 3
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ title = 'Maaagic Download'
+ pageRef = 'images/magic.gif?download'
+ weight = 4
+# this is ourrr way t' showcase th' multilang settings by
+# doing autotrrranlat'n of th' english content; we are
+# lazy and don't supporrt furrrther trrranslations; arrr,
+# don't take it t' serrrious, fello'; it's prrretty hacky and:
+ title = "Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme"
+ weight = 2
+ # It would be more standard compliant to have the language key also
+ # named art-x-pir but that would require to rename all files
+ languageCode = 'art-x-pir'
+ languageDirection = 'rtl' # you can explicitly override the reading direction here, otherwise the translation file contains a default
+ languageName = 'Arrr! ☠ Pirrratish ☠'
+ # Language dependent settings:
+ # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory
+ #contentDir = 'content/pir'
+ [pir.params]
+ landingPageName = ' Arrr! Home'
+ errorignore = ['exampleSite', '.*']
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Example Site'
+ url = 'exampleSite/index.html'
+ weight = 1
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'GitHub Repo'
+ url = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn'
+ weight = 10
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Showcases'
+ pageRef = '/showcase'
+ weight = 20
+ name = 'Crrredits'
+ pageRef = '/more/credits'
+ weight = 30
+ name = 'Arrr! Tags'
+ pageRef = '/tags'
+ weight = 40
+ pre = ' '
+ name = 'Categorrries'
+ pageRef = '/categories'
+ weight = 50
+ identifier = 'devshortcuts'
+ name = 'Dev Shortcuts'
+ parent = 'devshortcuts'
+ pre = ' '
+ name = "Cap'n Hugo"
+ url = 'https://gohugo.io/documentation/'
+ weight = 1
+ parent = 'devshortcuts'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'theme'
+ name = "Th' Theme"
+ weight = 2
+ [[pir.menu.devshortcuts.params]]
+ alwaysopen = true
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'configoptions'
+ pageRef = 'configuration/reference'
+ weight = 1
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'frontmatter'
+ title = 'Front Matter Reference'
+ pageRef = 'authoring/frontmatter/reference#annotated-front-matter'
+ weight = 2
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ identifier = 'screenshotframe'
+ title = 'Screenshot Frame'
+ pageRef = 'images/hero.zip'
+ weight = 3
+ parent = 'theme'
+ pre = ' '
+ title = 'Maaagic Download'
+ pageRef = 'images/magic.gif?download'
+ weight = 4
diff --git a/docs/config/_default/markup.toml b/docs/config/_default/markup.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..540bbe3dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/_default/markup.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ # line numbers in a table layout will shift if code is wrapping, so better
+ # not use it; visually both layouts have the same look and behavior
+ lineNumbersInTable = false
+ # the shipped variants come with their own modified chroma syntax highlighting
+ # stylesheets which are linked in your generated HTML pages; you can use Hugo to generate
+ # own stylesheets to your liking and use them in your variant;
+ # if you want to use Hugo's internal styles instead of the shipped stylesheets:
+ # - remove `noClasses` or set `noClasses = true`
+ # - set `style` to a predefined style name
+ # note: with using the internal styles, the `--CODE-theme` setting in your variant
+ # stylesheet will be ignored and the internal style is used for all variants and
+ # even print
+ noClasses = false
+ # style = 'tango'
+ # this is required for the themes docs to make the piratify shortcode work
+ duplicateResourceFiles = true
+ # activated for this showcase to use HTML and JavaScript; decide on your own needs;
+ # if in doubt, remove this line
+ renderer.unsafe = true
+ [goldmark.extensions]
+ strikethrough = false
+ # use Markdown extensions for this showcase
+ [goldmark.extensions.extras]
+ [goldmark.extensions.extras.delete]
+ enable = true
+ [goldmark.extensions.extras.insert]
+ enable = true
+ [goldmark.extensions.extras.mark]
+ enable = true
+ [goldmark.extensions.extras.subscript]
+ enable = true
+ [goldmark.extensions.extras.superscript]
+ enable = true
+ [goldmark.extensions.passthrough]
+ enable = true
+ [goldmark.extensions.passthrough.delimiters]
+ # the settings chosen here match the default initialization
+ # of the MathJax library chosen by the theme;
+ # if you want to adjust to different values you also need
+ # to set them in `[params] mathJaxInitialize`
+ inline = [['\(', '\)'], ['$', '$']]
+ block = [['\[', '\]'], ['$$', '$$']]
diff --git a/docs/config/_default/module.toml b/docs/config/_default/module.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92368fdf44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/_default/module.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# mounts are only needed in this showcase to access the publicly available screenshots and CHANGELOG;
+# remove this section if you don't need further mounts
+ source = 'archetypes'
+ target = 'archetypes'
+ source = 'assets'
+ target = 'assets'
+# Language dependent settings:
+# Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-filename
+ source = 'content'
+ target = 'content'
+# Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory
+# lang = 'en'
+# source = 'content/en'
+# target = 'content'
+# lang = 'pir'
+# source = 'content/pir'
+# target = 'content'
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = 'data'
+ target = 'data'
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = 'i18n'
+ target = 'i18n'
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = 'layouts'
+ target = 'layouts'
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = 'static'
+ target = 'static'
+ # just for this documentation to expose our config in the docs
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = 'config'
+ target = 'assets/config'
+ # just for this documentation to expose the GitHub hero image in the docs
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = '../images'
+ target = 'assets/images'
+ # just for this documentation to expose the CHANGELOG.md in the docs
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = '../CHANGELOG.md'
+ target = 'assets/CHANGELOG.md'
+ # just for this documentation to expose the README.md in the docs
+ [[mounts]]
+ source = '../README.md'
+ target = 'assets/README.md'
diff --git a/docs/config/_default/params.toml b/docs/config/_default/params.toml
index 75efdc8ffb..80c1416f8b 100644
--- a/docs/config/_default/params.toml
+++ b/docs/config/_default/params.toml
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Theme-specific options;
+# For a detailed explanation and many more options see
+# https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/configuration/reference/index.html#annotated-configuration-options
# If an option value is said to be not set, you can achieve the same behavior
# by giving it an empty string value.
@@ -60,13 +64,13 @@ social.twitter = ''
# You can also define your own variants. See the docs how this works. Also,
# the docs provide an interactive theme generator to help you with this task.
themeVariant = [
- { identifier = 'relearn-auto', name = 'Relearn Light/Dark', auto = [] },
- { identifier = 'relearn-light' },
+ { identifier = 'relearn-auto', name = 'Relearn Light/Dark', auto = [ 'relearn-light', 'relearn-dark' ] },
{ identifier = 'relearn-dark' },
+ { identifier = 'relearn-light' },
{ identifier = 'relearn-bright' },
{ identifier = 'zen-auto', name = 'Zen Light/Dark', auto = [ 'zen-light', 'zen-dark' ] },
- { identifier = 'zen-light' },
{ identifier = 'zen-dark' },
+ { identifier = 'zen-light' },
{ identifier = 'retro-auto', name = 'Retro Learn/Neon', auto = [ 'learn', 'neon' ] },
{ identifier = 'neon' },
{ identifier = 'learn' },
diff --git a/docs/config/github/hugo.toml b/docs/config/github/hugo.toml
index b80b9e5d03..0d921d55f3 100644
--- a/docs/config/github/hugo.toml
+++ b/docs/config/github/hugo.toml
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+# Configuration to release this site on GitHub Pages
baseURL = 'https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/'
relativeURLs = false
diff --git a/docs/config/testing/hugo.toml b/docs/config/testing/hugo.toml
index be1e2b06d7..26d4309033 100644
--- a/docs/config/testing/hugo.toml
+++ b/docs/config/testing/hugo.toml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# Configuration to test the exampleSite for changes in development
+# This configuration will not result in a functioning website.
# We disable this for testing; you must do so too
# if you want to use the themes parameter disableGeneratorVersion=true;
# otherwise Hugo will create a generator tag on your home page
diff --git a/layouts/partials/version.txt b/layouts/partials/version.txt
index 2350664ce0..ec926e5a09 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/version.txt
+++ b/layouts/partials/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file