Use the children shortcode to list the child pages of a page and the further descendants (children's children). By default, the shortcode displays links to the child pages.
## Usage
| Parameter | Default | Description |
| page | _current_ | Specify the page name (section name) to display children for |
| description | "false" | Allows you to include a short text under each page in the list. When no description exists for the page, children shortcode takes the first 70 words of your content. [Read more info about summaries on]( |
| depth | 1 | Enter a number to specify the depth of descendants to display. For example, if the value is 2, the shortcode will display 2 levels of child pages. **Tips:** set 999 to get all descendants |
| sort | [ordersectionsby]({{% relref "basics/configuration#global-site-parameters" %}}) | Sort children by **weight** - to sort on menu order, **title** - to sort alphabetically on menu label |