The graph is interactive and reflect the current colors. You can click on any of the colored boxes to adjust the respective color. The graph **and the page** will update accordingly.
The arrowed lines reflect how colors are inherited through different parts of the theme if the descendent isn't overwritten. If you want to delete a color and let it inherit from its parent, just delete the value from the input field.
To better understand this select the `neon` variant and modify the different heading colors. There, colors for the heading `h2`, `h3` and `h4` are explicitly set. `h5` is not set and inherits its value from `h4`. `h6` is also not set and inherits its value from `h5`.
Once you've changed a color, the variant selector will show a "My custom variant" entry and your changes are stored in the browser. You can **browse to other pages** and even close the browser **without losing your changes**.
{{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} Once you are satisfied, you can download the new variants file and copy it into your site's `assets/css` directory. Afterwards you have to adjust the `themeVariant` option in your `hugo.toml` to your chosen file name.