<p>Fello' pirrates, be awarrre <b>some stuff may not work</b> fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like <b>table of rrramblings</b>, see'ng <b>Merrrmaids</b>, do'ng <b>math or chemistrrry</b> and stuff.</p>
<p>Th' Relearrrn theme has been built t' be as configur'ble as poss'ble by defin'n multiple <ahref="https://gohugo.io/templates/partials/">partials</a></p>
<p>In <code>themes/hugo-theme-relearn/layouts/partials/</code>, ye will find all th' partials defined fer this theme. If ye need t' overwrite someth'n, don’t change th' code directly. Instead <ahref="https://gohugo.io/themes/customizing/">follow this plank</a>. You’d create a new partial 'n th' <code>layouts/partials</code> folder o' yer local project. This partial will have th' priority.</p>
<li><code>header.html</code>: th' header o' th' plank. See <ahref="#output-formats">output-formats</a></li>
<li><code>footer.html</code>: th' footer o' th' plank. See <ahref="#output-formats">output-formats</a></li>
<li><code>body.html</code>: th' body o' th' plank. Th' body may contain o' one or many articles. See <ahref="#output-formats">output-formats</a></li>
<li><code>article.html</code>: th' output fer a single article, can contain elements around yer rrrambl'n. See <ahref="#output-formats">output-formats</a></li>
<li><code>menu.html</code>: left menu. <em>Not meant t' be overwritten</em></li>
<li><code>search.html</code>: search box. <em>Not meant t' be overwritten</em></li>
<li><code>custom-header.html</code>: custom headers 'n plank. Meant t' be overwritten when add'n CSS imports. Don’t forget t' include <code>style</code> HTML tag directive 'n yer file.</li>
<li><code>custom-footer.html</code>: custom footer 'n plank. Meant t' be overwritten when add'n JavaScript. Don’t forget t' include <code>javascript</code> HTML tag directive 'n yer file.</li>
<li><code>heading-pre.html</code>: side-wide configurat'n t' prepend t' planks title head'ns. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s <code>headingPre</code> sett'n into account.</li>
<li><code>heading-post.html</code>: side-wide configurat'n t' append t' planks title head'ns. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s <code>headingPost</code> sett'n into account.</li>
<li><code>menu-pre.html</code>: side-wide configurat'n t' prepend t' menu items. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s <code>menuPre</code> sett'n into account.</li>
<li><code>menu-post.html</code>: side-wide configurat'n t' append t' menu items. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s <code>menuPost</code> sett'n into account.</li>
<li><code>rrrambl'n.html</code>: th' rrrambl'n plank itself. This can be overridden if ye want t' display page’s meta data above or below th' rrrambl'n.</li>
<p>If yer favicon be a SVG, PNG or ICO, just drop off yer image 'n yer local <code>static/images/</code> folder an' name it <code>favicon.svg</code>, <code>favicon.png</code> or <code>favicon.ico</code> respectively.</p>
<p>If no favicon file be found, th' theme will lookup th' alternative filename <code>logo</code> 'n th' same locat'n an' will repeat th' search fer th' list o' supported file types.</p>
<p>If ye need t' change this default behavior, create a new file 'n <code>layouts/partials/</code> named <code>favicon.html</code>. Then write someth'n like this:</p>
<p>Ye can also set multiple variants. In this case, th' first variant be th' default chosen on first view an' a variant switch will be shown 'n th' menu footer.</p>
<p>If ye want t' switch th' rules highlight'n theme together wit' yer color variant, generate a rules highlight'n stylesheet an' configure yer installat'n <ahref="https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/">accord'n t' Hugo’s documentat'n</a>, an' <code>@import</code> this stylesheet 'n yer color variant stylesheet. For an example, take a look into <code>theme-relearn-light.css</code> an' <code>config.toml</code> o' th' exampleSite.</p>
<p>If ye be not happy wit' th' shipped variants ye can either copy an' rename one o' th' shipped files from <code>themes/hugo-theme-relearn/static/css</code> t' <code>static/css</code>, edit them afterwards t' yer lik'n 'n a text editor an' configure th' <code>themeVariant</code> parameter 'n yer <code>config.toml</code> or just use th' <ahref="../../../basics/generator/">interactive variant generator</a>.</p>
<p>Certain parts o' th' theme can be changed fer support o' yer own <ahref="https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats/">output formats</a>. Eg. if ye define a new output format <code>PLAINTEXT</code> 'n yer <code>config.toml</code>, ye can add a file <code>layouts/partials/header.plaintext.html</code> t' change th' way, th' plank header should look like fer that output format.</p>