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<title>Basics on Cap&#39;n Hugo Relearrrn Theme</title>
<description>Recent content in Basics on Cap&#39;n Hugo Relearrrn Theme</description>
<generator>Hugo --</generator>
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<title>What&#39;s New</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Arrr! Pirrrates Fello&#39; pirrrates, grog made us dizzy! Be awarrre some stuff may look weird in this trrranslat&#39;n. Like Merrrmaids, do&#39;n math or chemistrrry and stuff.
This document shows ye what&amp;rsquo;s new &#39;n th&#39; latest release an&#39; flags it wit&#39; one o&#39; th&#39; follow&#39;n badges. For a detailed list o&#39; changes, see th&#39; history plank.
0.112.4 Th&#39; minimum required Cap&#39;n Hugo version.
Break&#39;n A change that requires act&#39;n by ye after upgrad&#39;n t&#39; assure th&#39; ship be still functional.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Thanks t&#39; th&#39; simplicity o&#39; Cap&#39;n Hugo, this plank be as empty as this theme needs requirements.
Just download at least version 0.112.4 o&#39; th&#39; Cap&#39;n Hugo binary fer yer OS (Windows, Linux, Mac).
It&amp;rsquo;s a kind o&#39; magic</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Th&#39; follow&#39;n steps be here t&#39; help ye initialize yer new website. If ye don&amp;rsquo;t know Cap&#39;n Hugo at all, we strongly suggest ye learn more about it by follow&#39;n this great documentat&#39;n fer beginners.
Create yer project Cap&#39;n Hugo provides a new command t&#39; create a new website.
hugo new ship &amp;lt;new_project&amp;gt;Install th&#39; theme Install th&#39; Relearrrn theme by follow&#39;n this documentat&#39;n us&#39;n Hugo&amp;rsquo;s module system.
This theme&amp;rsquo;s repository be: https://github.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>On top o&#39; Hugo&amp;rsquo;s global configurat&#39;n opt&#39;ns, th&#39; Relearrrn theme lets ye define further opt&#39;ns unique t&#39; th&#39; theme &#39;n yer hugo.toml. Th&#39; defaults be written &#39;n th&#39; comments o&#39; each opt&#39;n.
Avast that some o&#39; these opt&#39;ns be explained &#39;n detail &#39;n other sections o&#39; this documentat&#39;n.
&amp;#8203; hugo.toml [params] # If an opt&#39;n value be said t&#39; be not set, ye can achieve th&#39; same behavior # by given it an empty str&#39;n value.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Th&#39; Relearrrn theme provides configurat&#39;n opt&#39;ns t&#39; change yer your site&amp;rsquo;s colors, favicon an&#39; logo. This allows ye t&#39; easily align yer ship visuals t&#39; yer desired style. Most o&#39; these opt&#39;ns be exposed thru so called color variants.
A color variant lets ye cust&#39;mize various visual effects o&#39; yer ship like almost any color, used fonts, color schemes o&#39; print, rules highligtn&#39;n, Merrrmaid an&#39; th&#39; OpenAPI shortcode, etc. It contains o&#39; a CSS file an&#39; optional configurat&#39;n opt&#39;ns &#39;n yer hugo.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Usage scenarios Th&#39; theme be us&#39;ble &#39;n different scenarios, requir&#39;n th&#39; follow&#39;n mandatory sett&#39;ns &#39;n yer hugo.toml. All sett&#39;ns not mentioned can be set t&#39; yer lik&#39;n.
Public Webserver from Root baseURL = &amp;#34;;#34;Public Webserver from Subdirectory baseURL = &amp;#34;;#34; relativeURLs = falsePrivate Webserver (LAN) Th&#39; same sett&#39;ns as wit&#39; any o&#39; th&#39; public webserver usage scenarios or
baseURL = &amp;#34;/&amp;#34; relativeURLs = trueFile System baseURL = &amp;#34;/&amp;#34; relativeURLs = true Arrr Us&#39;n a baseURL wit&#39; a subdirectory an&#39; relativeURLs=true be mutally exclusive due t&#39; th&#39; fact, that Cap&#39;n Hugo does not apply th&#39; baseURL correctly.</description>
<title>Stylesheet generrrat&#39;r</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>This interactive tool may help ye t&#39; generate yer own color variant stylesheet.
Show usage instruct&#39;ns T&#39; get started, first select a color variant from th&#39; variant selector &#39;n th&#39; lower left sidebar that fits ye best as a start&#39;n point.
Th&#39; graph be interactive an&#39; reflect th&#39; current colors. Ye can click on any o&#39; th&#39; colored boxes t&#39; adjust th&#39; respective color. Th&#39; graph an&#39; th&#39; plank will update accordingly.</description>
<title>Topbarrr Modificat&#39;n</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Th&#39; theme comes wit&#39; a reasonably configured topbar.
Nevertheless, yer requirements may differ from this configurat&#39;n. Luckily th&#39; theme got ye covered as th&#39; themebar, its buttons an&#39; th&#39; functionality behind these buttons be fully configur&#39;ble by ye.
Smarrrt Arrrse All mentioned file names below can be clicked an&#39; show ye th&#39; implementat&#39;n fer a better understand&#39;n.
Areas Th&#39; default configurat&#39;n comes wit&#39; three predefined areas that may contain an arbitrary set o&#39; buttons.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Changelog 5.24.2 (2024-02-24) Enhancements [feature] image: adjust t&#39; Cap&#39;n Hugo 0.123 #777 Fixes [bug] link: resolve fragments #775 5.24.1 (2024-02-18) Enhancements [feature] link: make resolut&#39;n report&#39;n configur&#39;ble #774 5.24.0 (2024-02-17) Enhancements [feature] theme: compatibility wit&#39; Cap&#39;n Hugo 0.123 #771 [feature] topbar: support editURL &#39;n frontmatter #764 [feature] menu: use &amp;ndash;MENU-WIDTH-S t&#39; adjust mobile flyout #761 [feature] figure: support built-in shortcode #746 [feature] theme: make head&#39;n a template #744 [feature] taxonomy: make arrow nav browse thru terms #742 [feature] theme: switch from config.</description>