2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
/ *
2021-11-09 21:07:22 +01:00
Base : jQuery SVG Pan Zoom v1 . 0.3 , October 2015 ( labeled v1 . 0.2 , June 2015 )
McShelby . hugo - theme - relearn :
Change 1 : OnMouseUp restore image cursor ( not document cursor )
2021-11-09 21:13:01 +01:00
Change 2 : add PR # 18
2021-11-09 21:14:34 +01:00
Change 3 : remove default limits enlargement of 15 % as image can not be restored to initial size by zooming out only
2021-11-09 21:13:01 +01:00
2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
Author : Daniel Hoffmann Bernardes ( daniel . hoffmann . bernardes @ gmail . com )
Repository : https : //github.com/DanielHoffmann/jquery-svg-pan-zoom/
jQuery plugin to enable pan and zoom in SVG images either programmatically or through mouse / touch events .
[ Demo page ] ( http : //danielhoffmann.github.io/jquery-svg-pan-zoom/)
* Features
- Programmatically manipulate the SVG viewBox
- Mouse and touch events to pan the SVG viewBox
- Mousewheel events to zoom in or out the SVG viewBox
- Animations
- Mousewheel zooming keeps the cursor over the same coordinates relative to the image ( A . K . A . GoogleMaps - like zoom )
- Limiting the navigable area
* Requirements
SVG - enabled browser ( does not work with SVG work - arounds that use Flash )
* The viewBox
The viewBox is an attribute of SVG images that defines the area of the SVG that is visible , it is defined by 4 numbers : X , Y , Width , Height . These numbers together specify the visible area . This plugin works by manipulating these four numbers . For example , moving the image to the right alters the X value while zooming in reduces Width and Height .
* Usage
` ` ` javascript
var svgPanZoom = $ ( "svg" ) . svgPanZoom ( options )
` ` `
If the selection has more than one element ` svgPanZoom ` will return an array with a SvgPanZoom object for each image in the same order of the selection . If only one element is selected then the return is a single SvgPanZoom object . If no elements are selected the above call returns ` null `
The returned SvgPanZoom object contains all options , these options can be overriden at any time directly , for example to disable mouseWheel events simply :
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . events . mouseWheel = false
` ` `
the SvgPanZoom object also has methods for manipulating the viewBox programmatically . For example :
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . zoomIn ( )
` ` `
will zoomIn the image using options . zoomFactor .
* Building
This project requires coffeescript to be installed in order to build .
` coffee -m --compile --output compiled/ src/ `
* Options
` ` ` javascript
Options :
events : {
mouseWheel : boolean ( true ) , // enables mouse wheel zooming events
doubleClick : boolean ( true ) , // enables double-click to zoom-in events
drag : boolean ( true ) , // enables drag and drop to move the SVG events
dragCursor : string "move" // cursor to use while dragging the SVG
} ,
animationTime : number ( 300 ) , // time in milliseconds to use as default for animations. Set 0 to remove the animation
zoomFactor : number ( 0.25 ) , // how much to zoom-in or zoom-out
maxZoom : number ( 3 ) , //maximum zoom in, must be a number bigger than 1
panFactor : ( number ( 100 ) , // how much to move the viewBox when calling .panDirection() methods
initialViewBox : { // the initial viewBox, if null or undefined will try to use the viewBox set in the svg tag. Also accepts string in the format "X Y Width Height"
x : number ( 0 ) // the top-left corner X coordinate
y : number ( 0 ) // the top-left corner Y coordinate
width : number ( 1000 ) // the width of the viewBox
height : number ( 1000 ) // the height of the viewBox
} ,
limits : { // the limits in which the image can be moved. If null or undefined will use the initialViewBox plus 15% in each direction
x : number ( - 150 )
y : number ( - 150 )
x2 : number ( 1150 )
y2 : number ( 1150 )
` ` `
* Methods
- pan
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . panLeft ( amount , animationTime )
svgPanZoom . panRight ( amount , animationTime )
svgPanZoom . panUp ( amount , animationTime )
svgPanZoom . panDown ( amount , animationTime )
` ` `
Moves the SVG viewBox in the specified direction . Parameters :
- amount : Number , optional . How much to move the viewBox , defaults to options . panFactor .
- animationTime : Number , optional . How long the animation should last , defaults to options . animationTime .
- zoom
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . zoomIn ( animationTime )
svgPanZoom . zoomOut ( animationTime )
` ` `
Zooms the viewBox . Parameters :
- animationTime : Number , optional . How long the animation should last , defaults to options . animationTime .
- reset
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . reset ( )
` ` `
Resets the SVG to options . initialViewBox values .
- getViewBox
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . getViewBox ( )
` ` `
Returns the viewbox in this format :
` ` ` javascript
x : number
y : number
width : number
height : number
` ` `
- setViewBox
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . setViewBox ( x , y , width , height , animationTime )
` ` `
Changes the viewBox to the specified coordinates . Will respect the ` options.limits ` adapting the viewBox if needed ( moving or reducing it to fit into ` options.limits `
- x : Number , the new x coodinate of the top - left corner
- y : Number , the new y coodinate of the top - left corner
- width : Number , the new width of the viewBox
- height : Number , the new height of the viewBox
- animationTime : Number , optional . How long the animation should last , defaults to options . animationTime .
- setCenter
` ` ` javascript
svgPanZoom . setCenter ( x , y , animationTime )
` ` `
Sets the center of the SVG . Parameters :
- x : Number , the new x coordinate of the center
- y : Number , the new y coordinate of the center
- animationTime : Number , optional . How long the animation should last , defaults to options . animationTime .
* Notes :
- Only works in SVGs inlined in the HTML . You can use $ . load ( ) to load the SVG image in the page using AJAX and call $ ( ) . svgPanZoom ( ) in the callback
- Touch pinch events to zoom not yet supported
- This plugin does not create any controls ( like arrows to move the image ) on top of the SVG . These controls are simple to create manually and they can call the methods to move the image .
- Do not manipulate the SVG viewBox attribute manually , use SvgPanZoom . setViewBox ( ) instead
Copyright ( C ) 2014 Daniel Hoffmann Bernardes , Ícaro Technologies
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
* /
( function ( ) {
var hasProp = { } . hasOwnProperty ;
( function ( $ ) {
var checkLimits , defaultOptions , defaultViewBox , getViewBoxCoordinatesFromEvent , parseViewBoxString ;
defaultOptions = {
events : {
mouseWheel : true ,
doubleClick : true ,
drag : true ,
dragCursor : "move"
} ,
animationTime : 300 ,
zoomFactor : 0.25 ,
maxZoom : 3 ,
panFactor : 100 ,
initialViewBox : null ,
limits : null
} ;
defaultViewBox = {
x : 0 ,
y : 0 ,
width : 1000 ,
height : 1000
} ;
/ * *
* Check the limits of the view box , return a new viewBox that respects the limits while keeping
* the original view box size if possible . If the view box needs to be reduced , the returned view
* box will keep the aspect ratio of the original view box .
* @ param { Object } viewBox
* The original view box . Takes numbers , in the format ` {x, y, width, height} ` .
* @ param { Object } limits
* Extents which can be shown , in the view box coordinate system . Takes numbers in the format
* ` {x, y, x2, y2} ` .
* @ return { Object } viewBox
* A new view box object , squeezed into the limits . Contains numbers , in the format ` {x, y,
* width , height } ` .
* /
checkLimits = function ( viewBox , limits ) {
var limitsHeight , limitsWidth , reductionFactor , vb ;
vb = $ . extend ( { } , viewBox ) ;
limitsWidth = Math . abs ( limits . x2 - limits . x ) ;
limitsHeight = Math . abs ( limits . y2 - limits . y ) ;
if ( vb . width > limitsWidth ) {
if ( vb . height > limitsHeight ) {
if ( limitsWidth > limitsHeight ) {
reductionFactor = limitsHeight / vb . height ;
vb . height = limitsHeight ;
vb . width = vb . width * reductionFactor ;
} else {
reductionFactor = limitsWidth / vb . width ;
vb . width = limitsWidth ;
vb . height = vb . height * reductionFactor ;
} else {
reductionFactor = limitsWidth / vb . width ;
vb . width = limitsWidth ;
vb . height = vb . height * reductionFactor ;
} else if ( vb . height > limitsHeight ) {
reductionFactor = limitsHeight / vb . height ;
vb . height = limitsHeight ;
vb . width = vb . width * reductionFactor ;
if ( vb . x < limits . x ) {
vb . x = limits . x ;
if ( vb . y < limits . y ) {
vb . y = limits . y ;
if ( vb . x + vb . width > limits . x2 ) {
vb . x = limits . x2 - vb . width ;
if ( vb . y + vb . height > limits . y2 ) {
vb . y = limits . y2 - vb . height ;
return vb ;
} ;
/ * *
* Parse the viewbox string as defined in the spec for the svg tag .
* @ param { String } viewBoxString
* A valid value of the ` viewBox ` attribute .
* @ return { Object } viewBox
* A view box object . Contains numbers , in the format ` {x, y, width, height} ` .
* /
parseViewBoxString = function ( string ) {
var vb ;
vb = string . replace ( "\s+" , " " ) . split ( " " ) ;
return vb = {
x : parseFloat ( vb [ 0 ] ) ,
y : parseFloat ( vb [ 1 ] ) ,
width : parseFloat ( vb [ 2 ] ) ,
height : parseFloat ( vb [ 3 ] )
} ;
} ;
/ * *
* Get the mouse or first touch position from the ` event ` , relative to the SVG viewBox .
* @ param { SVGElement } svgRoot
* The ` <svg> ` DOM object
* @ param { MouseEvent | TouchEvent | jQueryEvent } event
* The DOM or jQuery event .
* @ return { Object }
* Coordinates of the event . Contains numbers , in the format ` {x, y} ` .
* /
getViewBoxCoordinatesFromEvent = function ( svgRoot , event ) {
var ctm , foo , pos ;
foo = {
x : null ,
y : null
} ;
if ( event . type === "touchstart" || event . type === "touchmove" ) {
if ( ( event . originalEvent != null ) && ( event . touches == null ) ) {
foo . x = event . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] . clientX ;
foo . y = event . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] . clientY ;
} else {
foo . x = event . touches [ 0 ] . clientX ;
foo . y = event . touches [ 0 ] . clientY ;
} else {
if ( event . clientX != null ) {
foo . x = event . clientX ;
foo . y = event . clientY ;
} else {
foo . x = event . originalEvent . clientX ;
foo . y = event . originalEvent . clientY ;
pos = svgRoot . createSVGPoint ( ) ;
pos . x = parseInt ( foo . x , 10 ) ;
pos . y = parseInt ( foo . y , 10 ) ;
ctm = svgRoot . getScreenCTM ( ) ;
ctm = ctm . inverse ( ) ;
pos = pos . matrixTransform ( ctm ) ;
return pos ;
} ;
return $ . f n . svgPanZoom = function ( options ) {
var ret ;
ret = [ ] ;
this . each ( function ( ) {
var $animationDiv , dragStarted , horizontalSizeIncrement , key , opts , preventClick , value , vb , verticalSizeIncrement , viewBox ;
opts = $ . extend ( true , { } , defaultOptions , options ) ;
opts . $svg = $ ( this ) ;
if ( opts . animationTime == null ) {
opts . animationTime = 0 ;
opts . $svg [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "preserveAspectRatio" , "xMidYMid meet" ) ;
vb = $ . extend ( { } , this . viewBox . baseVal ) ;
if ( vb . x == null ) {
vb . x = 0 ;
if ( vb . y == null ) {
vb . y = 0 ;
if ( vb . width == null ) {
vb . width = 0 ;
if ( vb . height == null ) {
vb . height = 0 ;
if ( opts . initialViewBox != null ) {
if ( typeof opts . initialViewBox === "string" ) {
vb = parseViewBoxString ( opts . initialViewBox ) ;
} else if ( typeof opts . initialViewBox === "object" ) {
vb = $ . extend ( { } , defaultViewBox , opts . initialViewBox ) ;
} else {
throw "initialViewBox is of invalid type" ;
} else if ( vb . x === 0 && vb . y === 0 && vb . width === 0 && vb . height === 0 ) {
vb = defaultViewBox ;
viewBox = vb ;
opts . initialViewBox = $ . extend ( { } , viewBox ) ;
if ( opts . limits == null ) {
horizontalSizeIncrement = viewBox . width * 0.15 ;
verticalSizeIncrement = viewBox . height * 0.15 ;
opts . limits = {
2021-11-09 21:14:34 +01:00
x : viewBox . x ,
y : viewBox . y ,
x2 : viewBox . x + viewBox . width ,
y2 : viewBox . y + viewBox . height
2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
} ;
opts . reset = function ( ) {
var inivb ;
inivb = this . initialViewBox ;
this . setViewBox ( inivb . x , inivb . y , inivb . width , inivb . height , 0 ) ;
} ;
opts . getViewBox = function ( ) {
return $ . extend ( { } , viewBox ) ;
} ;
$animationDiv = $ ( "<div></div>" ) ;
opts . setViewBox = function ( x , y , width , height , animationTime ) {
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
if ( animationTime > 0 ) {
$animationDiv . css ( {
left : viewBox . x + "px" ,
top : viewBox . y + "px" ,
width : viewBox . width + "px" ,
height : viewBox . height + "px"
} ) ;
viewBox = {
x : x != null ? x : viewBox . x ,
y : y != null ? y : viewBox . y ,
width : width ? width : viewBox . width ,
height : height ? height : viewBox . height
} ;
viewBox = checkLimits ( viewBox , this . limits ) ;
if ( animationTime > 0 ) {
$animationDiv . stop ( ) . animate ( {
left : viewBox . x ,
top : viewBox . y ,
width : viewBox . width ,
height : viewBox . height
} , {
duration : animationTime ,
easing : "linear" ,
step : ( function ( value , properties ) {
var $div ;
$div = $animationDiv ;
this . $svg [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "viewBox" , ( $div . css ( "left" ) . slice ( 0 , - 2 ) ) + " " + ( $div . css ( "top" ) . slice ( 0 , - 2 ) ) + " " + ( $div . css ( "width" ) . slice ( 0 , - 2 ) ) + " " + ( $div . css ( "height" ) . slice ( 0 , - 2 ) ) ) ;
} ) . bind ( this )
} ) ;
} else {
this . $svg [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "viewBox" , viewBox . x + " " + viewBox . y + " " + viewBox . width + " " + viewBox . height ) ;
} ;
opts . panLeft = function ( amount , animationTime ) {
if ( amount == null ) {
amount = this . panFactor ;
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
this . panRight ( - amount , animationTime ) ;
} ;
opts . panRight = function ( amount , animationTime ) {
if ( amount == null ) {
amount = this . panFactor ;
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
this . setViewBox ( viewBox . x + amount , null , null , null , animationTime ) ;
} ;
opts . panUp = function ( amount , animationTime ) {
if ( amount == null ) {
amount = this . panFactor ;
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
this . panDown ( - amount , animationTime ) ;
} ;
opts . panDown = function ( amount , animationTime ) {
if ( amount == null ) {
amount = this . panFactor ;
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
this . setViewBox ( null , viewBox . y + amount , null , null , animationTime ) ;
} ;
opts . zoomIn = function ( amount , animationTime ) {
if ( amount == null ) {
amount = this . zoomFactor ;
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
this . zoomOut ( - amount , animationTime ) ;
} ;
opts . zoomOut = function ( amount , animationTime ) {
var center , newHeight , newWidth ;
if ( amount == null ) {
amount = this . zoomFactor ;
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
if ( amount === 0 ) {
return ;
} else if ( amount < 0 ) {
amount = Math . abs ( amount ) ;
newWidth = viewBox . width / ( 1 + amount ) ;
newHeight = viewBox . height / ( 1 + amount ) ;
} else {
newWidth = viewBox . width * ( 1 + amount ) ;
newHeight = viewBox . height * ( 1 + amount ) ;
center = {
x : viewBox . x + viewBox . width / 2 ,
y : viewBox . y + viewBox . height / 2
} ;
2021-11-09 21:13:01 +01:00
this . setViewBox ( center . x - newWidth / 2 , center . y - newHeight / 2 , newWidth , newHeight , animationTime ) ;
2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
} ;
opts . setCenter = function ( x , y , animationTime ) {
if ( animationTime == null ) {
animationTime = this . animationTime ;
this . setViewBox ( x - viewBox . width / 2 , y - viewBox . height / 2 , viewBox . width , viewBox . height , animationTime ) ;
} ;
for ( key in opts ) {
if ( ! hasProp . call ( opts , key ) ) continue ;
value = opts [ key ] ;
if ( typeof value === "function" ) {
opts . key = value . bind ( opts ) ;
opts . $svg . on ( "mousewheel DOMMouseScroll MozMousePixelScroll" , ( function ( ev ) {
var delta , minHeight , minWidth , newMousePosition , newViewBox , newcenter , oldDistanceFromCenter , oldMousePosition , oldViewBox , oldcenter , reductionFactor ;
delta = parseInt ( ev . originalEvent . wheelDelta || - ev . originalEvent . detail ) ;
if ( delta === 0 || opts . events . mouseWheel !== true ) {
return ;
oldViewBox = this . getViewBox ( ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
oldMousePosition = getViewBoxCoordinatesFromEvent ( this . $svg [ 0 ] , ev ) ;
oldcenter = {
x : viewBox . x + viewBox . width / 2 ,
y : viewBox . y + viewBox . height / 2
} ;
oldDistanceFromCenter = {
x : oldcenter . x - oldMousePosition . x ,
y : oldcenter . y - oldMousePosition . y
} ;
if ( delta > 0 ) {
this . zoomIn ( void 0 , 0 ) ;
minWidth = this . initialViewBox . width / this . maxZoom ;
minHeight = this . initialViewBox . height / this . maxZoom ;
if ( viewBox . width < minWidth ) {
reductionFactor = minWidth / viewBox . width ;
viewBox . width = minWidth ;
viewBox . height = viewBox . height * reductionFactor ;
if ( viewBox . height < minHeight ) {
reductionFactor = minHeight / viewBox . height ;
viewBox . height = minHeight ;
viewBox . width = viewBox . width * reductionFactor ;
} else {
this . zoomOut ( void 0 , 0 ) ;
newMousePosition = getViewBoxCoordinatesFromEvent ( this . $svg [ 0 ] , ev ) ;
newcenter = {
x : oldcenter . x + ( oldMousePosition . x - newMousePosition . x ) ,
y : oldcenter . y + ( oldMousePosition . y - newMousePosition . y )
} ;
this . setCenter ( newcenter . x , newcenter . y , 0 ) ;
newViewBox = this . getViewBox ( ) ;
this . setViewBox ( oldViewBox . x , oldViewBox . y , oldViewBox . width , oldViewBox . height , 0 ) ;
this . setViewBox ( newViewBox . x , newViewBox . y , newViewBox . width , newViewBox . height ) ;
} ) . bind ( opts ) ) ;
opts . $svg . dblclick ( ( function ( ev ) {
if ( opts . events . doubleClick !== true ) {
return ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return this . zoomIn ( ) ;
} ) . bind ( opts ) ) ;
opts . $svg [ 0 ] . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ev ) {
var preventClick ;
if ( preventClick ) {
preventClick = false ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
} , true ) ;
dragStarted = false ;
preventClick = false ;
opts . $svg . on ( "mousedown touchstart" , ( function ( ev ) {
var $body , domBody , initialViewBox , mouseMoveCallback , mouseUpCallback , oldCursor ;
if ( dragStarted ) {
return ;
if ( opts . events . drag !== true || ( ev . type === "mousedown" && ev . which !== 1 ) ) {
return ;
dragStarted = true ;
preventClick = false ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
initialViewBox = $ . extend ( { } , viewBox ) ;
$body = $ ( window . document . body ) ;
domBody = $body [ 0 ] ;
2021-11-09 21:07:22 +01:00
oldCursor = this . $svg . css ( "cursor" ) ;
2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
if ( this . events . dragCursor != null ) {
2021-11-09 21:07:22 +01:00
this . $svg . css ( "cursor" , this . events . dragCursor ) ;
2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
mouseMoveCallback = ( function ( ev2 ) {
var currentMousePosition , initialMousePosition ;
ev2 . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev2 . stopPropagation ( ) ;
initialMousePosition = getViewBoxCoordinatesFromEvent ( this . $svg [ 0 ] , ev ) ;
currentMousePosition = getViewBoxCoordinatesFromEvent ( this . $svg [ 0 ] , ev2 ) ;
if ( Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( ev . pageX + ev2 . pageX , 2 ) + Math . pow ( ev . pageY + ev2 . pageY , 2 ) ) > 3 ) {
preventClick = true ;
this . setViewBox ( initialViewBox . x + initialMousePosition . x - currentMousePosition . x , initialViewBox . y + initialMousePosition . y - currentMousePosition . y , null , null , 0 ) ;
} ) . bind ( opts ) ;
mouseUpCallback = ( function ( ev2 ) {
if ( ev2 . type === "mouseout" && ev2 . target !== ev2 . currentTarget ) {
return ;
ev2 . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev2 . stopPropagation ( ) ;
domBody . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mouseMoveCallback , true ) ;
domBody . removeEventListener ( "touchmove" , mouseMoveCallback , true ) ;
domBody . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
domBody . removeEventListener ( "touchend" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
domBody . removeEventListener ( "touchcancel" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
domBody . removeEventListener ( "mouseout" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
if ( this . events . dragCursor != null ) {
2021-11-09 21:07:22 +01:00
this . $svg . css ( "cursor" , oldCursor ) ;
2021-07-02 23:01:38 +02:00
dragStarted = false ;
} ) . bind ( opts ) ;
domBody . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mouseMoveCallback , true ) ;
domBody . addEventListener ( "touchmove" , mouseMoveCallback , true ) ;
domBody . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
domBody . addEventListener ( "touchend" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
domBody . addEventListener ( "touchcancel" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
domBody . addEventListener ( "mouseout" , mouseUpCallback , true ) ;
} ) . bind ( opts ) ) ;
opts . setViewBox ( vb . x , vb . y , vb . width , vb . height , 0 ) ;
ret . push ( opts ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ret . length === 0 ) {
return null ;
if ( ret . length === 1 ) {
return ret [ 0 ] ;
} else {
return ret ;
} ;
} ) ( jQuery ) ;
} ) . call ( this ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=jquery.svg.pan.zoom.js.map