2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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2023-07-26 19:36:09 +00:00
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2023-06-22 17:05:27 +00:00
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2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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< meta name = "description" content = "Testing different markdown constructs inside of tables" >
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2023-01-25 11:42:06 +00:00
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2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
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2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
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2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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// hack to let hugo tell us how to get to the root when using relativeURLs, it needs to be called *url= for it to do its magic:
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/145b3fcce35fbac25c7033c91c1b7ae6d1179da8/transform/urlreplacers/absurlreplacer.go#L72
var root_url="../../";
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window.T_No_results_found = 'No results found for \u0022{0}\u0022';
window.T_N_results_found = '{1} results found for \u0022{0}\u0022';
// some further base stuff
var baseUriFull='https:\/\/McShelby.github.io\/hugo-theme-relearn/';
2023-02-25 21:51:39 +00:00
window.variants & & variants.init( [ 'auto', 'relearn-bright', 'relearn-light', 'relearn-dark', 'learn', 'neon', 'blue', 'green', 'red' ] );
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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2023-02-08 23:54:12 +00:00
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< li itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/ListItem" itemprop = "itemListElement" > < a itemprop = "item" href = "../../index.html" > < span itemprop = "name" > Hugo Relearn Theme< / span > < / a > < meta itemprop = "position" content = "1" > > < / li >
< li itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/ListItem" itemprop = "itemListElement" > < a itemprop = "item" href = "../../tests/index.html" > < span itemprop = "name" > Tests< / span > < / a > < meta itemprop = "position" content = "2" > > < / li >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< li itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/ListItem" itemprop = "itemListElement" > < span itemprop = "name" > Tables< / span > < meta itemprop = "position" content = "3" > < / li >
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2023-05-19 18:46:07 +00:00
< header class = "headline" >
< / header >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< h1 id = "tables" > Tables< / h1 >
< h2 id = "lines-and-paragraphs" > Lines and Paragraphs< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < p > HTML Paragraph I< / p > < p > HTML Paragraph II< / p > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > HTML Line I< br > HTML Line II< / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > HTML Line I< br > < br > HTML Line II< / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > Markdown Multicell I< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > Markdown Multicell II< / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< h2 id = "headings" > Headings< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < h1 > HTML h1< / h1 > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < h2 > HTML h2< / h2 > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < h3 > HTML h3< / h3 > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < h4 > HTML h4< / h4 > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < h5 > HTML h5< / h5 > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < h6 > HTML h6< / h6 > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< h2 id = "lists" > Lists< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < ul > < li > HTML List Item I< / li > < li > HTML List Item II< / li > < / ul > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< h2 id = "code" > Code< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < code > Markdown Inline< / code > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < code > HTML Inline< / code > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < pre > < code > HTML Block< / code > < / pre > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< h2 id = "links--images" > Links & Images< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < a href = "https://example.com" target = "_blank" > Markdown Link< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < a href = "https://example.com" target = "_blank" > https://example.com< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
< a href = "#image-d06cdd01ffca83075f745d0bf14b60ed" class = "lightbox-link" >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< img src = "https://octodex.github.com/images/spocktocat.png?classes=shadow&width=24px" alt = "Spock" class = "shadow" style = "height: auto; width: 24px;" loading = "lazy" >
2023-01-29 10:28:20 +00:00
< / a >
2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
< a href = "javascript:history.back();" class = "lightbox" id = "image-d06cdd01ffca83075f745d0bf14b60ed" >
2023-02-04 15:22:06 +00:00
< img src = "https://octodex.github.com/images/spocktocat.png?classes=shadow&width=24px" alt = "Spock" class = "lightbox-image" loading = "lazy" >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< h2 id = "other" > Other< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < blockquote > HTML Blockquote< / blockquote > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < blockquote > < p > HTML Blockquote with nested Paragraph< / p > < / blockquote > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < hr > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< h2 id = "shortcodes" > Shortcodes< / h2 >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < span class = "badge cstyle default" > < span class = "badge-content" > Important< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
2023-06-03 20:59:23 +00:00
< td >
< span class = "btn cstyle transparent" >
< a href = "https://gohugo.io/" target = "_blank" >
Get Hugo
< / a >
< / span > < / td >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
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< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
2023-06-03 22:20:43 +00:00
< td >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< div class = "expand" >
2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "expand-0c8abc5f7590c083bbc7a3cfacf6c897" aria-controls = "expandcontent-0c8abc5f7590c083bbc7a3cfacf6c897" >
< label class = "expand-label" for = "expand-0c8abc5f7590c083bbc7a3cfacf6c897" >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< i class = "fas fa-chevron-down" > < / i >
2023-02-09 00:02:54 +00:00
< i class = "fas fa-chevron-right" > < / i >
2023-03-14 20:49:22 +00:00
Expand me…
2023-02-03 07:58:48 +00:00
< / label >
2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
< div id = "expandcontent-0c8abc5f7590c083bbc7a3cfacf6c897" class = "expand-content" >
2023-06-04 22:25:27 +00:00
< p >
2023-06-03 09:12:46 +00:00
Thank you!< / div >
2023-06-03 22:20:43 +00:00
< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< table >
< thead >
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< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
2023-06-08 11:37:35 +00:00
< td > < i class = "fa-fw fas fa-heart" > < / i > < / td >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
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< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< p > You can add standard markdown syntax:< / p >
< ul >
< li > multiple paragraphs< / li >
< li > bullet point lists< / li >
< li > < em > emphasized< / em > , < strong > bold< / strong > and even < strong > < em > bold emphasized< / em > < / strong > text< / li >
< li > < a href = "https://example.com" target = "_blank" > links< / a > < / li >
2023-05-31 21:45:45 +00:00
< li > etc.< sup id = "fnref:1" > < a href = "#fn:1" class = "footnote-ref" role = "doc-noteref" > 1< / a > < / sup > < / li >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< / ul >
2023-06-21 23:23:13 +00:00
< div class = "wrap-code highlight" > < pre tabindex = "0" class = "chroma" > < code class = "language-plaintext" data-lang = "plaintext" > < span class = "line" > < span class = "cl" > ...and even source code< / span > < / span > < / code > < / pre > < / div > < blockquote >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< p > the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work) (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work)
|< / p >
< / blockquote >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
< span class = "math align-center" >
$$\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)$$
< / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
< span class = "math align-center" > $\sqrt{3}$< / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
2023-02-05 10:13:50 +00:00
< div class = "mermaid align-center zoom" >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
graph LR;
If --> Then
Then --> Else
< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/" target = "_blank" > https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > i< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
< div class = "tab-panel" data-tab-group = "8f7c44f2b45c838068b742c9dddebc8b" >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< div class = "tab-nav" >
2023-06-06 17:55:15 +00:00
< div class = "tab-nav-title" > ​ < / div >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< button
2023-06-06 16:16:06 +00:00
class="tab-nav-button tab-panel-style cstyle initial active"
2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
2023-01-29 16:05:10 +00:00
2023-06-06 16:16:06 +00:00
< div >
< div class = "tab-nav-hidden" > python< / div >
< div class = "tab-nav-text" > python< / div >
< / div >
2023-06-04 22:28:49 +00:00
< / button >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< button
2023-06-06 16:16:06 +00:00
class="tab-nav-button tab-panel-style cstyle initial"
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2023-01-29 16:05:10 +00:00
2023-06-06 16:16:06 +00:00
< div >
< div class = "tab-nav-hidden" > bash< / div >
< div class = "tab-nav-text" > bash< / div >
< / div >
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2023-06-05 16:33:00 +00:00
< div class = "tab-content-container" >
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class="tab-content tab-panel-style cstyle initial active">
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< div class = "tab-content-text" >
2023-06-04 22:25:27 +00:00
2023-06-21 23:23:13 +00:00
< div class = "wrap-code highlight" > < pre tabindex = "0" class = "chroma" > < code class = "language-python" data-lang = "python" > < span class = "line" > < span class = "cl" > < span class = "nb" > print< / span > < span class = "p" > (< / span > < span class = "s2" > " Hello World!" < / span > < span class = "p" > )< / span > < / span > < / span > < / code > < / pre > < / div > < / div >
2023-06-05 16:33:00 +00:00
< / div >
2023-01-29 16:05:10 +00:00
< div
2023-06-06 16:16:06 +00:00
class="tab-content tab-panel-style cstyle initial">
2023-06-05 16:33:00 +00:00
< div class = "tab-content-text" >
2023-06-04 22:25:27 +00:00
2023-06-21 23:23:13 +00:00
< div class = "wrap-code highlight" > < pre tabindex = "0" class = "chroma" > < code class = "language-bash" data-lang = "bash" > < span class = "line" > < span class = "cl" > < span class = "nb" > echo< / span > < span class = "s2" > " Hello World!" < / span > < / span > < / span > < / code > < / pre > < / div > < / div >
2023-06-05 16:33:00 +00:00
< / div >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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2023-05-31 21:45:45 +00:00
< div class = "footnotes" role = "doc-endnotes" >
< hr >
< ol >
< li id = "fn:1" >
< p > Et Cetera (English: /ɛtˈ sɛtərə/), abbreviated to etc., etc, et cet., is a Latin expression that is used in English to mean “ and other similar things” , or “ and so forth”   < a href = "#fnref:1" class = "footnote-backref" role = "doc-backlink" > ↩ ︎ < / a > < / p >
< / li >
< / ol >
< / div >
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
< footer class = "footline" >
2023-05-26 06:40:21 +00:00
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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2023-05-17 22:13:41 +00:00
2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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2023-07-26 19:47:56 +00:00
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2023-01-25 10:09:36 +00:00
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tex: {
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['$', '$'],
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