{{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} Use `alwaysopen` to control how submenus appear. Set it to `true` to expand submenus, or `false` to collapse them. If not set, the first menu level is collapsed, and all others are expanded.
{{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} Set `collapsibleMenu=true` to add an expander for submenus. This shows submenus as collapsible trees with a clickable expander.
{{% badge style="cyan" icon="gears" title=" " %}}Option{{% /badge %}} Use `ordersectionsby` to choose how navigation menus are sorted. The default is `weight`. You can sort by `weight`, `title`, `linktitle`, `modifieddate`, `expirydate`, `publishdate`, `date`, `length`, or `default` (Hugo's standard order).