<description>The children shortcode lists the child pages of the current page and its descendants.
page X page 1 page 2 page 3 Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.
&#8203; shortcode partial {{% children sort=&#34;weight&#34; %}} {{ partial &#34;shortcodes/children.html&#34; (dict &#34;page&#34; . &#34;sort&#34; &#34;weight&#34; )}} Parameter Name Default Notes containerstyle ul Choose the style used to group all children.</description>
Note This only works in modern browsers flawlessly. While Internet Explorer 11 has issues in displaying it, the functionality still works.
Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional as well or also call this shortcode from your own partials.</description>
&#8203; python 1print(&#34;Hello World!&#34;) Usage This shortcode is fully compatible with Hugo&rsquo;s highlight shortcode but offers some extensions.
You are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials. In this case it resembles Hugo&rsquo;s highlight function syntax if you call this shortcode as a partial using compatibility syntax.</description>
Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional aswell or also call this shortcode from your own partials.
&#8203; shortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% include file=&#34;shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md&#34; %}} {{% include &#34;shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md&#34; %}} {{ partial &#34;shortcodes/include .html&#34; (dict &#34;page&#34; . &#34;file&#34; &#34;shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md&#34; )}} The included files can even contain Markdown and will be taken into account when generating the table of contents.</description>
$$\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)$$ Note This only works in modern browsers.
Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter it is recommended to use codefences instead. This is because more and more other software supports Math codefences (eg. GitHub) and so your markdown becomes more portable.</description>
Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter it is recommended to use codefences instead. This is because more and more other software supports Mermaid codefences (eg. GitHub) and so your markdown becomes more portable.</description>
Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional as well or also call this shortcode from your own partials.
&#8203; shortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% notice style=&#34;primary&#34; title=&#34;There may be pirates&#34; icon=&#34;skull-crossbones&#34; %}} It is all about the boxes.</description>
<description>The resources shortcode displays the titles of resources contained in a page bundle.
Attachments hugo.png (17 KB) MaybeTreasure.txt (23 B) NoTreasure.en.txt (23 B) Treasure.pir.txt (31 B) Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.
&#8203; shortcode partial {{% resources sort=&#34;asc&#34; /%}} {{ partial &#34;shortcodes/resources.html&#34; (dict &#34;page&#34; . &#34;sort&#34; &#34;asc&#34; )}} Multilanguage features are not supported directly by the shortcode but rely on Hugo&rsquo;s handling for resource translations applied when the theme iterates over all available resources.</description>
Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional aswell or call this shortcode from your own partials.
&#8203; shortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% siteparam name=&#34;editURL&#34; %}} {{% siteparam &#34;editURL&#34; %}} {{ partial &#34;shortcodes/siteparam.html&#34; (dict &#34;page&#34; . &#34;name&#34; &#34;editURL&#34; )}} Parameter Name Position Default Notes name 1 &lt;empty&gt; The name of the site param to be displayed.</description>
&#8203; c printf(&#34;Hello World!&#34;); Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.
hello. py sh c print(&#34;Hello World!&#34;) echo &#34;Hello World!&#34; printf(&#34;Hello World!&#34;); Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.</description>