Usually an entry of {{% badge style="warning" title=" " %}}Breaking{{% /badge %}} on the [What's new](basics/releasenotes) page causes a new major release number.
Releases containing bugfixes only, are only increasing the patch release number. Those releases don't result in announcements on the [What's new](basics/releasenotes) page.
A once released ticket is not allowed to be reopened and rereleased in a different milestone. This would cause the changelog to be changed even for the milestone the issue was previously released in. Instead write a new ticket.
If the issue would cause a new main release due to [semver semantics](#semver) it needs one of the according labels and the matching badge on the [What's new](basics/releasenotes) page.
You can assign one further label out of the following list to signal readers that development on an open issue is currently halted for different reasons.
A release is based on a milestone named like the release itself - just the version number, eg: `1.2.3`. It's in the maintainers responsibility to check [semver semantics](#semver) of the milestone's name prior to release and change it if necessary.
Making releases is automated by the `version-release` GitHub Action. It requires the version number of the milestone that should be released. The release will be created from the `main` branch of the repository.
Treat released milestones as immutable. Don't rerelease an already released milestone. An already released milestone may already been consumed by your users.
During execution of the action a few things are checked. If a check fails the action fails, resulting in no new release. You can correct the errors afterwards and rerun the action.
The following checks will be enforced
- the milestone exists
- there is at least one closed issue assigned to the milestone
- all assigned issues for this milestone are closed
- if it's a main release, there must be a new `<major>.<minor>` at the beginning of the [What's new](basics/releasenotes) page
- if it's a patch release, there must be the `<major>.<minor>` from the previous release at the beginning of the [What's new](basics/releasenotes) page
- the [History]( page is updated, including release version, release date and text
- the [What's new]( page is updated, including release version, release date and text
- the version number for the `<meta generator>` is updated to a temporary and committed (this helps to determine if users are running directly on the main branch or are using releases)