If you dislike the new behavior, you can deactivate it by setting `disableAnchorScrolling=true` in your `hugo.toml`. See the [docs for further options](configuration/customization#change-heading-anchor-behavior).
- {{% badge style="info" icon="plus-circle" title=" " %}}New{{% /badge %}} If you are running Hugo {{% badge color="fuchsia" icon="fa-fw fab fa-hackerrank" title=" " %}}0.132.0{{% /badge %}} or later, the theme is now capable to print [GitHub styled alerts](content/markdown#github-styled-alerts).
- {{% badge style="info" icon="plus-circle" title=" " %}}New{{% /badge %}} To support new severity levels for GitHub styled alerts, all shortcodes that support severity levels with their `style` parameter were expanded with the new severities `caution` and `important` and the `color` parameter was expanded with `cyan` and `magenta`. Please note, that coloring and icons of severities may defer from the [display you see on GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax#alerts).
- {{% badge style="info" icon="plus-circle" title=" " %}}New{{% /badge %}} To support new severity levels for GitHub styled alerts, the new severities and their according colors are also available as CSS variables `BOX-MAGENTA-color`, `BOX-MAGENTA-TEXT-color`, `BOX-CAUTION-color`, `BOX-CAUTION-TEXT-color`, `BOX-CYAN-color`, `BOX-CYAN-TEXT-color`, `BOX-IMPORTANT-color`, `BOX-IMPORTANT-TEXT-color`. You don't need to change anything in your custom color stylesheet as appropriate default colors will be used.