"content":"In Hugo, pages are the core of your site. Once it is configured, pages are definitely the added value to your documentation site.\nFolders Organize your site like any other Hugo project. Typically, you will have a content folder with all your pages.\ncontent ├── level-one │ ├── level-two │ │ ├── level-three │ │ │ ├── level-four │ │ │ │ ├── _index.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four │ │ │ │ ├── page-4-a.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four/page-4-a │ │ │ │ ├── page-4-b.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four/page-4-b │ │ │ │ └── page-4-c.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four/page-4-c │ │ │ ├── _index.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three │ │ │ ├── page-3-a.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/page-3-a │ │ │ ├── page-3-b.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/page-3-b │ │ │ └── page-3-c.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/page-3-c │ │ ├── _index.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two │ │ ├── page-2-a.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/page-2-a │ │ ├── page-2-b.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/page-2-b │ │ └── page-2-c.md \u003c-- /level-one/level-two/page-2-c │ ├── _index.md \u003c-- /level-one │ ├── page-1-a.md \u003c-- /level-one/page-1-a │ ├── page-1-b.md \u003c-- /level-one/page-1-b │ └── page-1-c.md \u003c-- /level-one/page-1-c ├── _index.md \u003c-- / └── page-top.md \u003c-- /page-top Note _index.md is required in each folder, it’s your “folder home page”\nCreate your project The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you to train by following great documentation for beginners.\nHugo provides a new command to create a new website.\nhugo new site \u003cnew_project\u003e The Relearn theme provides archetypes to help you create this kind of pages.\nFrontmatter Configuration Each Hugo page has to define a frontmatter in toml, yaml or json. This site will use toml in all cases.\nThe Relearn theme uses the following parameters on top of Hugo ones:\n+++ # Table of contents (toc) is enabled by default. Set this parameter to true to disable it. # Note: Toc is always disabled for chapter pages disableToc = false # If set, this will be used for the page's menu entry (instead of the `title` attribute) menuTitle = \"\" # If set, this will explicitly override common rules for the expand state of a page's menu entry alwaysopen = true # If set, this will explicitly override common rules for the sorting order of a page's submenu entries ordersectionsby = \"title\" # The title of the page heading will be prefixed by this HTML content headingPre = \"\" # The title of the page heading will be postfixed by this HTML content headingPost = \"\" # The title of the page in menu will be prefixed by this HTML content menuPre = \"\" # The title of the page in menu will be postfixed by this HTML content menuPost = \"\" # Hide a menu entry by setting this to true hidden = false # Display name of this page modifier. If set, it will be displayed in the footer. LastModifierDisplayName = \"\" # Email of this page modifier. If set with LastModifierDisplayName, it will be displayed in the footer LastModifierEmail = \"\" +++ Add icon to a menu entry In the page frontmatter, add a menuPre param to insert any HTML code before the menu label. The example below uses the GitHub icon.\n+++ title = \"GitHub repo\" menuPre = \"\u003ci class='fab fa-github'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e \" +++ Ordering sibling menu/page entries Hugo provides a flexible way to handle order for your pages.\nThe simplest way is to set weight parameter to a number.\n+++ title = \"My page\"weight=5+++UsingacustomtitleformenuentriesBydefault,theRelearnthemewilluseapage’stitleattributeforthemenuitem(orlinkTitleifdefined).\nButapage’stitlehast
"content":"Using the command: hugo new [relative new content path], you can start a content file with the date and title automatically set. While this is a welcome feature, active writers need more: archetypes. These are preconfigured skeleton pages with default frontmatter.\nThe Relearn theme defines some few archetypes of pages but you are free to define new ones to your liking. All can be used at any level of the documentation, the only difference being the layout of the content.\nPredefined Archetypes Home A Home page is the starting page of your project. It’s best to have only one page of this kind in your project.\nTo create a home page, run the following command\nhugo new --kind home _index.md This leads to a file with the following content\n+++ archetype = \"home\" title = \"{{ replace .Name \"-\" \" \" | title }}\" +++ Lorem Ipsum. Chapter A Chapter displays a page meant to be used as introduction for a set of child pages. Commonly, it contains a simple title and a catch line to define content that can be found below it.\nTo create a chapter page, run the following command\nhugo new --kind chapter \u003cname\u003e/_index.md This leads to a file with the following content\n+++ archetype = \"chapter\" title = \"{{ replace .Name \"-\" \" \" | title }}\" weight = X +++ Lorem Ipsum. Replace the X with a number. Because this number will be used to generate the subtitle of the chapter page, set the number to a consecutive value starting at 1 for each new chapter level.\nDefault A Default page is any other content page. If you set an unknown archetype in your frontmatter, this archetype will be used to generate the page.\nTo create a default page, run either one of the following commands\nhugo new \u003cchapter\u003e/\u003cname\u003e/_index.md or\nhugo new \u003cchapter\u003e/\u003cname\u003e.md This leads to a file with the following content\n+++ title = \"{{ replace .Name \"-\" \" \" | title }}\" weight = X +++ Lorem Ipsum. Replace the X with a number or delete the whole weight parameter entirely.\nSelf defined Archetypes If you are in need of further archetypes you can define your own or even redefine existing ones.\nTemplate Define a template file in your project at archetypes/\u003ckind\u003e.md and make sure it has at least the frontmatter parameter for that archetype like\n+++ archetype = \"\u003ckind\u003e\" +++ Afterwards you can generate new content files of that kind with the following command\nhugo new --kind \u003ckind\u003e \u003cname\u003e/_index.md Partials To define how your archetypes are rendered, define corresponding partial files in your projects directory layouts/partials/archetypes/\u003ckind\u003e.\nIf you use an unknown archetype in your frontmatter, the default archetype will be used to generate the page.\nRelated to each archetype, several hook partial files in the form of \u003chook\u003e.html can be given inside each archetype directory. If a partial for a specific hook is missing, no output is generated for this hook.\nThe following hooks are used:\nName Notes styleclass Defines a set of CSS classes to be added to the HTML’s \u003cmain\u003e element. You can use these classes to define own CSS rules in your custom-header.html article Defines the HTML how to render your content Take a look at the existing archetypes of this theme to get an idea how to utilize it.\nOutput formats Each hook file can be overridden of a specific output format. Eg. if you define a new output format PLAINTEXT in your config.toml, you can add a file layouts/partials/archetypes/default.plaintext.html to change the way how normal content is written for that output format.\n",
"content":"This document shows you what’s new in the latest release. For a detailed list of changes, see the history page.\n0.95.0 The minimum required Hugo version.\nBreaking A change that requires action by you after upgrading to assure the site is still functional.\nChange A change in default behavior that may requires action by you if you want to revert it.\nNew Marks new behavior you might find interesting or comes configurable.\n5.12.0 (not yet released) New Support for the great VSCode Front Matter extension which provides on-premise CMS capabilties to Hugo.\nThe theme provides Front Matter snippets for its shortcodes. Currently only English and German is supported. Put a reference into your frontmatter.json like this\n{ ... \"frontMatter.extends\": [ \"./vscode-frontmatter/snippets.en.json\" ] ... } New Support for languages that are written right to left (like Arabic) is now complete and extended to the menu, the top navigation bar and print. You can experience this in the pirate translation. This feature is not available in Internet Explorer 11.\nNew The scrollbars are now colored according to their variant color scheme to better fit into the visuals.\n5.11.0 (2023-02-07) Change The theme removed the popular jQuery library from its distribution.\nIn case you made changes to the theme that are dependend on this library you can place a copy of jQuery into your static/js directory and load it from your own layouts/partials/custom-header.html like this:\n\u003cscript src=\"{{\"js/jquery.min.js\"| relURL}}\"defer\u003e\u003c/script\u003eChangeMermaiddiagramscannowbeconfiguredforpanandzoomonsite-,page-levelorindividuallyforeachgraph.\nThedefaultsettingofon,ineffectsince1.1.0,changedbacktooffastherewasinterferencewithscrollingonmobileandbigpages.\nChangeThethemeisnowcapabletovisuallyadapttoyourOS’slight/darkmodesetting.\nThisisalsothenewdefaultsettingifyouhaven’tconfiguredthemeVariantinyourconfig.toml.\nAdditionallyyoucanconfigurethevariantstobetakenforlight/darkmodewiththenewthemeVariantAutoparameter.\nThisisnotsupportedforInternetExplorer11,whichstilldisplaysintherelearn-lightvariant.\nChangeTheJavaScriptcodeforhandlingimagelightboxes(providedbyFeatherlight)wasreplacedbyaCSS-onlysolution.\nThisalsochangedthelightboxeffectsparameterfromfeatherlight=falsetolightbox=false.Neverthelessyoudon’tneedtochangeanythingastheoldnamewillbeusedasafallback.\nChangeIntheefforttocomplywithWCAGstandards,theimplementationoftheexpandshortcodewaschanged.WhileInternetExplorer11hasissuesindisplayingit,thefunctionalitystillworks.\nNewTranslationforCzech.Thislanguageisnotsupportedforsearch.\nNewGitHubreleasesarealsonowtaggedforthemainversion(eg.1.2.x),majorversion(eg.1.x)andthelatest(justx)releasemakingiteasierforyoutopinthethemetoacertainversion.\n5.10.0(2023-01-25)NewTheattachments,badge,buttonandnoticeshortcodeshaveanewparametercolortosetarbitraryCSScolorvalues.\nAdditionallythe--ACCENT-colorbrandcolorintroducedinversion5.8.0isnowsupportedwiththeseshortcodes.\n5.9.0(2022-12-23)ChangeTherequiredfoldernamefortheattachmentsshortcodewaschangedforleafbundles.\nPreviously,theattachmentsforleafbundlesinnon-multilangsetupswererequiredtobeinafilessubdirectory.Forpagebundlesandleafbundlesinmultilangsetupstheywerealwaysrequiredtobeina_index.\u003cLANGCODE\u003e.filesorindex.\u003cLANGCODE\u003e.filessubdirectoryaccordingly.\nThisaddedunnessessarycomplexity.Soattachmentsforleafbundlesinnon-multilangsetupscannowalsoresideinaindex.filesdirectory.Althoughtheoldfilesdirectoryisnowdeprecated,ifbothdirectoriesarepresent,onlytheoldfilesdirectorywillbeusedforcompatiblity.\nChangeAbsolutelinksprefixedwithhttp:// or https:// are now opened in a separate browser tab.\nYou can revert back to the old be
"content":"Hugo uses Markdown for its simple content format. However, there are a lot of things that Markdown doesn’t support well. You could use pure HTML to expand possibilities.\nBut this happens to be a bad idea. Everyone uses Markdown because it’s pure and simple to read even non-rendered. You should avoid HTML to keep it as simple as possible.\nTo avoid this limitations, Hugo created shortcodes. A shortcode is a simple snippet inside a page.\nThe Relearn theme provides multiple shortcodes on top of existing ones.\nAttachmentsList of files attached to a page\nBadgeMarker badges to display in your text\nButtonClickable buttons\nChildrenList the child pages of a page\nExpandExpandable/collapsible sections of text\nIconNice icons for your page\nIncludeDisplays content from other files\nMathBeautiful math and chemical formulae\nMermaidGenerate diagrams and flowcharts from text\nNoticeDisclaimers to help you structure your page\nSite paramGet value of site params\nSwaggerUI for your Swagger / OpenAPI Specifications\nTabsShow content in tabbed views\n",
"content":"The Relearn theme uses Hugo’s built-in syntax highlighting for code.\nMarkdown syntax Wrap the code block with three backticks and the name of the language. Highlight will try to auto detect the language if one is not provided.\n```json [ { \"title\": \"apples\", \"count\": [12000, 20000], \"description\": {\"text\": \"...\", \"sensitive\": false} }, { \"title\": \"oranges\", \"count\": [17500, null], \"description\": {\"text\": \"...\", \"sensitive\": false} } ] ``` Renders to:\n[ { \"title\": \"apples\", \"count\": [12000, 20000], \"description\": {\"text\": \"...\", \"sensitive\": false} }, { \"title\": \"oranges\", \"count\": [17500, null], \"description\": {\"text\": \"...\", \"sensitive\": false} } ] Supported languages Hugo comes with a remarkable list of supported languages.\nRecommended configuration You can choose a color theme from the list of supported themes and add it in your config.toml\n[markup] [markup.highlight] # if `guessSyntax = true`, there will be no unstyled code even if no language # was given BUT Mermaid and Math codefences will not work anymore! So this is a # mandatory setting for your site if you want to use Mermaid or Math codefences guessSyntax = false # choose a color theme or create your own style = \"base16-snazzy\" ",
"content":"This chapter contains information only needed for development and maintaining the theme.\nContributingWhat to know if you want to contribute\nMaintainingWhat to know as a maintainer\nScreenshotsRecipe to create various documentation screenshots\n",
"content":"You can define additional menu entries or shortcuts in the navigation menu without any link to content.\nBasic configuration Edit the website configuration config.toml and add a [[menu.shortcuts]] entry for each link your want to add.\nExample from the current website:\n[[menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fab fa-fw fa-github'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e GitHub repo\" identifier = \"ds\" url = \"https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn\" weight = 10 [[menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-camera'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Showcases\" url = \"more/showcase/\" weight = 11 [[menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-bookmark'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Hugo Documentation\" identifier = \"hugodoc\" url = \"https://gohugo.io/\" weight = 20 [[menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-bullhorn'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Credits\" url = \"more/credits/\" weight = 30 [[menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-tags'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Tags\" url = \"tags/\" weight = 40 By default, shortcuts are preceded by a title. This title can be disabled by setting disableShortcutsTitle=true. However, if you want to keep the title but change its value, it can be overridden by changing your local i18n translation string configuration.\nFor example, in your local i18n/en.toml file, add the following content\n[Shortcuts-Title] other = \"\u003cYour value\u003e\" Read more about hugo menu and hugo i18n translation strings\nConfiguration for Multilingual mode When using a multilingual website, you can set different menus for each language. In the config.toml file, prefix your menu configuration by Languages.\u003clanguage-id\u003e.\nExample from the current website:\n[Languages] [Languages.en] title = \"Hugo Relearn Theme\" weight = 1 languageName = \"English\" landingPageURL = \"/\" landingPageName = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-home'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Home\" [[Languages.en.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fab fa-fw fa-github'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e GitHub repo\" identifier = \"ds\" url = \"https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn\" weight = 10 [[Languages.en.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-camera'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Showcases\" url = \"more/showcase/\" weight = 11 [[Languages.en.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-bookmark'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Hugo Documentation\" identifier = \"hugodoc\" url = \"https://gohugo.io/\" weight = 20 [[Languages.en.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-bullhorn'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Credits\" url = \"more/credits/\" weight = 30 [[Languages.en.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-tags'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Tags\" url = \"tags/\" weight = 40 [Languages.pir] title = \"Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme\" weight = 1 languageName = \"Arrr! Pirrrates\" landingPageURL = \"/pir/\" landingPageName = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-home'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Arrr! Home\" [[Languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fab fa-fw fa-github'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e GitHub repo\" identifier = \"ds\" url = \"https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn\" weight = 10 [[Languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-camera'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Showcases\" url = \"more/showcase/\" weight = 11 [[Languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-bookmark'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Cap'n Hugo Documentat'n\" identifier = \"hugodoc\" url = \"https://gohugo.io/\" weight = 20 [[Languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-bullhorn'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Crrredits\" url = \"more/credits/\" weight = 30 [[Languages.pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-fw fa-tags'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Arrr! Tags\" url = \"tags/\" weight = 40 Read more about hugo menu and hugo multilingual menus\n",
"content":"Some pages for internal testing of different styles\nAttachments Shortcode TestTesting Attachments Shortcode\nChaptersStart your success story. Now!\nCodeSome testing for different styles used in syntax highlighting and preformatted blocks\nImagesSome testing for different styles of image links\nTablesTesting different markdown constructs inside of tables\nVSCode Front MatterTest default settings for snippets of the VSCode Front Matter extension\nWidthTest dynamic width resizing of content if scrollbar is present\n",
"content":"The Relearn theme is fully compatible with Hugo multilingual mode.\nAvailable languages: Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese. Feel free to contribute! Full support for languages written right to left Automatic menu generation from multilingual content In-browser language switching Basic configuration After learning how Hugo handle multilingual websites, define your languages in your config.toml file.\nFor example with current English and Piratized English website.\nNote Make sure your default language is defined as the first one in the [Languages] array, as the theme needs to make assumptions on it\n# English is the default language defaultContentLanguage = \"en\" [Languages] [Languages.en] title = \"Hugo Relearn Theme\" weight = 1 languageName = \"English\" [Languages.pir] title = \"Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme\" weight = 2 languageName = \"Arrr! Pirrrates\" Then, for each new page, append the id of the language to the file.\nSingle file my-page.md is split in two files: in English: my-page.md in Piratized English: my-page.pir.md Single file _index.md is split in two files: in English: _index.md in Piratized English: _index.pir.md Info Be aware that only translated pages are displayed in menu. It’s not replaced with default language content.\nTip Use slug frontmatter parameter to translate urls too.\nSearch In case each page’s content is written in one single language only, the above configuration will already configure the site’s search functionality correctly.\nWarning Although the theme supports a wide variety of supported languages, the site’s search via the Lunr search library does not. You’ll see error reports in your browsers console log for each unsupported language. Currently unsupported are:\nCzech Indonesian Polish Search with mixed language support In case your page’s content contains text in multiple languages (e.g. you are writing a Russian documentation for your english API), you can add those languages to your config.toml to broaden search.\n[params] additionalContentLanguage = [ \"en\" ] As this is an array, you can add multiple additional languages.\nNote Keep in mind that the language code required here, is the base language code. E.g. if you have additional content in zh-CN, you have to add just zh to this parameter.\nOverwrite translation strings Translations strings are used for common default values used in the theme (Edit button, Search placeholder and so on). Translations are available in English and Piratized English but you may use another language or want to override default values.\nTo override these values, create a new file in your local i18n folder i18n/\u003cidlanguage\u003e.toml and inspire yourself from the theme themes/hugo-theme-relearn/i18n/en.toml\nDisable language switching Switching the language in the browser is a great feature, but for some reasons you may want to disable it.\nJust set disableLanguageSwitchingButton=true in your config.toml\n[params] # When using multilingual website, disable the switch language button. disableLanguageSwitchingButton = true ",
"content":"The Relearn theme supports one default taxonomy of Hugo: the tag feature.\nConfiguration Just add tags to any page:\n+++ tags = [\"tutorial\", \"theme\"] title = \"Theme tutorial\" weight = 15 +++ Behavior The tags are displayed at the top of the page, in their insertion order.\nEach tag is a link to a Taxonomy page displaying all the articles with the given tag.\nList all the tags In the config.toml file you can add a shortcut to display all the tags\n[[menu.shortcuts]] name = \"\u003ci class='fas fa-tags'\u003e\u003c/i\u003e Tags\" url = \"/tags\" weight = 30 ",
"content":"Thanks to the simplicity of Hugo, this page is as empty as this theme needs requirements.\nJust download at least version 0.95.0 of the Hugo binary for your OS (Windows, Linux, Mac).\n",
"content":"The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you learn more about it by following this great documentation for beginners.\nCreate your project Hugo provides a new command to create a new website.\nhugo new site \u003cnew_project\u003e Install the theme Install the Relearn theme by following this documentation using Hugo’s module system.\nThis theme’s repository is: https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn.git\nAlternatively, you can download the theme as .zip file and extract it in the themes directory\nFrom Git If you install the theme from your git repository or GitHub, you have several options.\nIf you use the head of the main branch, you are using the development version. Usually it is fully functional but can break from time to time. We try to fix newly introduced bugs in this version as soon as possible.\nAdditionally you can checkout one of the tagged versions. These tagged versions correspond to an official releases from the GitHub repository.\nBesides the usual version tags (eg 1.2.3) there are also tags for the main version (eg. 1.2.x), major version (eg. 1.x) and the latest (just x) released version making it easier for you to pin the theme to a certain version.\nBasic configuration When building the website, you can set a theme by using --theme option. However, we suggest you modify the configuration file (config.toml) and set the theme as the default. You can also add the [outputs] section to enable the search functionality.\n# Change the default theme to be use when building the site with Hugo theme = \"hugo-theme-relearn\" # For search functionality [outputs] home = [ \"HTML\", \"RSS\", \"SEARCH\"] Create your first chapter page Chapters are pages that contain other child pages. It has a special layout style and usually just contains a chapter name, the title and a brief abstract of the section.\n### Chapter 1 # Basics Discover what this Hugo theme is all about and the core concepts behind it. renders as\nThe Relearn theme provides archetypes to create skeletons for your website. Begin by creating your first chapter page with the following command\nhugo new --kind chapter basics/_index.md By opening the given file, you should see the property chapter=true on top, meaning this page is a chapter.\nBy default all chapters and pages are created as a draft. If you want to render these pages, remove the property draft: true from the metadata.\nCreate your first content pages Then, create content pages inside the previously created chapter. Here are two ways to create content in the chapter:\nhugo new basics/first-content.md hugo new basics/second-content/_index.md Feel free to edit those files by adding some sample content and replacing the title value in the beginning of the files.\nLaunching the website locally Launch by using the following command:\nhugo serve Go to http://localhost:1313\nYou should notice three things:\nYou have a left-side Basics menu, containing two submenus with names equal to the title properties in the previously created files. The home page explains how to customize it by following the instructions. When you run hugo serve, when the contents of the files change, the page automatically refreshes with the changes. Neat! Build the website When your site is ready to deploy, run the following command:\nhugo A public folder will be generated, containing all static content and assets for your website. It can now be deployed on any web server.\nNote This website can be automatically published and hosted with Netlify (Read more about Automated HUGO deployments with Netlify). Alternatively, you can use GitHub pages.\n",
"content":"Global site parameters On top of Hugo global configuration, the Relearn theme lets you define the following parameters in your config.toml (here, values are default).\nNote that some of these parameters are explained in details in other sections of this documentation.\n[params] # This controls whether submenus will be expanded (true), or collapsed (false) in the # menu; if no setting is given, the first menu level is set to false, all others to true; # this can be overridden in the pages frontmatter alwaysopen = true # Prefix URL to edit current page. Will display an \"Edit\" button on top right hand corner of every page. # Useful to give opportunity to people to create merge request for your doc. # See the config.toml file from this documentation site to have an example. editURL = \"\" # Author of the site, will be used in meta information author = \"\" # Description of the site, will be used in meta information description = \"\" # Shows a checkmark for visited pages on the menu showVisitedLinks = false # Disable search function. It will hide search bar disableSearch = false # Disable search in hidden pages, otherwise they will be shown in search box disableSearchHiddenPages = false # Disables hidden pages from showing up in the sitemap and on Google (et all), otherwise they may be indexed by search engines disableSeoHiddenPages = false # Disables hidden pages from showing up on the tags page although the tag term will be displayed even if all pages are hidden disableTagHiddenPages = false # Javascript and CSS cache are automatically busted when new version of site is generated. # Set this to true to disable this behavior (some proxies don't handle well this optimization) disableAssetsBusting = false # Set this to true if you want to disable generation for generator version meta tags of hugo and the theme; # don't forget to also set Hugo's disableHugoGeneratorInject=true, otherwise it will generate a meta tag into your home page disableGeneratorVersion = false # Set this to true to disable copy-to-clipboard button for inline code. disableInlineCopyToClipBoard = false # A title for shortcuts in menu is set by default. Set this to true to disable it. disableShortcutsTitle = false # If set to false, a Home button will appear below the search bar on the menu. # It is redirecting to the landing page of the current language if specified. (Default is \"/\") disableLandingPageButton = true # When using mulitlingual website, disable the switch language button. disableLanguageSwitchingButton = false # Hide breadcrumbs in the header and only show the current page title disableBreadcrumb = true # If set to true, hide table of contents menu in the header of all pages disableToc = false # If set to false, load the MathJax module on every page regardless if a MathJax shortcode is present disableMathJax = false # Specifies the remote location of the MathJax js customMathJaxURL = \"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js\" # Initialization parameter for MathJax, see MathJax documentation mathJaxInitialize = \"{}\" # If set to false, load the Mermaid module on every page regardless if a Mermaid shortcode or Mermaid codefence is present disableMermaid = false # Specifies the remote location of the Mermaid js customMermaidURL = \"https://unpkg.com/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js\" # Initialization parameter for Mermaid, see Mermaid documentation mermaidInitialize = \"{ \\\"theme\\\": \\\"default\\\" }\" # If set to false, load the Swagger module on every page regardless if a Swagger shortcode is present disableSwagger = false # Specifies the remote location of the RapiDoc js customSwaggerURL = \"https://unpkg.com/rapidoc/dist/rapidoc-min.js\" # Initialization parameter for Swagger, see RapiDoc documentation swaggerInitialize = \"{ \\\"theme\\\": \\\"light\\\" }\" # Hide Next and Previous page buttons normally displayed full height beside content disableNextPrev = true # Order sections in menu by \"weight\" or \"title\". Default to \"weight\";#thiscanbeoverriddeninthepagesfrontmatterordersectionsb
"content":"The Relearn theme has been built to be as configurable as possible by defining multiple partials\nIn themes/hugo-theme-relearn/layouts/partials/, you will find all the partials defined for this theme. If you need to overwrite something, don’t change the code directly. Instead follow this page. You’d create a new partial in the layouts/partials folder of your local project. This partial will have the priority.\nThis theme defines the following partials :\nheader.html: the header of the page. See output-formats footer.html: the footer of the page. See output-formats body.html: the body of the page. The body may contain of one or many articles. See output-formats article.html: the output for a single article, can contain elements around your content. See output-formats menu.html: left menu. Not meant to be overwritten search.html: search box. Not meant to be overwritten custom-header.html: custom headers in page. Meant to be overwritten when adding CSS imports. Don’t forget to include style HTML tag directive in your file. custom-footer.html: custom footer in page. Meant to be overwritten when adding JavaScript. Don’t forget to include javascript HTML tag directive in your file. favicon.html: the favicon heading-pre.html: side-wide configuration to prepend to pages title headings. If you override this, it is your responsibility to take the page’s headingPre setting into account. heading-post.html: side-wide configuration to append to pages title headings. If you override this, it is your responsibility to take the page’s headingPost setting into account. logo.html: the logo, on top left hand corner meta.html: HTML meta tags, if you want to change default behavior menu-pre.html: side-wide configuration to prepend to menu items. If you override this, it is your responsibility to take the page’s menuPre setting into account. menu-post.html: side-wide configuration to append to menu items. If you override this, it is your responsibility to take the page’s menuPost setting into account. menu-footer.html: footer of the the left menu toc.html: table of contents content.html: the content page itself. This can be overridden if you want to display page’s meta data above or below the content. content-footer: footer below the content, has a default implementation but you can overwrite it if you don’t like it. Change the logo Create a new file in layouts/partials/ named logo.html. Then write any HTML you want. You could use an img HTML tag and reference an image created under the static folder, or you could paste a SVG definition!\nNote The size of the logo will adapt automatically\nChange the favicon If your favicon is a SVG, PNG or ICO, just drop off your image in your local static/images/ folder and name it favicon.svg, favicon.png or favicon.ico respectively.\nIf no favicon file is found, the theme will lookup the alternative filename logo in the same location and will repeat the search for the list of supported file types.\nIf you need to change this default behavior, create a new file in layouts/partials/ named favicon.html. Then write something like this:\n\u003clink rel=\"icon\" href=\"/images/favicon.bmp\" type=\"image/bmp\"\u003e Change the colors The Relearn theme lets you choose between some predefined color variants in light or dark mode, but feel free to add one yourself!\nYou can preview the shipped variants by changing them in the variant selector at the bottom of the menu.\nSingle variant Set the themeVariant value with the name of your theme file. That’s it!\n[params] themeVariant = \"relearn-light\" In the above example your theme file has to be named theme-relearn-light.css\nMultiple variants You can also set multiple variants. In this case, the first variant is the default chosen on first view and a variant switch will be shown in the menu footer.\n[params] # Change default color scheme with a variant one. themeVariant = [ \"relearn-light\", \"relearn-dark\"]TipIfyouwanttoswitchthesyntaxhighlightingthemetogetherwithyourcolorvariant,generateasyntaxhighlightin
"content":"This interactive tool may help you to generate your own color variant stylesheet.\nTo get started, first select a color variant from the variant switch that fits you best as a starting point.\nThe graph is interactive and reflect the current colors. You can click on any of the colored boxes to adjust the respective color. The graph and the page will update accordingly.\nThe arrowed lines reflects how colors are inherited thru different parts of the theme if the descendent isn’t overwritten. If you want to delete a color and let it inherit from its parent, just delete the value from the input field.\nTo better understand this select the neon variant and modify the different heading colors. There, colors for the heading h2, h3 and h4 are explicitly set. h5 is not set and inherits its value from h4. h6 is also not set and inherits its value from h5.\nOnce you’ve changed a color, the variant switch will show a “My custom variant” entry and your changes are stored in the browser. You can change pages and even close the browser without losing your changes.\nOnce you are satisfied, you can download the new variants file and copy it into your site’s static/css directory. Afterwards you have to adjust the themeVariant parameter in your config.toml to your chosen file name.\nEg. if your new variants file is named theme-my-custom-variant.css, you have to set themeVariant='my-custom-variant' to use it.\nNote This only works in modern browsers.\nVariant generator Download variant Reset variant Graph Download variant Reset variant ",
"content":"This is a hidden demo child page. This page and all its children are hidden in the menu, arrow navigation and children shortcode as long as you aren’t viewing this page or its children directly.\n",
"content":"The attachments shortcode displays a list of files attached to a page with adjustable color, title and icon.\nAttachments adivorciarsetoca00cape.pdf (361 KB) BachGavotteShort.mp3 (357 KB) Carroll_AliceAuPaysDesMerveilles.pdf (175 KB) hugo.png (17 KB) hugo.txt (20 B) movieselectricsheep-flock-244-32500-2.mp4 (340 KB) Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode partial {{% attachments sort=\"asc\" /%}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/attachments.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"sort\" \"asc\" )}} Parameter Name Default Notes style transparent The style scheme used for the box.\n- by severity: info, note, tip, warning\n- by brand color: primary, secondary, accent\n- by color: blue, green, grey, orange, red\n- by special color: default, transparent color see notes The CSS color value to be used. If not set, the chosen color depends on the style. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching color for the severity\n- for all other styles: the corresponding color title see notes Arbitrary text for the box title. Depending on the style there may be a default title. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: the matching title for the severity\n- for all other styles: Attachments\nIf you want no title for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) icon see notes Font Awesome icon name set to the left of the title. Depending on the style there may be a default icon. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching icon for the severity\n- for all other styles: paperclip\nIf you want no icon, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty d with spaces) sort asc Sorting the output in ascending or descending order. pattern .* A regular expressions, used to filter the attachments by file name. For example:\n- to match a file suffix of ‘jpg’, use .*\\.jpg (not *.\\.jpg)\n- to match file names ending in jpg or png, use .*\\.(jpg|png) Setup Single language The shortcode lists files found in a specific folder. The name of the folder depends on your page type (either branch bundle, leaf bundle or page).\nFor simple pages, attachments must be placed in a folder named like your page and ending with .files.\ncontent _index.md page.files attachment.pdf page.md If your page is a branch or leaf bundle, attachments must be placed in a nested _index.files or index.files folder, accordingly.\nFor branch bundles:\ncontent _index.md page index.md index.files attachment.pdf For leaf bundles:\ncontent _index.md page _index.md _index.files attachment.pdf Multilingual Be aware that if you use a multilingual website, you will need to have as many folders as languages and the language code must be part of the folder name.\nEg. for a site in English and Piratish:\ncontent _index.en.md _index.pir.md page.en.files attachment.pdf page.pir.files attachment.pdf page.en.md page.pir.md Examples Custom Title, List of Attachments Ending in pdf or mp4 {{% attachments title=\"Related files\" pattern=\".*\\.(pdf|mp4)\" /%}} Related files adivorciarsetoca00cape.pdf (361 KB) Carroll_AliceAuPaysDesMerveilles.pdf (175 KB) movieselectricsheep-flock-244-32500-2.mp4 (340 KB) Info Styled Box, Descending Sort Order {{% attachments style=\"info\" sort=\"desc\" /%}} Info movieselectricsheep-flock-244-32500-2.mp4 (340 KB) hugo.txt (20 B) hugo.png (17 KB) Carroll_AliceAuPaysDesMerveilles.pdf (175 KB) BachGavotteShort.mp3 (357 KB) adivorciarsetoca00cape.pdf (361 KB) With User-Defined Color and Font Awesome Brand Icon {{% attachments color=\"fuchsia\" icon=\"fab fa-hackerrank\"/%}}Attachmentsadivorciarsetoca00cape.pdf(361KB)BachGavotteShort.mp3(357KB)Carroll_AliceAuPaysDesMerveilles.pdf(175KB)hugo.png(17KB)hugo.txt(20B)movieselectricsheep-flock-244-32500-2.mp4(340KB)Style,Color,TitleandIconsForfurtherexamplesforstyle,color,titleandicon,seethenoticeshortcodedocumentation.Theparame
"content":"Our attachment shortcode is a source of pleasure…\nAttachments Branch Test Attachments hugo.txt (20 B) Attachments Leaf Test Attachments hugo.txt (20 B) Attachments Page Test Attachments hugo.txt (20 B) ",
"content":"The badge shortcode displays little markers in your text with adjustable color, title and icon.\nImportant Version6.6.6 Captain InfoNew Awesome\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode partial {{% badge %}}Important{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"primary\" title=\"Version\" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"red\" icon=\"angle-double-up\" %}}Captain{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"info\" %}}New{{% /badge %}} {{% badge color=\"fuchsia\" icon=\"fab fa-hackerrank\" %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/badge.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"content\" \"Important\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/badge.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"style\" \"primary\" \"title\" \"Version\" \"content\" \"6.6.6\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/badge.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"style\" \"red\" \"icon\" \"angle-double-up\" \"content\" \"Captain\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/badge.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"style\" \"info\" \"content\" \"New\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/badge.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"color\" \"fuchsia\" \"icon\" \"fab fa-hackerrank\" \"content\" \"Awesome\" )}} Parameter Name Default Notes style default The style scheme used for the badge.\n- by severity: info, note, tip, warning\n- by brand color: primary, secondary, accent\n- by color: blue, green, grey, orange, red\n- by special color: default, transparent color see notes The CSS color value to be used. If not set, the chosen color depends on the style. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching color for the severity\n- for all other styles: the corresponding color title see notes Arbitrary text for the badge title. Depending on the style there may be a default title. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: the matching title for the severity\n- for all other styles: \u003cempty\u003e\nIf you want no title for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) icon see notes Font Awesome icon name set to the left of the title. Depending on the style there may be a default icon. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching icon for the severity\n- for all other styles: \u003cempty\u003e\nIf you want no icon for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) \u003ccontent\u003e \u003cempty\u003e Arbitrary text for the badge. Examples Style By Severity {{% badge style=\"info\" %}}New{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"note\" %}}Change{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"tip\" %}}Optional{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"warning\" %}}Breaking{{% /badge %}} InfoNew NoteChange TipOptional WarningBreaking\nBy Brand Colors {{% badge style=\"primary\" icon=\"bullhorn\" title=\"Announcement\" %}}Mandatory{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"secondary\" icon=\"bullhorn\" title=\"Announcement\" %}}Optional{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"accent\" icon=\"bullhorn\" title=\"Announcement\" %}}Special{{% /badge %}} AnnouncementMandatory AnnouncementOptional AnnouncementSpecial\nBy Color {{% badge style=\"blue\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Blue{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"green\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Green{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"grey\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Grey{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"orange\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Orange{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"red\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Red{{% /badge %}} ColorBlue ColorGreen ColorGrey ColorOrange ColorRed\nBy Special Color {{% badge style=\"default\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Default{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"transparent\" icon=\"palette\" title=\"Color\" %}}Transparent{{% /badge %}} ColorDefault ColorTransparent\nVariants Without Icon and Title Text {{% badge %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"info\" icon=\" \" title=\" \" %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style=\"red\"%}}Captain{{%/badge%}}6.6.6AwesomeCaptain\n
"content":"The button shortcode displays a clickable button with adjustable color, title and icon.\nGet Hugo Get Hugo Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode partial {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"warning\" icon=\"dragon\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/button.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"href\" \"https://gohugo.io/\" \"content\" \"Get Hugo\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/button.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"href\" \"https://gohugo.io/\" \"style\" \"warning\" \"icon\" \"dragon\" \"content\" \"Get Hugo\" )}} Once the button is clicked, it opens another browser tab for the given URL.\nParameter Name Default Notes href \u003cempty\u003e Either the destination URL for the button or JavaScript code to be executed on click. If this parameter is not set, the button will do nothing but is still displayed as clickable.\n- if starting with javascript: all following text will be executed in your browser\n- every other string will be interpreted as URL style transparent The style scheme used for the button.\n- by severity: info, note, tip, warning\n- by brand color: primary, secondary, accent\n- by color: blue, green, grey, orange, red\n- by special color: default, transparent color see notes The CSS color value to be used. If not set, the chosen color depends on the style. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching color for the severity\n- for all other styles: the corresponding color icon see notes Font Awesome icon name set to the left of the title. Depending on the style there may be a default icon. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching icon for the severity\n- for all other styles: \u003cempty\u003e\nIf you want no icon for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) iconposition left Places the icon to the left or right of the title. target see notes The destination frame/window if href is an URL. Otherwise the parameter is not used. This behaves similar to normal links. If the parameter is not given it defaults to:\n- the setting of externalLinkTarget or _blank if not set, for any address starting with http:// or https://\n- no specific value for all other links type see notes The button type if href is JavaScript. Otherwise the parameter is not used. If the parameter is not given it defaults to button \u003ccontent\u003e see notes Arbitrary text for the button title. Depending on the style there may be a default title. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: the matching title for the severity\n- for all other styles: \u003cempty\u003e\nIf you want no title for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) Examples Style By Severity {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"info\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"note\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"tip\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"warning\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} Get Hugo Get Hugo Get Hugo Get Hugo By Brand Colors {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"primary\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"secondary\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"accent\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} Get Hugo Get Hugo Get Hugo By Color {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"blue\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"green\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"grey\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"orange\" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} {{% button href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" style=\"red\"%}}GetHugo{{%/button%}}GetHugoGetHugo
"content":"The children shortcode lists the child pages of the current page and its descendants.\npage X page 1 page 2 page 3 Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode partial {{% children sort=\"weight\" %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/children.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"sort\" \"weight\" )}} Parameter Name Default Notes containerstyle ul Choose the style used to group all children. It could be any HTML tag name. style li Choose the style used to display each descendant. It could be any HTML tag name. showhidden false When true, child pages hidden from the menu will be displayed as well. description false When true shows a short text under each page in the list. When no description or summary exists for the page, the first 70 words of the content is taken - read more info about summaries on gohugo.io. depth 1 The depth of descendants to display. For example, if the value is 2, the shortcode will display two levels of child pages. To get all descendants, set this value to a high number eg. 999. sort see notes The sort order of the displayed list.\nIf not set it is sorted by the ordersectionsby setting of the site and the pages frontmatter\n- weight: to sort on menu order\n- title: to sort alphabetically on menu label. Examples All Default {{% children %}} page X page 1 page 2 page 3 With Description {{% children description=\"true\" %}} page XThis is a plain page test, and the beginning of a YAML multiline description... page 1This is a demo child page\npage 2This is a demo child page with no description. So its content is used as description.\npage 3This is a demo child page\nInfinite Depth and Hidden Pages {{% children depth=\"999\" showhidden=\"true\" %}} page X page 1 page 1-1 page 1-1-1 (hidden) page 1-1-1-1 page 1-1-1-1-1 (hidden) page 1-1-1-1-1-1 page 1-1-2 page 1-1-2-1 page 1-1-2-2 page 1-1-3 page 2 page 3 page 3-1 page 4 (hidden) Heading Styles for Container and Elements {{% children containerstyle=\"div\" style=\"h2\" depth=\"3\" description=\"true\" %}} page XThis is a plain page test, and the beginning of a YAML multiline description... page 1This is a demo child page\npage 1-1This is a demo child page\npage 1-1-2This is a demo child page\npage 1-1-3This is a demo child page\npage 2This is a demo child page with no description. So its content is used as description.\npage 3This is a demo child page\npage 3-1This is a plain page test nested in a parent\nDivs for Group and Element Styles {{% children containerstyle=\"div\" style=\"div\" depth=\"3\" %}} page X page 1 page 1-1 page 1-1-2 page 1-1-3 page 2 page 3 page 3-1 ",
"content":"Some testing for different styles used in syntax highlighting and preformatted blocks.\nInline Code This is some very long inline code. Where does it wrap?\nWhat about wrapping short inline code if multiple sections are written side by side?\nWhat about wrapping short inline code if multiple sections are written side/by/side?\nWhat about wrapping long inline code if multiple sections are written side567 by34567 side567?\nWhat about wrapping long inline code if multiple sections are written side567/by34567/side567?\nCan we just use a simple HTML element ?\nBlock Code Code fences without any selected language { \"well\": \"some JSON in codefences in here\" } { \"well\": \"some JSON in HTML elements here\" } { \"well\": \"Code fences with non existing language\" } Block Preformatted Some preformatted stuff with markdown indentation Some preformatted stuff in HTML elements ",
"description":"Some testing for different styles used in syntax highlighting and preformatted blocks",
"content":"Code Quality A new release can happen at any time from the main branch of the GitHub project without further accknowledgment. This makes it necessary that, every pushed set of changesets into the main branch must be self-contained and correct, resulting in a releasable version.\nStay simple for the user by focusing on the mantra “convention over configuration”.\nAt installation the site should work reasonable without (m)any configuration.\nStay close to the Hugo way.\nDon’t use npm or any preprocessing, our contributors may not be front-end developers.\nDocument new features in the exampleSite. This also contains entries to the What’s new page.\nDon’t break existing features if you don’t have to.\nRemove reported issue from the browser’s console.\nCheck for unnecessary whitespace and correct indention of your resulting HTML.\nBe compatible to IE11, at least for main functionality, this means:\ntest in IE11 check caniuse.com don’t use JavaScript arrow functions don’t use JavaScript template literals don’t use other fancy JavaScript ES5/6 stuff Conventional Commits Write commit messages in the conventional commit format.\nFollowing is an impomplete list of some of the used conventional commit types. Be creative.\nCommon Feature Structure Shortcodes build a11y favicon attachments browser archetypes search badge chore alias menu button docs generator history children shortcodes i18n scrollbar expand theme mobile nav icon print toc include rss clipboard math variant syntaxhighlight mermaid boxes notice piratify siteparam swagger tabs ",
"description":"What to know if you want to contribute",
"content":"Contributors Special thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project.\nMany thanks to Mathieu Cornic for his work on porting the Learn theme to Hugo.\nMany thanks to Andy Miller for initially creating the Learn theme for Grav.\nPackages and Libraries autoComplete - A lightweight and powerful vanilla JavaScript completion suggester clipboard.js - A modern approach to copy text to clipboard d3-zoom - Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input - plus dependencies d3-color - Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more d3-dispatch - Register named callbacks and call them with arguments d3-ease - Easing functions for smooth animation d3-interpolate - Interpolate numbers, colors, strings, arrays, objects, whatever d3-selection - Transform the DOM by selecting elements and joining to data d3-timer - An efficient queue for managing thousands of concurrent animations d3-transition - Animated transitions for D3 selections d3-drag - Drag and drop SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input Font Awesome - The internet’s icon library and toolkit Lunr - Enables a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services Lunr Languages - A collection of languages stemmers and stopwords for Lunr Javascript library MathJax - Beautiful math and chemical formulae in all browsers Mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown Perfect Scrollbar - A minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin RapiDoc - Create beautiful, customizable, interactive API documentation from OpenAPI Specifications WorkSans - Work Sans is a 9 weight typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques Tooling GitHub - Continuous deployment, testing and hosting of this project’s sources and its documentation Various GitHub Actions https://github.com/actions/setup-node https://github.com/Akkjon/close-milestone https://github.com/andstor/file-reader-action https://github.com/ashley-taylor/regex-property-action https://github.com/Kaven-Universe/github-action-current-date-time https://github.com/mingjun97/file-regex-replace https://github.com/octokit/graphql-action https://github.com/peaceiris/actions-gh-pages https://github.com/peaceiris/actions-hugo https://github.com/WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone https://github.com/WyriHaximus/github-action-next-semvers gren - A releasenotes generator for GitHub Hugo - The static site generator of your choice ",
"content":"The expand shortcode displays an expandable/collapsible section of text.\nExpand me... Thank you! Note This only works in modern browsers flawlessly. While Internet Explorer 11 has issues in displaying it, the functionality still works.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional as well or also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% expand title=\"Expand me...\" %}}Thank you!{{% /expand %}} {{% expand \"Expand me...\" %}}Thank you!{{% /expand %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/expand.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"title\" \"Expand me...\" \"content\" \"Thank you!\" )}} Parameter Name Position Default Notes title 1 \"Expand me...\" Arbitrary text to appear next to the expand/collapse icon. open 2 false When true the content text will be initially shown as expanded. \u003ccontent\u003e \u003cempty\u003e Arbitrary text to be displayed on expand. Examples All Defaults {{% expand %}}Yes, you did it!{{% /expand %}} Expand me... Yes, you did it! Initially Expanded {{% expand title=\"Expand me...\" open=\"true\" %}}No need to press you!{{% /expand %}} Expand me... No need to press you! Arbitrary Text {{% expand title=\"Show me almost endless possibilities\" %}} You can add standard markdown syntax: - multiple paragraphs - bullet point lists - _emphasized_, **bold** and even **_bold emphasized_** text - [links](https://example.com) - etc. ```plaintext ...and even source code ``` \u003e the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work) {{% /expand %}} Show me almost endless possibilities You can add standard markdown syntax:\nmultiple paragraphs bullet point lists emphasized, bold and even bold emphasized text links etc. ...and even source code the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work)\n",
"content":"A theme for Hugo designed for documentation.\n★ What’s new in the latest release ★\nMotivation The theme is a fork of the great Learn theme with the aim of fixing long outstanding bugs and adepting to latest Hugo features. As far as possible this theme tries to be a drop-in replacement for the Learn theme.\nFeatures Wide set of usage scenarios Responsive design for mobile usage Looks nice on paper (if you have to) Usable offline, no external dependencies Usable from your local file system via file:// protocol Support for the VSCode Front Matter extension for on-premise CMS capabilities Support for Internet Explorer 11 Configurable theming and visuals Configurable brand images Automatic switch for light/dark variant dependend on your OS settings Predefined light, dark and color variants User selectable variants Stylesheet generator Configurable syntax highlighting Unique theme features Print whole chapters or even the complete site In page search Site search Dedicated search page Tagging support Hidden pages Unlimited nested menu dependend on your site structure Navigation buttons dependend on your site structure Configurable shortcut links Multi language support Full support for languages written right to left Available languages: Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese Search support for mixed language content Additional Markdown features Support for GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown Image styling like sizing, shadow, border and alignment Image lightbox Shortcodes galore Display files attached to page bundles Marker badges Configurable buttons List child pages Expand areas to reveal content Font Awesome icons Inclusion of other files Math and chemical formulae using MathJax Mermaid diagrams for flowcharts, sequences, gantts, pie, etc. Colorful boxes Reveal you site’s configuration parameter Swagger UI for your OpenAPI Specifications Tabbed panels Support To get support, feel free to open a new discussion topic or issue report in the official repository on GitHub.\nContributions Feel free to contribute to this documentation by just clicking the button displayed on top right of each page.\nYou are most welcome to contribute bugfixes or new features by making pull requests to the official repository. Check the contribution guidelines first before starting.\nLicense The Relearn theme is licensed under the MIT License.\nCredits This theme would not be possible without the work of many others.\n",
"content":"The icon shortcode displays icons using the Font Awesome library.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with positional parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% icon icon=\"exclamation-triangle\" %}} {{% icon icon=\"angle-double-up\" %}} {{% icon icon=\"skull-crossbones\" %}} {{% icon exclamation-triangle %}} {{% icon angle-double-up %}} {{% icon skull-crossbones %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/icon.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"icon\" \"exclamation-triangle\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/icon.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"icon\" \"angle-double-up\" )}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/icon.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"icon\" \"skull-crossbones\" )}} Parameter Name Position Default Notes icon 1 \u003cempty\u003e Font Awesome icon name to be displayed. It will be displayed in the text color of its according context. Finding an icon Browse through the available icons in the Font Awesome Gallery. Notice that the free filter is enabled, as only the free icons are available by default.\nOnce on the Font Awesome page for a specific icon, for example the page for the heart, copy the icon name and paste into the Markdown content.\nCustomising Icons Font Awesome provides many ways to modify the icon\nChange color (by default the icon will inherit the parent color) Increase or decrease size Rotate Combine with other icons Check the full documentation on web fonts with CSS for more.\nExamples Standard Usage Built with {{% icon heart %}} by Relearn and Hugo Built with by Relearn and Hugo\nAdvanced HTML Usage While the shortcode simplyfies using standard icons, the icon customisation and other advanced features of the Font Awesome library requires you to use HTML directly. Just paste the \u003ci\u003e HTML into markup and Font Awesome will load the relevant icon.\nBuilt with \u003ci class=\"fas fa-heart\"\u003e\u003c/i\u003e by Relearn and Hugo Built with by Relearn and Hugo\n",
"content":"Some testing for different styles of image links.\nMarkdown Resource SVG Relative to page Relative to page up level Static SVG External fully qualified External without scheme External without scheme and scheme separator HTML Resource SVG Relative to page Relative to page up level Static SVG External fully qualified External without scheme External without scheme and scheme separator ",
"content":"The include shortcode includes other files from your project inside of the current page.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional aswell or also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% include file=\"shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md\" %}} {{% include \"shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md\" %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/include .html\" (dict \"context\" . \"file\" \"shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md\" )}} The included files can even contain Markdown and will be taken into account when generating the table of contents.\nParameter Name Position Default Notes file 1 \u003cempty\u003e The path to the file to be included. Path resolution adheres to Hugo’s build-in readFile function hidefirstheading 2 false When true and the included file contains headings, the first heading will be hidden. This comes in handy, eg. if you include otherwise standalone Markdown files. Examples Arbitrary Content {{% include \"shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md\" %}} You can add standard markdown syntax:\nmultiple paragraphs bullet point lists emphasized, bold and even bold emphasized text links etc. ...and even source code the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work) (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work)\n",
"content":"The math shortcode generates beautiful formatted math and chemical formulae using the MathJax library.\n$$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ Note This only works in modern browsers.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter it is recommended to use codefences instead. This is because more and more other software supports Math codefences (eg. GitHub) and so your markdown becomes more portable.\nYou are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nNote To use codefence syntax you have to turn off guessSyntax for the markup.highlight setting (see the configuration section).\ncodefence shortcode partial ```math { align=\"center\" } $$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ ``` {{\u003c math align=\"center\" \u003e}} $$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ {{\u003c /math \u003e}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/math.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"content\" \"$$left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$\" \"align\" \"center\" )}} Parameter Name Default Notes align center Allowed values are left, center or right. \u003ccontent\u003e \u003cempty\u003e Your formuale. Configuration MathJax is configured with default settings. You can customize MathJax’s default settings for all of your files thru a JSON object in your config.toml or override these settings per page thru your pages frontmatter.\nThe JSON object of your config.toml / frontmatter is forwarded into MathJax’s configuration object.\nSee MathJax documentation for all allowed settings.\nNote To use codefence syntax you have to turn off guessSyntax for the markup.highlight setting.\nGlobal Configuration File [params] mathJaxInitialize = \"{ \\\"chtml\\\": { \\\"displayAlign\\\": \\\"left\\\" } }\" [markup] [markup.highlight] # if `guessSyntax = true`, there will be no unstyled code even if no language # was given BUT Mermaid and Math codefences will not work anymore! So this is a # mandatory setting for your site if you want to use Math codefences guessSyntax = false Page’s Frontmatter +++ mathJaxInitialize = \"{ \\\"chtml\\\": { \\\"displayAlign\\\": \\\"left\\\" } }\" +++ Examples Inline Math Inline math is generated if you use a single `$` as a delimiter around your formulae: {{\u003c math \u003e}}$\\sqrt{3}${{\u003c /math \u003e}} Inline math is generated if you use a single $ as a delimiter around your formulae: $\\sqrt{3}$\nBlocklevel Math with Right Alignment If you delimit your formulae by two consecutive `$$` it generates a new block. {{\u003c math align=\"right\" \u003e}} $$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ {{\u003c /math \u003e}} If you delimit your formulae by two consecutive $$ it generates a new block.\n$$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ Codefence You can also use codefences.\n```math $$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ ``` $$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$Chemical Formulae {{\u003c math \u003e}} $$\\ce{Hg^2+ -\u003e[I-] HgI2 -\u003e[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-}$$ {{\u003c /math \u003e}} $$\\ce{Hg^2+ -\u003e[I-] HgI2 -\u003e[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-}$$ ",
"content":"The mermaid shortcode generates diagrams and flowcharts from text, in a similar manner as Markdown using the Mermaid library.\ngraph LR; If --\u003e Then Then --\u003e Else Note This only works in modern browsers.\nWarning Due to limitations with Mermaid, it is currently not possible to use Mermaid code fences in an initially collapsed expand shortcode. This is a know issue and can’t be fixed by this theme.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter it is recommended to use codefences instead. This is because more and more other software supports Mermaid codefences (eg. GitHub) and so your markdown becomes more portable.\nYou are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nNote To use codefence syntax you have to turn off guessSyntax for the markup.highlight setting (see the configuration section).\ncodefence shortcode partial ```mermaid { align=\"center\" zoom=\"true\" } graph LR; If --\u003e Then Then --\u003e Else ``` {{\u003c mermaid align=\"center\" zoom=\"true\" \u003e}} graph LR; If --\u003e Then Then --\u003e Else {{\u003c /mermaid \u003e}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/mermaid.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"content\" \"graph LR;\\nIf --\u003e Then\\nThen --\u003e Else\" \"align\" \"center\" \"zoom\" \"true\" )}} The generated graphs can be be panned by dragging them and zoomed by using the mousewheel. On mobile devices you can use finger gestures.\nParameter Name Default Notes align center Allowed values are left, center or right. zoom see notes Whether the graph is pan- and zoomable.\nIf not set the value is determined by the mermaidZoom setting of the site or the pages frontmatter or false if not set at all.\n- false: no pan or zoom\n- true: pan and zoom active \u003ccontent\u003e \u003cempty\u003e Your Mermaid graph. Configuration Mermaid is configured with default settings. You can customize Mermaid’s default settings for all of your files thru a JSON object in your config.toml, override these settings per page thru your pages frontmatter or override these setting per diagramm thru diagram directives.\nThe JSON object of your config.toml / frontmatter is forwarded into Mermaid’s mermaid.initialize() function.\nSee Mermaid documentation for all allowed settings.\nThe theme setting can also be set by your used color variant. This will be the sitewide default and can - again - be overridden by your settings in config.toml, frontmatter or diagram directives.\nNote To use codefence syntax you have to turn off guessSyntax for the markup.highlight setting.\nGlobal Configuration File [params] mermaidInitialize = \"{ \\\"theme\\\": \\\"dark\\\" }\" mermaidZoom = true [markup] [markup.highlight] # if `guessSyntax = true`, there will be no unstyled code even if no language # was given BUT Mermaid and Math codefences will not work anymore! So this is a # mandatory setting for your site if you want to use Mermaid codefences guessSyntax = false Page’s Frontmatter +++ mermaidInitialize = \"{ \\\"theme\\\": \\\"dark\\\" }\" mermaidZoom = true +++ Examples Flowchart with Non-Default Mermaid Theme {{\u003c mermaid \u003e}} %%{init:{\"theme\":\"forest\"}}%% graph LR; A[Hard edge] --\u003e|Link text| B(Round edge) B --\u003e C{\u003cstrong\u003eDecision\u003c/strong\u003e} C --\u003e|One| D[Result one] C --\u003e|Two| E[Result two] {{\u003c /mermaid \u003e}} %%{init:{\"theme\":\"forest\"}}%% graph LR; A[Hard edge] --\u003e|Link text| B(Round edge) B --\u003e C{\u003cstrong\u003eDecision\u003c/strong\u003e} C --\u003e|One| D[Result one] C --\u003e|Two| E[Result two] Sequence Diagram with Configuration Directive {{\u003c mermaid \u003e}} %%{init:{\"fontFamily\":\"monospace\", \"sequence\":{\"showSequenceNumbers\":true}}}%% sequenceDiagram Alice-\u003e\u003eJohn: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John-\u003e\u003eJohn: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John--\u003e\u003eAlice: Great! John-\u003e\u003eBob: How about you? Bob--\u003e\u003eJohn: Jolly good! {{\u003c /mermaid \u003e}} %%{init:{\"fontFamily\":\"monospace\", \"sequence\":
"content":"The notice shortcode shows various types of disclaimers with adjustable color, title and icon to help you structure your page.\nThere may be pirates It is all about the boxes.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional as well or also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% notice style=\"primary\" title=\"There may be pirates\" icon=\"skull-crossbones\" %}} It is all about the boxes. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice primary \"There may be pirates\" \"skull-crossbones\" %}} It is all about the boxes. {{% /notice %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/notice.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"style\" \"primary\" \"title\" \"There may be pirates\" \"icon\" \"skull-crossbones\" \"content\" \"It is all about the boxes.\" )}} Parameter Name Position Default Notes style 1 default The style scheme used for the box.\n- by severity: info, note, tip, warning\n- by brand color: primary, secondary, accent\n- by color: blue, green, grey, orange, red\n- by special color: default, transparent color see notes The CSS color value to be used. If not set, the chosen color depends on the style. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching color for the severity\n- for all other styles: the corresponding color title 2 see notes Arbitrary text for the box title. Depending on the style there may be a default title. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: the matching title for the severity\n- for all other styles: \u003cempty\u003e\nIf you want no title for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) icon 3 see notes Font Awesome icon name set to the left of the title. Depending on the style there may be a default icon. Any given value will overwrite the default.\n- for severity styles: a nice matching icon for the severity\n- for all other styles: \u003cempty\u003e\nIf you want no icon for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to \" \" (a non empty string filled with spaces) \u003ccontent\u003e \u003cempty\u003e Arbitrary text to be displayed in box. Examples By Severity Info with markup {{% notice style=\"info\" %}} An **information** disclaimer You can add standard markdown syntax: - multiple paragraphs - bullet point lists - _emphasized_, **bold** and even ***bold emphasized*** text - [links](https://example.com) - etc. ```plaintext ...and even source code ``` \u003e the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work) {{% /notice %}} Info An information disclaimer\nYou can add standard markdown syntax:\nmultiple paragraphs bullet point lists emphasized, bold and even bold emphasized text links etc. ...and even source code the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work)\nNote {{% notice style=\"note\" %}} A **notice** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} Note A notice disclaimer\nTip {{% notice style=\"tip\" %}} A **tip** disclaimer Tip A tip disclaimer\nWarning {{% notice style=\"warning\" %}} A **warning** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} Warning A warning disclaimer\nWarning with Non-Default Title and Icon {{% notice style=\"warning\" title=\"Here are dragons\" icon=\"dragon\" %}} A **warning** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} Here are dragons A warning disclaimer\nWarning without a Title and Icon {{% notice style=\"warning\" title=\" \" icon=\" \" %}} A **warning** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} A warning disclaimer\nBy Brand Colors Primary with Title only {{% notice style=\"primary\" title=\"Primary\" %}} A **primary** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} Primary A primary disclaimer\nSecondary with Icon only {{% notice style=\"secondary\" icon=\"stopwatch\" %}} A **secondary** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} A secondary disclaimer\nAccent {{% notice style=\"accent\" %}} An **accent** disclaimer {{% /notice %}} An accent disclaimer\nBy Color Blue without a Title and Icon {{% notice style=\"blue\"%}}A**blue**disclaimer{{%/notice%}}Abluedisclaimer\nGreenwithTitle
"content":"This is a demo child page with a hidden child. You can still access the hidden child directly or via the search.\nSubpages of this page page 1-1-1 (hidden) page 1-1-2 page 1-1-3 ",
"content":"This is a hidden demo child page. This page and all its children are hidden in the menu, arrow navigation and children shortcode as long as you aren’t viewing this page or its children directly.\nSubpages of this page page 1-1-1-1 ",
"content":"This is a non-hidden demo child page of a hidden parent page with a hidden child. You can still access the hidden child directly or via the search.\nSubpages of this page page 1-1-1-1-1 (hidden) ",
"content":"This is a hidden demo child page. This page and all its children are hidden in the menu, arrow navigation and children shortcode as long as you aren’t viewing this page or its children directly.\nSubpages of this page page 1-1-1-1-1-1 ",
"content":"Sometimes screenshots need to be redone. This page explains how to create the different screenshots, tools and settings\nCommon Creation:\nUse English translation Empty search Remove history checkmarks but leave it on the page thats used for the screenshot After resize of the page into the required resolution, reload the page to have all scrollbars in default loading position Demo Screenshot Content:\nA meaningful full-screen screenshot of an interesting page.\nThe content should be:\ntimeless: not showing any dates or often edited content interesting: show a bunch of interesting elements like headings, code, etc balanced: no cluttering with overpresent elements or coloring aligned: aligned outlines Used by:\nHugo Themes info: https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-theme-relearn/ 1000 x 1500 @ 1 Page URL: Screenshot Link\nCreation:\nsave as images/screenshot.png Remarks:\nThe location is mandatory due to Hugo’s theme site builder.\nPreview images/screenshot.png Hero Image Content:\nShow the Demo Screenshot page on different devices and different themes. Composition of the different device screenshots into a template.\nThe content should be:\nconsistent: always use the same page for all devices pleasing: use a delightful background Used by:\nHugo Themes gallery: https://themes.gohugo.io/tags/docs/ 900 x 600 Hugo Themes notes: https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-theme-relearn/ 1280 x 640 GitHub project site: https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn 1280 x 640 GitHub social media preview: https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/settings 1280 x 640 Page URL: Hero Image Link\nCreation:\nTemplate: http://www.pixeden.com/psd-web-elements/psd-screen-web-showcase Desktop: light theme 1440 x 900 @ 1 Tablet: light theme 778 x 1038 @ 1 Phone: dark theme 450 x 801 @ .666 From original template size resize to 2700 x 1800 centered, scale to 900 x 600 and save as images/tn.png From original template size resize to 3000 x 1500 offset y: -330, scale to 1280 x 640 and save as images/hero.png Remarks:\nThe location of images/tn.png is mandatory due to Hugo’s theme site builder.\nPreview images/hero.png Preview images/tn.png ",
"content":"The siteparam shortcode prints values of site params.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to use positional aswell or call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode shortcode (positional) partial {{% siteparam name=\"editURL\" %}} {{% siteparam \"editURL\" %}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/siteparam.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"name\" \"editURL\" )}} Parameter Name Position Default Notes name 1 \u003cempty\u003e The name of the site param to be displayed. Examples editURL from config.toml `editURL` value: {{% siteparam name=\"editURL\" %}} editURL value: https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/\n",
"content":"The swagger shortcode uses the RapiDoc library to display your Swagger / OpenAPI Specifications.\nNote This only works in modern browsers.\nUsage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode partial {{\u003c swagger src=\"https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json\" \u003e}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/swagger.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"src\" \"https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json\" )}} Parameter Name Default Notes src \u003cempty\u003e The URL to the OpenAPI Specification file. This can be relative to the URL of your page if it is a leaf or branch bundle. Note If you want to print out (or generate a PDF) from your Swagger documentation, don’t initiate printing directly from the page because the elements are optimized for interactive usage in a browser.\nInstead, open the print preview in your browser and initiate printing from that page. This page is optimized for reading and expands most of the available sections.\nConfiguration Swagger is configured with default settings. You can customize Swagger’s default settings for all of your files thru a JSON object in your config.toml or override these settings per page thru your pages frontmatter.\nThe JSON object of your config.toml / frontmatter is forwarded into Swagger’s initialization. At the moment, only the theme setting is supported.\nThe theme setting can also be set by your used color variant. This will be the sitewide default and can - again - be overridden by your settings in config.toml or frontmatter.\nGlobal Configuration File [params] swaggerInitialize = \"{ \\\"theme\\\": \\\"dark\\\" }\" Example Using Local File {{\u003c swagger src=\"petstore.json\" \u003e}} ",
"content":"Lines and Paragraphs i HTML Paragraph I\nHTML Paragraph II\ni HTML Line I\nHTML Line II i HTML Line I\nHTML Line II i Markdown Multicell I Markdown Multicell II Headings i HTML h1 i HTML h2 i HTML h3 i HTML h4 i HTML h5 i HTML h6 Lists i HTML List Item IHTML List Item II Code i Markdown Inline i HTML Inline i HTML Block Links \u0026 Images i Markdown Link i https://example.com i Other i HTML Blockquote i HTML Blockquote with nested Paragraph\ni Shortcodes i Important i Get Hugo i Expand me... Thank you! i i You can add standard markdown syntax:\nmultiple paragraphs bullet point lists emphasized, bold and even bold emphasized text links etc. ...and even source code the possibilities are endless (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work) (almost - including other shortcodes may or may not work) |\ni $$\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)$$ i $\\sqrt{3}$ i graph LR; If --\u003e Then Then --\u003e Else i https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/ i python bash print(\"Hello World!\") echo \"Hello World!\" ",
"description":"Testing different markdown constructs inside of tables",
"content":"The tabs shortcode displays arbitrary content in unlimited number of tabs.\nThis comes in handy eg. for providing code snippets for multiple languages or providing configuration in different formats.\npython bash print(\"Hello World!\") echo \"Hello World!\" Usage While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.\nshortcode partial {{\u003c tabs \u003e}} {{% tab name=\"python\" %}} ```python print(\"Hello World!\") ``` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name=\"bash\" %}} ```bash echo \"Hello World!\" ``` {{% /tab %}} {{\u003c /tabs \u003e}} {{ partial \"shortcodes/tabs.html\" (dict \"context\" . \"tabs\" (slice (dict \"name\" \"python\" \"content\" (\"```python\\nprint(\\\"Hello World!\\\")\\n```\" | markdownify) ) (dict \"name\" \"bash\" \"content\" (\"```bash\\necho \\\"Hello World!\\\"\\n```\" | markdownify) ) ) )}} Parameter Name Default Notes groupid default Arbitrary name of the group the tab view belongs to.\nTab views with the same groupid sychronize their selected tab. This sychronization applies to the whole site! \u003ccontent\u003e \u003cempty\u003e Arbitrary number of tabs defined with the tab sub-shortcode. Note When using tab views with different content sets, make sure to use a common groupid for equal sets of tabs but distinct groupid for different sets.\nThe tab selection is restored automatically based on the groupid and if it cannot find a tab item because it came from the 'default' group on a different page then the first tab is selected instead.\nExamples Distinct groupid {{\u003c tabs groupid=\"config\" \u003e}} {{% tab name=\"json\" %}} ```json { \"Hello\": \"World\" } ``` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name=\"XML\" %}} ```xml \u003cHello\u003eWorld\u003c/Hello\u003e ``` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name=\"properties\" %}} ```properties Hello = World ``` {{% /tab %}} {{\u003c /tabs \u003e}} json XML properties { \"Hello\": \"World\" } \u003cHello\u003eWorld\u003c/Hello\u003e Hello = World Non-Distinct groupid See what happens to this tab view if you select properties tab from the previous example.\n{{\u003c tabs groupid=\"config\" \u003e}} {{% tab name=\"json\" %}} ```json { \"Hello\": \"World\" } ``` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name=\"XML\" %}} ```xml \u003cHello\u003eWorld\u003c/Hello\u003e ``` {{% /tab %}} {{\u003c /tabs \u003e}} json XML { \"Hello\": \"World\" } \u003cHello\u003eWorld\u003c/Hello\u003e Nested Tabs In case you want to nest tabs, the parent tab that contains the subtabs needs to be declared with {{\u003c tab \u003e}} instead of {{% tab %}}. Note, that in this case it is not possible to put markdown in the parent tab.\n{{\u003c tabs groupid=\"main\" \u003e}} {{\u003c tab name=\"Text\" \u003e}} Simple text is possible here... {{\u003c tabs groupid=\"tabs-example-language\" \u003e}} {{% tab name=\"python\" %}} Python is **super** easy. - most of the time. - if you don't want to output unicode {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name=\"bash\" %}} Bash is for **hackers**. {{% /tab %}} {{\u003c /tabs \u003e}} {{\u003c /tab \u003e}} {{\u003c tab name=\"Code\" \u003e}} ...but no markdown {{\u003c tabs groupid=\"tabs-example-language\" \u003e}} {{% tab name=\"python\" %}} ```python print(\"Hello World!\") ``` {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name=\"bash\" %}} ```bash echo \"Hello World!\" ``` {{% /tab %}} {{\u003c /tabs \u003e}} {{\u003c /tab \u003e}} {{\u003c /tabs \u003e}} Text Code Simple text is possible here... python bash Python is super easy.\nmost of the time. if you don’t want to output unicode Bash is for hackers.\n...but no markdown python bash print(\"Hello World!\") echo \"Hello World!\" ",