<metaname="description"content="5.27.0 (2024-04-07) Cap'n Hugo 0.121.0 0.121.0 This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version. Change Change If th' theme be configured t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n image.errorlevel t' either warning or error 'n yer hugo.toml, it will now also generate output if a link fragment be not found 'n th' target plank.">
<metaname="twitter:title"content="Version 5.27 :: Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme">
<metaname="twitter:description"content="5.27.0 (2024-04-07) Cap'n Hugo 0.121.0 0.121.0 This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version. Change Change If th' theme be configured t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n image.errorlevel t' either warning or error 'n yer hugo.toml, it will now also generate output if a link fragment be not found 'n th' target plank.">
<metaproperty="og:site_name"content="Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme">
<metaproperty="og:title"content="Version 5.27 :: Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme">
<metaproperty="og:description"content="5.27.0 (2024-04-07) Cap'n Hugo 0.121.0 0.121.0 This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version. Change Change If th' theme be configured t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n image.errorlevel t' either warning or error 'n yer hugo.toml, it will now also generate output if a link fragment be not found 'n th' target plank.">
<metaitemprop="name"content="Version 5.27 :: Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme">
<metaitemprop="description"content="5.27.0 (2024-04-07) Cap'n Hugo 0.121.0 0.121.0 This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version. Change Change If th' theme be configured t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n image.errorlevel t' either warning or error 'n yer hugo.toml, it will now also generate output if a link fragment be not found 'n th' target plank.">
See the <ahref="/hugo-theme-relearn/pir/introduction/changelog/5/27/index.html">changelog of this version</a> for a detailed list of changes.
<h2id="5-27-0">5.27.0 (2024-04-07)</h2>
<h3id="hugo-01210">Cap'n Hugo 0.121.0</h3>
<li><spanclass="badge cstyle default badge-with-title"><spanclass="badge-title"><iclass="fa-fw fab fa-hackerrank"></i></span><spanclass="badge-content"style="background-color: fuchsia;">0.121.0</span></span> This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version.</li>
<p><spanclass="badge cstyle note badge-with-title"><spanclass="badge-title"><iclass="fa-fw fas fa-exclamation-circle"></i></span><spanclass="badge-content">Change</span></span> If th' theme be configured t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n <code>image.errorlevel</code> t' either <code>warning</code> or <code>error</code> 'n yer <code>hugo.toml</code>, it will now also generate output if a link fragment be not found 'n th' target plank.</p>
<p><spanclass="badge cstyle note badge-with-title"><spanclass="badge-title"><iclass="fa-fw fas fa-exclamation-circle"></i></span><spanclass="badge-content">Change</span></span> Th' <ahref="/hugo-theme-relearn/pir/configuration/customization/extending/index.html">dependency loader</a> was made more versatile.</p>
<p>Th' configurat'n 'n yer <code>hugo.toml</code> does not require th' <code>locat'n</code> parameter anymore. If ye still use it, th' theme will work as before but will generate a warning. So ye don’t need t' change anyth'n, yet.</p>
<p>Wit' th' new mechanism, yer dependency loader now receives an additional <code>locat'n</code> parameter instead that ye can query t' inject yer dependencies 'n th' desired locat'n.</p>
<p>By that ye can now call th' dependency mechanism 'n yer own overriden partials by giv'n it a distinct <code>locat'n</code> parameter. In addit'n yer injected files can now be spread t' multiple locat'ns which wasn’t previously poss'ble.</p>
<p><spanclass="badge cstyle info badge-with-title"><spanclass="badge-title"><iclass="fa-fw fas fa-plus-circle"></i></span><spanclass="badge-content">New</span></span> Additional styl'n was added fer th' native HTML elements <code><mark></code> an' <code><kbd></code>. T' use them ye must allow th' <ahref="https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup/#rendererunsafe"rel="external"target="_self">usage o' HTML</a> 'n yer <code>hugo.toml</code>. Th' <ahref="/hugo-theme-relearn/pir/authoring/markdown/index.html#standard-and-extensions">Marrrkdown documentat'n</a> was enhanced fer this.</p>
<p><spanclass="badge cstyle info badge-with-title"><spanclass="badge-title"><iclass="fa-fw fas fa-plus-circle"></i></span><spanclass="badge-content">New</span></span> Ye now can scroll forward an' backward through all head'ns o' a plank by us'n <kbd>ALT</kbd><kbd>🡑</kbd> an' <kbd>ALT</kbd><kbd>🡓</kbd>. This also works fer th' <code>PRINT</code> output format.</p>
<p><spanclass="badge cstyle info badge-with-title"><spanclass="badge-title"><iclass="fa-fw fas fa-plus-circle"></i></span><spanclass="badge-content">New</span></span> Th' breadcrumbs used 'n th' topbar, search results an' th' taxonomy term lists be now us'n th' planks front matter <code>linktitle</code> instead o' <code>title</code> if set.</p>