While this shortcode will still be available for some time, it does not receive support anymore. Start to migrate early, as it will be removed with the next major update of the theme.
The `resources` shortcode leverages Hugo's resource feature for page bundles. It has all the same parameter as the `attachments` shortcode but applies the `pattern` directly on a resources `Name` attribute.
To migrate your pages apply the following steps:
1. If a page is not already a [page bundle](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/) convert it
2. Move your files to a valid destination inside of your page bundle (depending if you have a branch or a leaf bundle)
3. Change the calls from the `attachments` shortcode to the [`resources` shortcode](shortcodes/resources) and adjust the `pattern` parameter to the new directory layout and the resources [`Name` attribute](https://gohugo.io/methods/resource/name/).
Multilanguage features are not supported directly by the shortcode anymore but rely on Hugo's handling for resource translations.
Since Hugo {{% badge color="fuchsia" icon="fab fa-hackerrank" title=" " %}}0.112.0{{% /badge %}} this only works for leaf bundles. Branch bundles and simple pages must be switched to leaf bundles or you are currently locked to a Hugo version <`0.112.0`.
| **style** | `transparent` | The style scheme used for the box.<br><br>- by severity: `info`, `note`, `tip`, `warning`<br>- by brand color: `primary`, `secondary`, `accent`<br>- by color: `blue`, `green`, `grey`, `orange`, `red`<br>- by special color: `default`, `transparent`, `code` |
| **color** | see notes | The [CSS color value](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value) to be used. If not set, the chosen color depends on the **style**. Any given value will overwrite the default.<br><br>- for severity styles: a nice matching color for the severity<br>- for all other styles: the corresponding color |
| **title** | see notes | Arbitrary text for the box title. Depending on the **style** there may be a default title. Any given value will overwrite the default.<br><br>- for severity styles: the matching title for the severity<br>- for all other styles: `Attachments`<br><br>If you want no title for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to `" "` (a non empty string filled with spaces) |
| **icon** | see notes | [Font Awesome icon name](shortcodes/icon#finding-an-icon) set to the left of the title. Depending on the **style** there may be a default icon. Any given value will overwrite the default.<br><br>- for severity styles: a nice matching icon for the severity<br>- for all other styles: `paperclip`<br><br>If you want no icon, you have to set this parameter to `" "` (a non empty d with spaces) |
| **sort** | `asc` | Sorting the output in `asc`ending or `desc`ending order. |
| **pattern** | `.*` | A [regular expressions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression), used to filter the attachments by file name. For example:<br><br>- to match a file suffix of 'jpg', use `.*\.jpg` (not `*.\.jpg`)<br>- to match file names ending in `jpg` or `png`, use `.*\.(jpg\|png)` |
Be aware that if you use a multilingual website, you will need to have as many folders as languages and the language code must be part of the folder name.
For further examples for **style**, **color**, **title** and **icon**, see the [`notice` shortcode](shortcodes/notice) documentation. The parameter are working the same way for both shortcodes, besides having different defaults.