2022-11-06 10:03:18 +01:00
{{- $context := .context }}
{{- $url := .url }}
{{- $title := .title }}
{{- $alt := .alt }}
2022-11-06 16:26:11 +01:00
{{- $classes := "" }}
{{- $featherlight := true }}
{{- $height := "auto" }}
{{- $width := "auto" }}
2022-11-06 10:03:18 +01:00
{{- $dest_url := urls.Parse $url }}
2022-11-19 00:23:02 +01:00
{{- $dest_path := $dest_url.Path }}
{{- $image := $context.Resources.GetMatch $dest_path }}
{{- if not $image }}
{{- $image = .Resources.GetMatch $dest_path }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not $image }}
{{- $image = .Resources.GetRemote $url }}
2022-11-06 16:26:11 +01:00
{{- end }}
2022-11-06 10:03:18 +01:00
{{- if $image }}
{{- $url = $image.RelPermalink }}
{{- if $dest_url.RawQuery }}
{{- $url = printf "%s?%s" $url $dest_url.RawQuery }}
{{- end }}
2022-11-06 16:26:11 +01:00
{{- end }}
{{- if $dest_url.RawQuery }}
2022-11-19 00:23:02 +01:00
{{- $classes = (replaceRE "\\s+" " " (replaceRE "," " " ($dest_url.Query.Get "classes") ) ) }}
2022-11-06 16:26:11 +01:00
{{- $featherlight = (ne ($dest_url.Query.Get "featherlight") "false") }}
{{- if or ($dest_url.Query.Get "height") ($dest_url.Query.Get "width") }}
{{- $height = "auto" }}
{{- $width = "auto" }}
{{- end }}
{{- with $dest_url.Query.Get "height" }}
{{ $height = . }}
{{- end }}
{{- with $dest_url.Query.Get "width" }}
{{ $width = . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $featherlight }}
<a href="{{ $url | safeURL }}" data-featherlight="image">
2022-11-06 10:03:18 +01:00
{{- end }}
2022-11-06 16:26:11 +01:00
<img src="{{ $url | safeURL }}" alt="{{ $alt }}"{{ with $title }} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ with $classes }} class="{{ . }}"{{ end }} style="height: {{ $height }}; width: {{ $width }};" loading="lazy">
{{- if $featherlight }}
{{- end }}