<description>5.27.0 (2024-04-07) Enhancements [feature] theme: simplify title generation #825 [feature] theme: adjust to Hugo’s build-in code #824 [feature][change] link: warn if fragment is not found #823 [feature] theme: add styling for selected HTML elements #822 [feature] a11y: improve search box #821 [feature][change] dependencies: make loader more versatile #820 [feature] nav: scroll to prev/next heading using keyboard shortcut #819 [feature] breadcrumb: use .LinkTitle instead of .Title if available #816 Fixes [bug] scrollbar: scroll bar in side menu gets stuck in dragged state on mobile #808 5.26.2 (2024-03-18) Enhancements [feature] icons: use fixed width to ease layout #812 Fixes [bug] search: broken since version 5.26.1 #813 [bug] search: fix result links for pages in root #810 5.26.1 (2024-03-17) Fixes [bug] mermaid: show reset button after pan #807 [bug] openapi: make it run for file:// protocol #806 [bug] theme: fix relative path detection if relativeURLs=false #804 5.26.0 (2024-03-16) Enhancements [feature] image: add lazy loading image effect option #803 [feature] render-hook: support Markdown attributes #795 [feature] theme: support full page width #752 Fixes [bug] clipboard: fix broken style if block code is in table #790 [bug] nav: browser back navigation does not jump to the correct position #509 Maintenance [task] build: update all available actions to nodejs 20 #802 [task] openapi: update swagger-ui to 5.11.10 #798 [task] mermaid: update to 10.9.0 #797 5.25.0 (2024-02-29) Enhancements [feature][change] theme: print out GitInfo in page footer if configured #786 [feature][change] resources: new shortcode to deprecate attachments shortcode #22 Fixes [bug] swagger: fix compat warning #787 5.24.3 (2024-02-28) Fixes [bug] theme: avoid crash on 404 if author settings want to warn #785 5.24.2 (2024-02-24) Enhancements [feature] image: adjust to Hugo 0.123 #777 Fixes [bug] link: resolve fragments #775 5.24.1 (2024-02-18) Enhancements [feature] link: make resolution reporting configurable #774 5.24.0 (2024-02-17) Enhancements [feature] theme: compatibility with Hugo 0.123 #771 [feature] topbar: support editURL in frontmatter #764 [feature] menu: use –MENU-WIDTH-S to adjust mobile flyout #761 [feature] figure: support built-in shortcode #746 [feature] theme: make heading a template #744 [feature] taxonomy: make arrow nav browse through terms #742 [feature] theme: switch from config.toml to hugo.toml #741 [feature] button: make non-interactive if used as mock #740 [feature][change] topbar: allow text for button #739 [feature] theme: run hugo demo site without warning #736 [feature] menu: make swipe handler passive #735 [feature] i18n: support standard Hugo options #733 [feature] a11y: show tab focus on images #730 [feature] a11y: improve discovering links on keyboard navigation #726 [feature][change] variant: increase contrast for light themes #722 [feature] theme: break build if minimum Hugo version is not matched #719 [feature] taxonomy: humanize term on missing term title #713 Fixes [bug] taxonomy: display translated title #772 [bug] highlight: fix codefence syntax in Hugo >= 0.121.0 #749 [bug] link: fix links to pages containing dots in their name #748 [bug] image: get resource images if link is prefixed with ./ #747 [bug] theme: switch dependency colors on OS color scheme change #745 [bug] clipboard: fix O(n²) buttons #738 [bug] button: fix whitespacing in FF #737 [bug] i18n: fix warning messages for zh-CN #732 [bug] mermaid: fix zoom button #725 [bug] theme: fix JS errors on hugo --minifiy #724 [bug] include: fix whitespacing in codefences #723 5.23.2 (2023-11-03) Enhancements [feature] taxonomy: improve taxonomy page #712 [feature] taxonomy: warn on missing term title #709 Fixes [bug] taxonomy: fix sorting of terms on content pages #710 5.23.1 (2023-10-30) Enhancements [feature] taxonomy: improve term page #705 Fixes [bug] variant: fix typo in chroma-learn.css #708 [bug] links: ignore local markdown links linking to files with extension #707 5.23.0 (2023-10-29) Enhancements [feature] taxono
<description>4.2.5 (2022-06-23) Fixes [bug] swagger: javascript code does not load in documentation #285 [bug] children: descriptions not working #284 [bug] print: fix empty page for shortcut links #283 4.2.4 (2022-06-23) Fixes [bug] theme: fix url for logo and home button #282 4.2.3 (2022-06-23) Fixes [bug][breaking] include: second parameter is ignored #281 4.2.2 (2022-06-23) No changelog for this release.</description>
<description>3.4.1 (2022-04-03) Fixes [bug] theme: fix IE11 incompatibilities #234 3.4.0 (2022-04-03) Enhancements [feature] i18n: add Traditional Chinese translation #233 [feature] menu: expand/collapse menu items without navigation #231 [feature] print: add option to print whole chapter #230 [feature][breaking] theme: apply user supplied content footer below content #229 Fixes [bug] theme: scroll to heading on initial load #232 3.3.0 (2022-03-28) Enhancements [feature] theme: add CSS font variables #227 [feature] swagger: add support for oas/swagger documentation #226 Fixes [bug] variant: make variant switch work on slow networks #228 3.2.1 (2022-03-25) Fixes [bug] print: fix minor inconsistencies #225 [bug] print: show more than just the title page #224 [bug] theme: align content scrollbar to the right on big screens #223 3.2.0 (2022-03-19) Enhancements [feature][change] mermaid: support differing themes for color variant switch #219 [feature] mermaid: load javascript on demand #218 Maintenance [task] mermaid: update to 8.14.0 #220 3.1.1 (2022-03-16) Enhancements [feature] i18n: add Korean translation #217 3.1.0 (2022-03-15) Enhancements [feature] notice: add icon parameter #212 [feature] mobile: remove breadcrumb ellipsis #211 Fixes [bug] theme: make storage of multiple Hugo sites on same server distinct #214 [bug] variant: switch breadcrumb color in Chrome #213 [bug] mobile: improve behavior of sidebar menu #210 3.0.4 (2022-02-24) Enhancements [feature] theme: improve font loading #201 [feature][change] variant: fix inconsistent color variable naming #200 Fixes [bug] variant: fix occasional fail when resetting generator #208 [bug] docs: don’t move header on logo hover in IE11 #207 [bug] variant: avoid flash of menu header when non default variant is active #206 [bug] theme: fix wrong HTML closing tag order in chapters #205 [bug] theme: adjust breadcrumb and title for empty home page titles #202 3.0.3 (2022-02-23) Enhancements [feature] tags: show tag count in taxonomy list #195 Fixes [bug] theme: remove Hugo build warning if page is not file based #197 [bug] tags: adhere to titleSeparator #196 [bug] theme: hide footer divider and variant selector in IE11 #194 3.0.2 (2022-02-23) Enhancements [feature] tags: sort by name #193 3.0.1 (2022-02-23) Enhancements [feature] children: set containerstyle automatically according to style #192 Fixes [bug] theme: revert fontawsome to version 5 for IE11 compat #191 3.0.0 (2022-02-22) Enhancements [feature] variant: build a variant generator #188 [feature] nav: only show toc if the page has headings #182 [feature][breaking] theme: change default colors to Relearn defaults #181 [feature] variant: add a variant selector #178 [feature][breaking] menu: rework footer UX #177 [feature] theme: support for dark mode #175 [feature] docs: use light syntax highlighting theme #174 [feature] notice: tweak dull colors #173 [feature] theme: rework header UX #151 Fixes [bug] search: remove additional X in filled out search box in IE11 #190 [bug] clipboard: localize tooltips #186 [bug] print: hide sidebar on Mac #183 [bug] menu: fix scrollbar height #180 [bug][change] search: fix color change for icons on hover #176</description>
<description>1.2.0 (2021-07-26) Enhancements [feature] theme: adjust copy-to-clipboard #29 [feature] attachments: adjust style between notice boxes and attachments #28 [feature] theme: adjust blockquote contrast #27 [feature] expand: add option to open on page load #25 [feature] expand: rework styling #24 [feature] attachments: sort output #23 [feature] notice: make restyling of notice boxes more robust #20 [feature] notice: fix contrast issues #19 [feature] notice: align box colors to common standards #18 [feature] notice: use distinct icons for notice box type #17 Fixes [bug] attachments: support i18n for attachment size #21 [bug] notice: support i18n for box labels #16 [bug] notice: support multiple blocks in one box #15 Maintenance [task] dependency: upgrade jquery to 3.6.0 #30 1.1.1 (2021-07-04) Maintenance [task] theme: prepare for new hugo theme registration #13 1.1.0 (2021-07-02) Enhancements [feature] mermaid: expose options in config.toml #4 Fixes [bug] mermaid: config option for CDN url not used #12 [bug] mermaid: only highlight text in HTML elements #10 [bug] mermaid: support pan & zoom for graphs #9 [bug] mermaid: code fences not always rendered #6 [bug] mermaid: search term on load may bomb chart #5 Maintenance [task] mermaid: update to 8.10.2 #7 1.0.1 (2021-07-01) Maintenance [task] Prepare for hugo showcase #3 1.0.0 (2021-07-01) Maintenance [task] Fork project #1</description>