# {{ ansible_managed }} {% for name, command in icinga2_check_commands.items() %} object CheckCommand "{{ name }}" { {% if command.command is not string %} command = ["{{ command.command | join('", "') }}"] {% else %} command = {{ command.command }} {% endif %} {% if command.arguments is defined %} arguments = { {% for argument in command.arguments %} "{{ argument.name }}" = { {% if argument.value is defined %} value = "{{ argument.value }}" {% else %} set_if = "{{ argument.set_if }}" {% endif %} {% if argument.description is defined %} description = "{{ argument.description }}" {% endif %} {% if argument.required is defined and argument.required %} required = true {% endif %} } {% endfor %} } {% endif %} {% if command.vars is defined %} vars = { {% for var, value in command.vars.items() %} {{ var }} = {% if value is number %}{{ value }}{% else %}"{{ value }}"{% endif %} {% endfor %} } {% endif %} } {% endfor %} {% for name, command in icinga2_event_commands.items() %} object EventCommand "{{ name }}" { command = {{ command.command }} {% if command.arguments is defined %} arguments = { {% for argument in command.arguments %} "{{ argument.name }}" = { {% if argument.value is defined %} value = "{{ argument.value }}" {% else %} set_if = "{{ argument.set_if }}" {% endif %} {% if argument.description is defined %} description = "{{ argument.description }}" {% endif %} {% if argument.required is defined and argument.required %} required = true {% endif %} } {% endfor %} } {% endif %} {% if command.vars is defined %} vars = { {% for var, value in command.vars.items() %} {{ var }} = {% if value is number %}{{ value }}{% else %}"{{ value }}"{% endif %} {% endfor %} } {% endif %} } {% endfor %}