# Ansible role: Icinga2 [![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/latest_version-1.0.0-green.svg)](https://code.waks.be/nishiki/ansible-role-icinga2/releases) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache--2.0-blue.svg)](https://code.waks.be/nishiki/ansible-role-icinga2/src/branch/main/LICENSE) [![Build](https://code.waks.be/nishiki/ansible-role-icinga2/actions/workflows/molecule.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://code.waks.be/nishiki/ansible-role-icinga2/actions?workflow=molecule.yml) Install and configure Icinga2 ## Requirements - Ansible >= 2.9 - Debian - Bookworm ## Role variables - `icinga2_db_type` - set the database type mysql or postgresql (default: `mysql`) - `icinga2_ido_host` - set the database host (default: ``) - `icinga2_ido_database` - set the database name (default: `icinga2`) - `icinga2_ido_user` - set the database user (default: `icinga2`) - `icinga2_ido_password` - set the database password - `icinga2_master` - set if the server is a master node (default: `false`) - `icinga2_endpoints` - hash with the endpoint name and address ``` local.loc: satellite.loc: ``` - `icinga2_zones` - hash with zone configuration ``` master: endpoints: - loca.loc satellite: parent: master endpoints: - satellite.loc ``` - `icinga2_templates` - hash with template configuration ``` generic-host: type: host vars: os: Linux options: check_command: hostalive check_interval: 1m retry_interval: 30s max_check_attempts: 3 generic-service: type: service options: max_check_attempts: 5 check_interval: 1m retry_interval: 30s ``` - `icinga2_service_groups` - hash with service group configuration ``` smnp: display_name: SMNP match: 'snmp-*' ``` - `icinga2_services` - hash with service configuration ``` ping: check_command: ping assign: host.address ssh: check_command: ssh assign: (host.address || host.address6) && host.vars.os == "Linux" vars: timeout: 5 ``` - `icinga2_host_groups` - hash with host group configuration ``` tomcat: assign: host.vars.tomcat_port influxdb: display_name: InfluxDB assign: match("influx-*", host.name) ``` - `icinga2_hosts` - hash with host configuration ``` localhost: template: generic-host address: vars: dist: Debian ``` - `icinga2_user_groups` - hash with user group configuration ``` admin: display_name: Administrateur ``` - `icinga2_users` - hash with the user configuration ``` johndoe: display_name: John Doe email: john@doe.loc groups: - admin ``` - `icinga2_api_users` - hash with the user configuration for the API access ``` icingaweb2: password: secret permissions: - '*' ``` - `icinga2_timeperiods` - hash with timeperiods configuration ``` 24x7: ranges: monday: 00:00-24:00 tuesday: 00:00-24:00 wednesday: 00:00-24:00 thursday: 00:00-24:00 friday: 00:00-24:00 saturday: 00:00-24:00 sunday: 00:00-24:00 excludes: monday: 00:05-00:10 default_exclude: prefer_includes: false ranges: monday: 00:00-01:00 includes: monday: 00:05-00:10 ``` - `icinga2_dependencies` - hash with dependencies configuration ([view all options](https://icinga.com/docs/icinga-2/latest/doc/09-object-types/#dependency)) ``` postgresql-port: parent_host_name: host.name parent_service_name: postgresql-service child_service_name: postgresql-port disable_notifications: true states: - DOWN assign: '"postgresql" in host.groups' ``` - `icinga2_notifications` - hash with notifications configuration ``` mail-icingaadmin-host: type: Host import: mail-host-notification assign: host.vars.notification.mail user_groups: host.vars.notification.mail.groups users: host.vars.notification.mail.users mail-icingaadmin-service: type: Service import: mail-service-notification assign: host.vars.notification.mail user_groups: host.vars.notification.mail.groups users: host.vars.notification.mail.users options: period: $service.vars.period$ ``` - `icinga2_notification_commands` - hash with notification command configuration ``` mail-service-notification: script: mail-service-notification.sh env: NOTIFICATIONTYPE: $notification.type$ SERVICENAME: $service.name$ HOSTNAME: $host.name$ HOSTDISPLAYNAME: $host.display_name$ HOSTADDRESS: $address$ SERVICESTATE: $service.state$ LONGDATETIME: $icinga.long_date_time$ SERVICEOUTPUT: $service.output$ NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME: $notification.author$ NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT: $notification.comment$ SERVICEDISPLAYNAME: $service.display_name$ USEREMAIL: $user.email$ MAILFROM: $notification_from$ ``` - `icinga2_check_commands` - hash with check command configuration ``` ping-ha: command: '"/bin/ping"' arguments: packet: value: 10 required: true vars: timeout: 10 ``` - `icinga2_event_commands` - hash with event command configuration (see check command config) - `icinga2_features` - hash with the features to enable and thier configuration ``` api: object: ApiListener config: accept_config: false accept_commands: true ``` - `icinga2_scripts` - hash with the scripts to use by icinga ``` log-file: | #!/bin/bash echo "$(date) $HOSTDISPLAYNAME" >> /tmp/notification.log ``` ## How to use ``` - hosts: server roles: - icinga2 ``` ## Development ### Test with molecule and docker - install [docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) - install `python3` and `python3-pip` - install molecule and dependencies `pip3 install molecule molecule-docker docker ansible-lint testinfra yamllint` - run `molecule test` ## License ``` Copyright (c) 2019 Adrien Waksberg Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```