- name: check if certificate exist stat: path: '/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ item }}' with_items: '{{ certbot_domains }}' register: st tags: certbot - name: check if nginx is launch stat: path: /var/run/nginx.pid register: ng tags: certbot - name: create a new certificate shell: 'certbot certonly -n --agree-tos -d {{ item.item }} -m {{ certbot_mail }} --webroot --webroot-path {{ certbot_path }} --rsa-key-size {{ certbot_key_size }}' with_items: '{{ st.results }}' when: role == 'master' and not item.stat.exists and ng.stat.exists tags: certbot - name: create a new certificate (standalone) shell: 'certbot certonly -n --agree-tos -d {{ item.item }} -m {{ certbot_mail }} --standalone --rsa-key-size {{ certbot_key_size }}' with_items: '{{ st.results }}' when: role == 'master' and not item.stat.exists and not ng.stat.exists tags: certbot