# Ansible role: Bareos [![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/latest_version-1.0.0-green.svg)](https://git.yaegashi.fr/nishiki/ansible-role-bareos/releases) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache--2.0-blue.svg)](https://git.yaegashi.fr/nishiki/ansible-role-bareos/src/branch/master/LICENSE) Install and configure the bareos client, server and storage ## Requirements * Ansible >= 2.9 * Debian Buster ## Role variables ## General - `bareos_version` - the bareos version to install (default: `19.2`) - `bareos_distribution_major_version` - (default: `{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}`) - `bareos_server_name` - the bareos server name (default: `bareos`) - `bareos_server_password` - the bareos server password ## Client - `bareos_client` - install bareos client (default: `true`) - `bareos_client_name` - set the client name (default: `{{ inventory_hostname_short }}`) - `bareos_client_max_concurrent_jobs` - set the number max concurrent job (default: `2`) ### Server - `bareos_server` - install bareos directory (default: `false`) - `bareos_server_max_concurrent_jobs` - set the number max concurrent jobs (default: `10`) - `bareos_server_heartbeat_interval` - set the heartbeat interval (default: `1 min`) - `bareos_server_console_password` - set the console password - `bareos_server_database_type` - set the database type: sqlite3 or postgresql (default: `postgresql`) - `bareos_server_database_name` - set the database name (default: `bareos`) - `bareos_server_database_user` - set the database user (default: `bareos`) - `bareos_server_database_host` - set the database host - `bareos_server_database_password` - set the database password - `bareos_server_filesets` - hash with the filesets definitions (see all fileset options in [bareos documentation](https://docs.bareos.org/Configuration/Director.html#fileset-options-ressource) ``` root: path: / options: compression: GZIP excludes: - /proc - /sys ``` - `bareos_server_clients` - hash with the client definitions ``` localhost: address: localhost password: secret retention: '14 days' jobs: restore: name: Restore type: Restore storage: local_storage fileset: root full: level: Full schedule: full_and_incr storage: local_storage fileset: root maximum_bandwidth: 5Mb/s incremental: level: Incremental schedule: full_and_incr storage: local_storage fileset: root ``` - `bareos_server_storages` - hash with the storage definitions ``` local_storage: address: password: secret device: file_storage ``` - `bareos_server_schedules` - hash with the schedules definitions ``` full_and_incr: - Level=Full sun at 0:05 - Level=Incremental mon-sat at 3:05 ``` - `bareos_server_profiles` - hash with the ACL user's profiles ``` sysadmin: Command: all Job: all Schedule: all Catalog: all Pool: all Storage: all Client: all FileSet: all Where: all ``` - `bareos_server_users` - hash with the users to connect bareos ``` admin: password: secret profile: sysadmin ``` ### Storage - `bareos_storage` - install bareos storage (default: `false`) - `bareos_storage_name` - set the storage name (default: `{{ inventory_hostname_short }}`) - `bareos_storage_max_concurrent_jobs` - set the number max concurrent jobs (default: `10`) - `bareos_storage_devices` - hash with the storage devices (see all options in [bareos documentation](https://docs.bareos.org/Configuration/StorageDaemon.html#device-resource) ``` file_storage: MediaType: File ArchiveDevice: /var/lib/bareos/storage AutomaticMount: 'yes' RandomAccess: 'yes' AlwaysOpen: 'yes' LabelMedia: 'yes' ``` ## Development ### Test with molecule and docker * install [docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) * install `python3` and `python3-pip` * install molecule and dependencies `pip3 install molecule molecule-docker docker ansible-lint pytest-testinfra yamllint` * run `molecule test` ## License ``` Copyright (c) 2021 Adrien Waksberg Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```